
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. My little old one has lost teeth and stupid me didn't get the Pro Plan for Little dogs and eating it is hard although she gets tuna juice on it (as cats here do) and I drizzle a small amount of water, but if I put some people food on it she gobbles it all down0 Not spoiled at all. LOL, Today meat sauce, yesterday about an inch of hot dog minced up. ) 0f course chicken is the best. Your little one will need to have his food soften or small kibble for small breds. I don't use canned and now with the scar...................Hope he's feling better. Phyllis
  2. This reply is to Sue and a bit to Sarah. Sarah you wrote "since he has double vision". Has Gary been fitted with prism glasses? They do work. A friend had a car accident and got double vision. When these glasses came out, she was fitted with them (instead of a patch) and she sees correctly. Of corse when not wearing them, she sees double. Of course there may be some other problem as well. Sue, I'm so sorry. This trip though was not well thoght out by the planners. I'll bet the others hurt too from so much walking etc. To me, this doesn't mean that you and Ray can't go places together. You just have to plan it yourself and be sure that the place is ok for handicapped people. Perhaps a trip where you can see the scenery from the coach and has a park for tea and a restaurant where wheelchairs can be push easily. Don't give up; just try to figure something for yourselves. I do agree with Sarah that maybe Ray's injuries need a little more time. Even an older person in excellent health who has an injury will take longer to come back. Even if you were younger, it wouldn't have been so hard. These are the "problems" with aging in general. I know in a few days, things will look brighter. Phyllis
  3. The remark your Dr. made about the under wires sort of made me smile. I refuse to wear any wires and would rather have my waist with neighbors. I know it's wrong but I wonder if they could be dangerous - but now it's hard to get bras without them. BTW, when I was in my late teens and early twenties (oh ancient times) we used to talk about girls who have their booobs up to their chin under their cashmere sweaters..........not nice but true. I find though that todays kids are really stocked. I had a friend who was a home ec teacher and said that it was difficult fitting the dress patterns and she believed it was from the hormones the cows were getting. Could be. Glad all was well for you Ann. As for the veins, believe they have a different way now- I have a friend who had it done a long time ago. In her case, I believe it was heredity. Is it?
  4. I THINK THIS IS GREAT BUT I DIDN'T WANT TO DUMP THE JOKES THERE SINCE THEY WERE RESENTLY PUT THERE. RIGHT NOW, I HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY - YES I'M ANGRY ABOUT SOMETHING AND IT IS BEST FOR ME NOT TO GET STRESSED BY IT........... SO, HERE IS A GOODY. this will boggle your mind, I know it did mine! The year is 1907. One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes! Here are some of the U.S. Statistics for the Year 1907: ************************************ The average life expectancy in the U.S. Was 47 years old. Only 14 percent of the homes in the U.S. Had a bathtub. Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone. A three-minute call from Denver to New York City Cost eleven dollars. There were only 8,000 cars in the U.S., and only 144 miles of paved roads. The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph. Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee were each more Heavily populated than California. With a mere 1.4 million people, California was only the 21st Most populous state in the Union. The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower! The average wage in the U.S. Was 22 Cents per hour. The average U.S. Worker made between $200 and $400 per year . A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year, A dentist made $2,500 per year, A veterinarian $1,500 per year, And a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year. More than 95 percent of all births in the U.S. Took place at HOME. Ninety percent of all U.S. Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which Were condemned in the press AND the government as "substandard." Sugar cost four cents a pound. Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen. Coffee was fifteen cents a pound. Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo. Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from Entering into their country for any reason. Five leading causes of death in the U.S. Were: 1. Pneumonia and influenza 2. Tuberculosis 3. Diarrhea 4. Heart disease 5. Stroke The American flag had 45 stars. Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska hadn't been admitted to the Union yet. The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only 30!!!! Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and ice tea Hadn't been invented yet. There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day. Two out of every 10 U.S. Adults couldn't read or write. Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school. Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over The counter at the local corner drugstores. Back then pharmacists Said, "Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, Regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian Of health." There were about 230 reported Murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A . ! Now I sent it to you and others all over the United States, Possib ly the world, in a matter of just Seconds !!!!!!!!! PASS THIS ALONG!!!!! Just Try to imagine..... What it may be like ... In another 100 years !!!!!!! IT STAGGERS THE MIND !!!!!!!!!
  5. What Dickons said is so true and Donna, I feel that being a survivors is not free. There is pay back time. We are survivors so we can help those after us. Why is it that we feel as though those long legged cheerleader types who may not be in the top 2% are better off. Their beauty leaves them and they become old hags just like the rest of us but we always have brains and our inner beauty (being a giver, not a taker is one of that beauty). It is difficult to start accepting but I'll bet, you will find a chance to pay back. You have helped those who stroked online and who said some neighbor may not also have a stroke or a relative of theirs and you can help them. Just letting them see that you are able to live the life you left is a help to them. You will get the chance to use that inner beauty and your brains, believe me. Phyllis
  6. George, I must say that after 2 strokes due to stress, I have had to "mellow" or I'll be suffering a third and 3 strikes you're out. That said, since I don't have a chance to not "cool it", guess I better be sure that I am practicing to stay calm and to he*# with anything that will stress me. :Tantrum: No, No, No!!! :cloud9: ah yes.
  7. Sure Donna. Will get it after work tomorrow. Late day.
  8. Mary Jo, Good for you. Who ever said that Bill's family are all so perfect. As stated above - do what is best for the two of you. You both are #1 and the families can come after.
  9. Right now, I feel like Mr. Magoo. Had an opthamology appt. several hours ago and a nap but I am still "suffering" from the dialation. Takes me so long to return to normal. I ended up going to the same office where my Dr. had retired and saw one of the other Dr.s, Saved going through starting again with paperwork etc. In a way, I can see where a neuro-opthamologist would perhaps be better but the only local one in in Orlando and a woman. Sad to say, but I am a female "male chauvinist pig". Yes, some females may be superior to men physicians but I feel that often women may get into medical school of % etc. JMHO. After going, I feel that this Dr. is like so many professionals as well as lay-people who know NOTHING or NOT MUCH about stroke. OK so I have a cataract but I also had a stroke and in the area of the occipital nerve and that whole mess- a neuro Op. would know, but this man said surgery would let me see better but I feel that at this time, I can wait since there is no guarantee that this has nothing to do with having or not having a stroke. I believe the side affect of one of my medications is possible cataract. Anyway, my glasses from last year are still ok for driving and the state will get the paper stating this. I'm quiter pleased. I have other questions I'd like to ask people about (sight related, but at another time. #2) Petals of life. I did find the way to send it on but it has to be attached and I do not believe I can do that through our message board. If anyone who is computer savvy knows it is possible, please let me know. I do think though because of security issues, it is not allowed. #3) The birthday is long gone now but the big point is Martin's. Every year when I was alone in So. Florida, I'd treat myself to my "yearly steak. I went to Outback's a few years, a place I can no longer remember thename of but could drive there if it id still there for a few years and a place called Longhorn's. My room-mate at step-down loved Martin's and it is a place I passed by several times a week. Since, it wasn't to be a dual celebration as the past several years ago and she asked me where I wanted to go, I thought Martin's, but I didn't want it to be so over-priced, so I went online hoping to get a menu, but there was none, BUT there weree remarks about the place and I was shocked at one letter from a woman. She really trashed the place and I figured she was just "that" type of person. I decided to stop in and see if they had a menu and check and it was within reason and so we went there. It was wonderful - service and food. So much for that lady. Do go online and check out restaurants and sometimes get menus and prices so that there won't be disappointments - and if there are comments, take some with a grain of salt. Well, long-winded, but this will make up for being away for a long time and maybe get me off page 512! :big_grin:
  10. Personally, I think you expect too much too soon. Must you go to Duluth for therapy? Is there somewhere closer. Get the exercises that will serve you well. Remember, educators say it takes a "well" person 34 times to learn something and they really don't know the number for someone who must re-learn, but repetition makes the difference. My therapist would often get exercises on the internet. I don't know if these were in a closed site that only therapists can use or anyone, but those exercises were simple and did help.
  11. Phyllis4732


    Well Marty, it all depends. There are 2 cats in this house (my sisters house.I've been here almost 4 years and hope to move in about3-1/2 months- if the Corps of Engineers realizes I'm not going to be living in a swamp filled with water. )Anyway, one cat has accepted my dog and myself- the other hates everyone - sometimes even my sister. If your cat is like her- keep the wife but if he's like the other cat, maybe tell Mrs. 007 that you've invested more in cat (marriage license wasn't 65.00 was it?) than her so bye-bye......... :big_grin: No, only kidding. Of course she maybe would want custody and the mother is usually given the child/children so.........looks like you'll have to keep both. Phyllis
  12. I finally figured how to send, I think, BUT, feel certain that I can't send it through a system like Stroke Net. I has to be downloaded etc. Sorry. If my guru figures a way, I'll send it. I did copy the translation from French but music and graphics add so very much. I may just have to send the words.
  13. Some does come back but 1-1/2 years may not be a long enough time. Took my brain almost 3 years to walk up the srairs like an adult but when going down didn't happen in a few weeks, I did it myself - and you can too! We know that repetition is the answer; you can't just sit there and wait - and you must have PATIENCE. We're talking stroke and it is VERY SLOW. Your current month should give you some good exercise; keep them up until they are second nature. Good luck. Phyllis
  14. Susan, I'm so happy for you. That's the right attitude! Phyllis
  15. What? I didn't get that. I'll email it to you.
  16. Sorry to hear you're hurting, Ann. Hope they had a miracle cure for you at the Dr's today.
  17. This probably isn't allowed, but it is too beautiful not to share. It will make anyone seeing it, listening to it and/or reading it understand why I can't take a chance on the board where it may only appear until the next person reads it and sends a message of their own - which is ok........but, I want everyone to enjoy it so I am doing it this way. petalsoflife.pps (1.7MB) Hope it works; if not send me an email and I'll send it to you that way. Donna, I guess only one blog a day so nosey business tomorrow. This just couldn't wait. Just tried it and you have to copy and paste.
  18. So now many "shorties" have responded, there are the advantages - of that and of being "old" LOL!. Yesterday when setting the top shelf, the mgr. of the store must have had a fit when he saw someone on an egg crate, I heard a man shreiking (just about) the name of the Winn/Dixie reset supervisor. Shortly after the reset supv. comes over to me and told me that the mgr. wants me to use the step saver. They are plastic raisers that are somewhat weighted. He told me to use 2 or 3 (and he gave a look as if to say he understand but we have to do it). OK, I got them (there were only 2) and 2 did not make me as tall as I needed to be to get to the back of the top shelf- even on my tippy toes. My team lead, a tall man, came over and made a remark and then said, get down, I will do it for you, and he put up the piece I was having trouble with. I did use 1 egg carton to get up on so I could reach the 2 step savers and to get off- no way I was going to jump down that distance. I heard no complaint about that. This is why I like worker with this team; they are really nice in very way. Yes, customers and store employees are very helpful- however, when customers see me on the floor, they think I may have fallen (because I am old) and at first don't realize that I have to reach all the way back on the lowest shelf. I also have the help of the W/D supervisor. I strip the shelves and he is good enough to set the shelves. Not only can they be heavy but I cannot reach a 4' span to hold a shelf and of course could never get them even. Hey, he sometimes is a notch off. I may be short and can't help that, but I am learning to control my clumsiness and what I must do to get my rows back straight. I get a lot of happiness when I'm done and see the shelves looking the way they should- just as they are when a new store opens. :big_grin:
  19. I again made a call to Walmart in Palm Coast, but this time, it was to set up a display. It really wasn't going well and then the instructions said to put the round base of the spinner into the cup. The spinner is taller tham I am but fortunately, all packages of stickers or baloons are held in place with shrink wrap. Well, after about trying 5 times, I found the hole; then spinner # 2 for the baloons - and funally I found the hole for that one too. The next thing was to put the top on the top end of the pole. There I was with my arms in the air, lifting something over my head and trying to find 2 holes up their. A tall, good semaritian, saw my struggle and put it on for me. I thanked him graciously. The next part was to fasten the security bar to the metal stripes of the peg board backing. For this another tall young man who had brought the display out to me. It was done! Except for the header sign which was not sent - and that I could have reached and done. Well, I will, next week when the sign is sent to me and I go to play with a different brand of carpet sweeper. This time, I believe it is a Dirt Devil Oh yes, you know the way some of you have difficult7 "driving" a wheel chair? Try pushing around a palette jack loaded with huge empty cartons, finding out that the main stock room is too full and taking it to the food "back room" and trash packer via not tripping through the tulips" but hitting stacks of things. It took one hour just to finally get rid of the trash thanks to a food employee who hoisted the large cardboards that I carried from the place where I was stuck to the trash compacter and this kind man putting them in. Oh yes, I'm too short for that too. LOL! Fred, if you are reading this, be sure to check one out in your Wally's World. You may find a baloon that says Fred to add to your scooter. :big_grin:
  20. Um, those wonderful cathedral ceilings. Nice for a feeling of space but never thought about smoke detectors. I suppose they could have placed them lower on a wall where they wouldn't show. Surely all cathedral ceiling dwellings don't come with tall people or ladders. I well knowthe beeping. My brother read the directions wrong and put ours up close to the kitchen - it wasn't a separate room. Everytime a piece of bread got a little well done, the alarm went off. So first the exhaust fan had to clear the air. The big "selling point" of rentals is maintenance. Yeah sure! :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: , I did it for you. Hope it feels better now. Phyllis
  21. Phyllis4732


    I used to live in big bad south Florida. I was never touched by fraud there, but here in quiet Daytona Beach, I had the shock of all shocks. I don't carry a purse to work because of the work I do and keep a credit card in the bottom of my deep pocket. When I came home Thursday, the last thing I had charged was some groceries in Albertson's. I emptied out my pockets as always, piling everything in a small plastic box I have. Friday was movie day at the library and since my sister was driving this week, I just put the usual in my pockets. When the movie was over, I went to the restroom and then on the way home to CVS Pharmacy. I had gone into my pockets for my glasses quite a bit and guess my card had been pulled out of my pocket because when I wanted to take it to but a birthday gift at Barnes and Noble, I couldn't find it. We were in a hurry to judge at the Social Studies fair and I couldn't find my card. I figured that maybe I was my clumsy self and the card had gotten pushed somewhere. My sister used her card when I went for the gift. Today, I deided to turn everything upside down and find the card, but when I didn't decided to call the credit card company and tell them that I must have lost or misplaced the card. I told her what my last purchase was and I was asked if I had shopped at Sears on the 31st? (Maybe I had forgotten. I said no, I never shop in Sears (don't know why but I worked in every department store in Miami except Sears also) She said well, someone used the card and spent $994.00! A fraud person got on the line and said I wasn't responsible for the amount and they would close the account and issue a new card. I am completely shocked. Not only did the person use the card but had a real party! Guess I can understand it. The extra stress needed to give me my stroke was because I was so angry that I had to go out in the rain to get my license when I tried to purchase things after work at night. I should have asked the mrg. that had signed me out to ok it, but that was hindsight. When I got here, I was amazed that I wasn;t even asked to a liscense when I wanted to charge. My handwriting was so bad, it didn't even look like the signature on the back and there are places where you don't even have to sign. Lesson learned. I will be sure that my card is shoved all the way down in the future and check when I use a rest room or do something that would cause the card to fall out and check before I leave a place. Unfortunately, some people can't be trusted. Even if I found something that didn't belong to me, I'd wouldn't use it. It wasn't even for food either which could make some sense but would perhaps be somewhat understandable. Guess the good old days were better.
  22. This isn't exactly a blog; but nothing else seems to be working on strokenet for me today. I hope this does. I did not write it but it was sent to me and I think it's worthy of being passed on. If you are having trouble reading it (or any print that is difficult - highlight it using your mouse.) Subject: THE BLIND GIRL There was a blind girl who hated herself because of her blindness. Not only did she hate herself but she hated everyone else, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, "now that you can see the world, will you marry me?" The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her that simply said. "Just take care of my eyes dear." This is how the human brain changes when our status changes. Only a few remember what life was like before and even fewer remember who to thank for always being there even when times were painfully unbearable. Life Is a Gift Today before you think of saying an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who Has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion. Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too Early to heaven. Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren. Before you argue about your dirty house, someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets. Before whining about the distance you drive - Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job. But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your Face and thank God you're alive and still around. Life is a gift, live it, enjoy it, celebrate it, and fulfill it. RELISH THE MOMENT, IT MAY NOT COME AROUND AGAIN
  23. Hi Bill, I've been trying to read a post of youts, but have not been able to get it; my computer probably has a stroke. Two years is wonderful; before you know it, it will be three. I'm going to send you a PM. I knoe several web sites for sphasia and I think there are some that may interest you. Hugs to you and mucho smooches from my little Mexican - (well, some relative was born there; she was born in Lakeland, Florida) to both you and Bud. I like the picture- isn't it new. Can see Bud better. Phyllis
  24. Hi Amy, I hate change too, but I have a strong belief in fate and that equals there is nothing I can do about it, so must accept. When it comes to one asked for one, it was fate, we didn't say, ok I'll have one, but I want it to be this kind or that kind, It just happens, that's fate. In the end, we can only accept. If not, we're wasting precious time and energy. JMHO Phyllis
  25. Had to say "Hi". Was that you who had a birthday last week or so? If so, hope it was happy, no, I'm sure it was. Lots has happened with me in the short time you weren't here - in general, as you know, life goes on. The weather here is beautiful. Did your parents return North to live or are they still in that weird area where people live not in a named sub-division but in R section, S section, C section etc. That always gives me a laugh. I recently heard a brother and sister playing the violin; the boy was the elder - maybe 13. He was very good. The sister was also good and with more years may be as good, but who knows. MY Dad starting teaching violin when he was 9 years old; I lasted 6 weeks at about 11. :roflmao: Just wasn't my thing. As they say, To each his own........... Keep enjoying life and your new relationship. You know we all wish you the best. After all, you're part of our family. Phyllis