
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. [bYour birthday today? If so, have a happy. To answer your question, since we really know when that day will be, I guess we should enjoy each as if it would be the last. I'm sure none of us knew the morning we (or our loved one) stroked, we weren't planning that. That is why our symbol is a lightning rod. I must admit that some of your thoughts were interesting. So my answer would be - nothing special. I just want to enjot each day to its fullest.[/color[/b]
  2. Fred, I'm so glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow. The city of Ormond Beach has a wonderful Memorial Day rememberance. From the music when we arrive, patriotic songs of all the services to the opening flag ceremonies, invocation, speaker, fly-by with odd man out (which I find very touching to the ending prayer and everyone passing by the eternal touch at the city hall site and leaving the carnation we were given when we arrived. It is the largest in the area and worth going to. The speaker is a former Green Beret who wrote a book on the twins- North and South Korea. They are starting earlier this year because the heat was so unbearable and got to someone last year. They had the EMT's present just in case. So.........looks like we will start our day early, and then I must have a good American Hot dog.
  3. OK, Shirley, Why? It would be difficult for me to know because the therapist I had did not let me use a cane and on on her day off, another one did. She said definitely not. So, I had gone the way of the rollator and found getting off of that very easy. I did have to use a cane ( was my mothers) when I hurt my good leg and needed to get to work. I probably didn't use it right but it gave me support when I had to get up on an egg crate. (LOL!) I'm keeping it in th car just in case... similar to you having the quad cane near by. But to you. I suppose we become comfortable using something and going to what we think is less secure. gets to us. It is normal to be afraid that something will happen and we may fall and have to start all over again- BUT, if your therapist, who you have faith in, says you are ready, you are, so don't give it another thought. You were successful! Be happy and rejoice! Think of it as one step closer to helping your daughter. (my, she was small and early.) So, get on and enjoy your success. I'll toast you in chat tonight with this evening's cappuchino. :big_grin: Phyllis
  4. Kristina, I was wondering where you had been. Aside from what the others had said, I have this............ In a few months, you have a new life starting. Take some time now and plan it. I hope you get a great room mate and someone who will understand. That is the start. Then there are going to be all the new people in classes. Yes, you are different, but maybe they know someone who also has problem and they will understand. My friend has a daughter who has CP and she met a group of other others with handicaps when she was in school. They have been doing things together for years. One girl has a sight problem, another something else. One person may excel at one thing and another at something else- someone may be able to see better and you have a brain in case someone doesn't use theirs as well. Remember, just a few months away and it will be all yours. Just be a little more patient. Phylllis
  5. Several years ago, I had read an article about decorated canes and in the Sunday Orlando paper this week, there was an article about a woman from there who started a business making decorsted canes. I'm not sure if she was the same woman or not but for something like 69.95, our clever ladies can decorate their canes, have the fun of doing it, be stylish and also help yourself have a better attitude. At the time, I was in a group (chis, I suppose) and a woman had a problem (not a stroke) and had to use a cane. Being trained in fashion design, designing something like this was up my alley and I gave her many suggestions.Personally, I think my ideas were better (and the ideas of that woman) than the lady in Orlando, She uses a clear cane (acrylic) I think and removes the rubber tip and puts things inside. My suggestions to the gal and the ones that the woman made were decorsted on the outside. The canes could be painted- one suggestion would be to paint a cane red and then used a stencil and make dime or nickle sized polka dots of white. You could paint the cane pick and around the top, under the handle put a bunch of flowers. Decoupage and then shelllac it. Rhinestones, sequins, jewels, bows or even buttons and bows- get those glue guns working. And guys, you can use decirative studs and give your canes a western look - and add a tied kerchief. Of course you can paint them in different shades besides black or brown. Think about it and make one for that special outfit. And if Sarah is reading this, WoW! what a hat in the gallery picture. If you use a cane, you need a few matching posies to doll up your cane. Let your imaginations run wild and perhaps support groups could have a cane decorsting contest. Now why didn't I go into the decorsting business........well, no one says you can't be competition to the few who are now doing it.
  6. Ditto! (Boy, just how lazy can I get?)
  7. Well Sue, a scientist (a neurologist) says it is "a pre-disposition to survival" and a spiritualist (me) calls it fate. Aren't the 2 things the same? The person who is very ill survives and the not so ill one passes. Or take it a step further as I have done in the past- one person gets a stroke in the brainstem, a not too good place or a person gets one a few cm. away in the cerebellum, a not too bad place. How else can these things be explained? You are very fortunate to have such a great friend; some people have family that wouldn't do what your friend has...... Well, normally, I would be at chat tonight but because my computer are in different areas and since my "tushie" (think that word is acceptable) can't be in 2 places - although it is large- I am going to watch American Idol like so many others here and see what all the yelling is about.........and what my crazy broter voted 1200 times - net time. Phylllis
  8. Do not feel you are neglecting Wes for not forcing the shower on him; nursing home (and a good one) only gavr showers teice a week; other times it was a sponge bath in the bathroom which was impossible to get a wheelchair in and out of without butmping into walls. It definitely was not designed by someone in a wheelchair. Acute rehab had showers daily. I understand they charge $1000.00 a day so they can afford the personnel. As the others have said, your sweet husband is still here, just a little different. Have you been given any help on something that you could say etc. to remind him. Would video games and puzzkes etc. help any? I'm sure it is difficult but by telling the children that they should tell you anything they want you to know. You do sound like you are learning the routine and soon, you will be a pro like the rest of our caregivers. Great job with the blog and :welcome: Phyllis
  9. Fred, I guarantee YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE THIS PIE! And you'd come pretty close to 10 minutes too. Now Martha would make a whole production of it and dirty 15 bowls instead of 1, and Rachel Ray would have too much to put in her garbage bowl- can, carton and cool whip plastic bowl. In fact, I'm going to go down stairs and have a sliver now. And as Rachel Ray says, "Yum-O"
  10. Bud, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. as for the ladied, tell Poppa woof, woof, arf! aRF! arf! ( I think that means "Keep your paws off them; I didn't see you sharing).......'Your friend Snooty Noel
  11. Hereis a fabulous recipe that was in a newspaper that is thrown on your lawn in some communities. It takes 10 minutes; I'll say it MAY take someone who has had a stroke and has a problem with a hand a few more minutes. This is what is said about it and the recipe. (I cleaned the bowl out and I KNOW it is yummy. Now, don't I sound like one of the "chef's on the food network? PINEAPPLE PIE Regular and low-fat Serves 8 - 10 If you can't cook, but have 10 minutes, you can make this superb dessert. By using fat-free sour cream and a low- fat graham cracker pie shell you will have a rich tasting yet low-fat dessert. Pudding is and always has been fat free, 1 regular size store bought graham cracker pie shell 1 (16 oz. container) cour cream 1 large (5 serving) vanilla instant pudding 1 (20. oz ) can crushed pineapple in it's own juice Whipped topping The pie shell does not require baking, but I have found that 10 minutes in a 350 degree F. pre-heated oven will give you a crisper more flavorful crust. While the shell is baking, blend sour cream with pudding powder (BE SURE TO IGNORE PACKAGE DIRECTIONS) Add pineapple and its juice. Blend well. Pour into cooled pie shell and chill. Serve with whipped topping or cannedwhipped cream, regular, low-fat or fat free,
  12. Phyllis4732

    Bud's Surgery

    Yes, he is a tough cookie (or should we use the word cracker for a male? LOL) I think he looks great. I'd still be hiding in the corner.
  13. Actually, this vacation which included you was right. You were at the point where you needed it. This way, you saw that Ray is fine there and he enjoys it. Next time, when he goes, you will better enjoy your time in whatever place of your choosing and will be comforted that all with Ray is good.
  14. Phyllis4732

    Bad News...

    Actually this was a blessing in difguise. Fortunately, no real harm was done. With today's meds, we know unfortunately, that many cause more harm than the good they are intended for. This said, knowing and changing the meds is really "great" news. If it was the cause and they were continued, what then. An odd way to look at this but we must look for the good in everything - yes, even strokes.
  15. Ann, what is a wife or lp supposed to do? Let their loved one just lie there and depend on them to do what they are supposed to do? They sure know how to make things look as though they were in the right, just in case someone catches them. Makes me sick. Personally, there should be a duplicat copy for the patient's family or whatever. Of course there would never be, but there wouldn't be any "coloring of details. Oh, and a person having a stroke isn't to be agitated but just lie there??????????? Whew! :Tantrum:
  16. Phyllis4732


    We are having forrest fires too but in this immediate area, not too close but with high winds that we had been having, it can even cross the river/ intercoastal (embers flying) Glad you are safe and prepared in case you must leave. Truthfully though, I don't think that things will definitely be so bad to scare tourists. There were fires here several years ago and it didn't take very long for the green to grow up again and in South Florida when we had Andrew and other hurricanes, it gets cleaned up and it all goes back to as it was. Look, even New Orleans is slowly making a comeback. Glad Tippy is doing so well. I'm sure you packed an emergency for the pooches as well. Will have my fingers crossed for you along with more serious prayers.
  17. Phyllis4732


    In one word - GREAT!
  18. This is great! A gentleman from our Stroke Support group who was his wife's caregiver went to a caregiver group meeting and used to tell us about it. I believe his wife went also. Unfortunately, this was the gentleman who had a brain tumor and they have moved down south to be near a son. I wrote to her on out birthdays (same day, different year) but had no response, I do hope that they have found groups there like the ones that were here. I agree - as time goes on, both of you will look foward to the days when you go. Phyllis
  19. Hi Butch, yes, it has been a while. Shame on you for thinking that Lisa has gotten all she is going to get. Just isn't so. There are improvements when you least expect them. Where to put your double wide? Well, you could opt for a park or on your own piece of land where they are permitted. Just be sure land isn't wetlands! I'm in the middle of that. It is amazing the way these homes have changed in the last several years, isn't it? Cathedral ceilings and all. and best of all, they have wide doors that if necessary a wheelchair can fit through. Do come around more often and let us know what is it is said "Inquiring minds want to know" (A nicer way to say we are noisy. LOL!) :roflmao:
  20. People who know me know I have an lady chihuahua; we're a pair. Well, yesterday morning this dog nearly gave me a heart attack. Tuesday night I was watching Jay Leno in my sisters room because my tv needs repair and the Florida one has problems when the power flashes off and on. The doors were closed. I fell asleep and when I woke up, Snooty was no longer on my lap. I looked all over for her and decided she had gone upstairs so I went up - but my dog. I was still hurting from my fall last week and just could not make it down the stairs again. I called and she did not appear. Thinking she would come up when she was ready and woof at me to lift her into bed, I went to sleep. Yesterday morning I awoke and no Snooty. I went downstairs, called her and decided she must have gotten closed in the garage with the cats (that's their bedroom). While they don't like either ofus, they do allow her to share my sister's room; they on the bed and Snooty on the floor in the stream of sun coming through the window. When the garage was opened though - no dog. I again called and looked everywhere. I even said her favorite word "chicken" and no dog. The only thing I thought of was that she had gone off and..........found a spot to curl up and..............well, you know, she's old. Again, I looked and when I again looked into my sisters long walk-in closet, from behind the black bag of old towels which we use for washing our hair, washing the dog and covering plants when the weather drops too low, was a little face with the ears straight up and the expression of - were you calling me, did I hear the word "chicken"? She's never gone there but I guess her friend the white cat told her of a spot he likes. I was so happy to see her that my worry and upset disappeared. Like I said, you've got to love them even when they pretend to not hear and sometimes lie too. :big_grin:
  21. Thank you so much for the low-down on the prom. How clever of you to check out the dresses last year and get a great price- and how lucky to find fabric that went with the dress and being able to make the purse. A little more practice and you will be able to make the wedding gown. Perhaps someone will help you put the picture up for us. Sorry, I'm a dummy. We'd all like to see it, I'm sure, even though we got a good description. I'm anxiously awaiting the next posts about the Awards and Graduation.
  22. Remember praise. Even with my old dog, she is told "good girl" every time. Perhaps a clock in the crate would help. The dog thinks it is her mother's heart. Of course, Tippy does seem to quiet down after a few minutes, but they are sad to listen too. LOL! Who's spoiled here. Have a great time being the new Papa. Phyllis
  23. I agree with both Asha and Donna; something better will come along. Trials are so "iffy". You could be in the control group and still not be getting the good and think of the disappointment. Do you have a plan B? Are you doing the exercises that you were shown and did in therapy? If so, great, continue. If not start. I know that many of the evercises I was given were gotten from the internet but I don't know where - but I doubt that it was a site for therapists. It could have been, but there's a chance that some are on line just as eye exercises are. And yes, the news aboutyour daughter is great! This is a beginning of a new life for her. You must give us all the details about her gown and all. Brings back memories and to be honest, I am plain nosey. LOL! Phyllis
  24. I know many of us are interested in Bill's Boy Bud, and so I left that place for his news, so because so many are dog (and cat) lovers, here is a site where you can get the latest news about the pet food problem and also, if you or someone you know was unlucky, information on a class action suit. It will not bring your good pal back, but may teach the culprits a lesson. I believed some animals did not die but became quite ill and you know how medical bills pile up. Hope it works for you.