
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Hi Ann, Glad Bill didn't get hurt in the fall. I think they somehow teach us to fall right. Happens, can't really be helped without never moving out of bed. Phyllis
  2. Fred, I got my copy at the library. This county has a very active library system. I am able to do it all online but pick up the book, I reserve it and they call when they have secured a copy from whatever branch has one. Krissten, the large type copy I got at the library is soft cover, but the price on back is 21.95. People should use their library systems if possible. If you live in an area that has a library - and a good one- they have so much to offer as welll as books. Clubs are based there on all sorts of things such as geanology, "new age" etc. Many have computers and give lessons (free - true, just the basics but enough to get one started) and a lot of goodies. Where I previously lived, the library system had a partnership with schools (high) and the community college and in fact a University where residents were able to go to their facilities because of a partnership that was formed countywide. This is smart government to get more value for the same amount of $.
  3. I don't care if you have a Mastiff, Chihuahua or a Labrador, but if you are a dog owner, you will laugh until you cry when resding Marley and Me by John Grogan. Marley happens to be a Lab but that really doesn't matter. I was even able to get a large print version out of the library and - it has short paragraphs, short chapters and is very easy reading. I highly recommend it . Oh, and if you don't have a dog, you can read it also and laugh with (and maybe at) the dog owners. :roflmao:
  4. :happydance: :happydance: George, GREAT! That is only the first time; it IS going to get better and soon,, you may even be running with it - well, ok, walking. Happy canoeing (sp) A little at a time - that's what does it. :happydance:
  5. Thank you for the responses. Let's see if I can clarify this a bit. First, Betty Jean an ST is a speech therapist. Some are called Speech Pathologist. I do not know if the terms are exchangeable or a pathologist has more training. I do know that a Master's degree is required to work in rehabs - at least the one I was in. Secondly, I did think about somehoe serarating them but can't right now think of a way. Speaking to the ST who is now part of our group doesn't seem to be the answer. We had a different person last year and were told they were going to take turns this year - for some reason, that didn't happen - perhaps schedule change for them. They divided the group into asphasia and "others" but because they are ST, and work more with those with aphasia, that group gets some people but for some reason, they do not attract the "others" and those that have come do not come back........... Sarah, perhaps saying a "few times" was wrong. I don't think the situation is as you suggested. Maybe so, but I really don't think so. To begin with, to me the place where aphasiacs (word?) would be most comfortable with those who have the same problem as they have, then with other stroke (different types) survivors because we understand more than the general public who can be very misunderstanding because they know nothing about aphasia - is steps. Just from the way she is, and how they haven't seemed to meet people who have learned to understand the situation makes me feel it is a completely different thing. Perhaps I'm too much into the computer but she dtill hasn't set up their computer - in 2 years??????? I also can't understand why she hasn't put more effort into getting him some help. I honestly don't know if he takes any ST now or how much he has gotten. I do know that he goes to a VA hospital a short drive from this area (further than someone would go to weekly) He must be old enough for Medicare and they own their home so I don't think finances enter into it. Anyway, it will be interesting.
  6. [/size][/color][/b](Sorry for length) I am doing this as a blog because I really didn't know where to put it. It is for caregivers and I know many come here. First let me say that I have the utmost respect for you and realize that you do what you do because of your love for your survivor. Lately, though, I have had a problem and I need some imput from those who would know. There is a couple that comes to stroke support. The husband is a very sweet man and has aphasia BUT, he is one who is fortunate in that he has no physical disability. His caregiver, of course, is his wife. They moved her a little over a year ago and really haven't made close friends with people as they would have had they remained where they were. I'm not sure why they came to this area from South Florida but they did. The gentleman desires some male friends that he could go to the gym with. It's not a case of going to the gym and meeting someone because he "can't" speak. Actually, I believe that he can and would speak more if it weren't for his wife. There, I said it. One time after they had come to support a few times he actually said a few words and I was shocked - it was the first time. Anyway, back to where I was. His wife speaks constantly and machine gun fast. He really can't say anything because her mouth is always going, always speaking for him. (Yes, I understand that if he can't speak), she probably feels she must.) The thing is, the few times I have been in the group with her and when she called me to discuss something, I wanted to tell her to shut up! She really got on my nerves and I am only in her presence an hour or 2 at a time. OK, perhaps she doesn't realize she is doing it. They have been married a zillion years and I guess he understands. We are going to have weekly get-togethers and she has taken over and "started arrangements" after discussing it in general. That's fine. I had copied the things that the successful Orlando Stroke support group had when Florida was listed as members meeting members. There is no way that the 2 groups would be in competition because of distance; but we should be picking up as an east coast group for people in this area. I had given the information to the ST who is in charge of the group (but that's another story) She glanced at it and handed it back to me, so because she was sitting next to me and was all gungho, I gave it to the wife. She was glad to get it and did call me about it.r Her basic idea is good - we should meet weekly when out group doesn't meet - and when it does, every week but that one at the library which will give us a room to use. That way, no one would not be able to come because of cost. Personally, there are places we could go to as a group once a month that wouldn't be much. Im fact, a new woman, who has aphasia but apparently has a simpler case, had said she and her husband go to Taco Bell every week and if anyone wanted to join them that would be great. It was her idea since eating and meeting had not been mentioned. I jokingly said I would not go to Taco Bell because they fired the chihuahua that was in their ads - which were great. (Actually, I did stop going but didn't go often because I don't like spicy foods.) Anyway, I am finally getting to my point. How could I possibly get this man to speak and take part without telling her to keep quiet. I don't know if he goes to any therapy and he seems to be at the mercy of the constant nagging. What can I say, as a member of the group that would involve him to the point of joining in the "conversation" without his wife answering for him. Unfortunately, the other men have physical problems and would not be able to go to the gym. The one man who would have been great is the man who had the brain tumor and they have moved to be near a son. There is a new man, who doesn't have aphasia who would understand, but the problem with him is he had surgery for heart problems and the gym he goes to is the cardiac gym. Any ideas of how to untie this man from his wife's apron strings - and give me some peace and quiet also? :uhm: [/font]
  7. Hi Lesley, There was a gal who belonged to a chihuahua club on like; she was a breeder. She often told us of the country and would send pictures. Then, last fall my grand nephew was a member of the Jr, Dirt Bike Riders at what us similar to the Olympics but is for Dirt Bikers. They don't really get to see the part of the contry that is most beautiful but see the parts that are challenging. The US Juniors came in second, I believe. He automatically gets to go this year to Chile. They say Join the Navy and see the World; well he,s doing it this way. :welcome: to the blogworld from me. Twelve hours isdifficult but works out fine in your case. Give a smooch to your bichon. Kmow someone who nbreeds those too. They are very pretty dogs. Phyllis
  8. Phyllis4732

    This far

    Hi Christina, First - Mom Donna (right?) shut your eyes- This is Christina and me having a little discussion. OK! I'm sure you know that that gifts come in many forms and not all cost green. In fact, I think you do. There are always i.o.u notes for different "chores"; there are special dinners you can plan and make; If you do crafts, there are items such as collage pictures from old magazines or even made from the postage stamps that come in the mail. Of course, the greatest gift you give to your mother daily and that is being you. She is very fortunate to have such a thoughtful child (just a term). I hope you'll share what you did do after Mom's birthday. As for so called friends - well she has nothing in her life of any importance so she has to manufacture stuff. That kind of a person isn't and probably wasn't ever a true friend. I call people like that acquaintances. Good luck in all your try-outs. I think participating is great. Does you school have a social studies Fair? In a week, I am again going to be a judge at the one being held in this county. I hope I am given performance (little skits with the same theme written and performed by 3 -4 students. Much better than judging displays, many of which have help from their parents. It's held in a different high school each year and I'm excited to be going to a new high school which was very expensive to build and is just magnificent. It must be great to be a student there. Well, guess it's homework time for me. I promised an article and guess I better finish it.
  9. Phyllis4732

    Been too long

    Bob, you are lucky you don't live in Central Florida, This is te lightning capital. When I first came home from rehab we had a storm and to me it looked like a lightning strike had struck the garage under mt room. I got out of bed and called my sister and told her there is an explosion in the garage. She told me no, that it was just lightning. Sure was scary. Now, after having parts of computer zapped - even when the storm wasn;t right here, I've learned to pull all plugs even when using a surge protector, It seems that trouble can even go through the telephone hook ups. I'm wondering if you'd send me your site so I would be able to get the music - also the site for the petition- I'd sign. You could PM it. I don't like Big Brother minding the business of people just minding their own business........hope Tom isn't reading this - he may think I've changed political parties. LOL! Then again, it's the other guys who do that. It doesn't take a village just friends who will help someone out. I'll even send it to my joke list and I'm sure they will pass it on. Won't be thousands but every signature helps. Phyllis
  10. Phyllis4732


    Sorry about your migraine, I guess you should think about it as another "surprise" Anyway, belated Happy Birthday. Hope by now, you are feeling much better. Phyllis
  11. If you live in or near Palm Coast, Florida and go to Walmart there to buy a Hoover Mach 5 vacuum, DO NOT BUY THE ONE ON DISPLAY! Why, you may ask? It was put together by a person who can't put a peg in a hole; needs 2 hands to tighten a *beep*, put it straight and not strip it and is plain clumsy and/or completely un-coordinated -ME! The first store I went to was easy- no product - just report that, but the second had one in stock and not on display and it then has to be done. I didn't luck out. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :oops: I have 2 more stores to go to tomorrow. :uhm: wonder what I am going to find there???????????? "Beep" is a metal fastener which you tighten with a "beep" driver. :big_grin: Come on now...........
  12. Phyllis4732

    1st blog!!

    Hi ahain Christina, GREAT FIRST TIME BLOG, I can just see the smile on your Mom's face. Her chest must be filled with pride and maybe her head a little swollen too. I'm sure you can do this but I guess Betty Jean doesn't have any grand nieces around - even ancient I know the term and Betty Jean, you do too - just by a different name. Cheer is cheerleading and every girl loves that - unless they are extra fat and/or clumsy and then they also try out. LOL! Fortunately, when I was a teen- (let's see - George Washington was then president.............oh no, it was Harry Truman. I know, who was he?) Cheerleading wasn't quite as popular as now. I wasn't the type and instead was in the band. I played the glockenspiel..........OK, for any uninformed, the bells. They are now lighter than they were. In the concert band I sometimes beat the bass drum. I don't think you mentioned your instrument. Sorry your Spring break is over but it does mean that summer isn't that far to go. Like yourse;f, I have to go back to work right now, so no more reading blogs until later. Glad you are now a blogger. So :welcome: here Phyllis
  13. What a wonderful suggestion. I must say, I absolutely agree with the others. I've missed your blogs when you were traveling to see Ray; seems there weren't so many. So glad you are back with us more often. Phyllis :friends:
  14. Not lemon icy, huh? LOL! Made my mouth water with the pancakes and bacon. Actually, I did have a supper of that this week when I decided on something light. It isn't very often, so I used some regular, but lean bacon and have already decided on a cheese and bacon grilled sandwich for lunch tomorrow. I agree, people should live where they are happy. I'd prefer the warmth for 12 months of the Greater Miami area to the colder weather in Central Florida and am upset that last weeks warm weather looked like the start of our better weather but it was 42 this am. Not too bad now at 3:45 but still a sweater is nice. I must consider taking a ride...........maybe south halfway and have friends come north halfway. That should warm me up. I do know the shoes, coat and leash bit from NJ though. Guess you must have a small, very shorthaired dog - anything like a malamute would be embarrased I'd think.
  15. Jean, basically, we had the same idea; you just type faster and word it better. I don't want to tell you you're getting old, but I do feel that wisdom does come with age and we are there, :roflmao:
  16. Mel, there is a holiday before the New Year where a person is supposed to atone for various things.If you have had words with another (telling it simply) you should open your heart and at least try to set it straight- thenb you have madew the attempt and you never have to speak to that person again if you do desired. My mother had had a problem with my Day's brother (her BIL) and at this time, he was in the hospital from his cancer of the lung acting up. My mother said nothing to anyone, but went to the hospital to wish him well - just that. I don't remember if she ever saw him after that or if that was the year he passed away a few months after. It made her feel good though that she was "big" enough to do it. I can not blame you for feeling as you did, but if it "bothers" you, and because she is your mother though may not act like it, even a simple card with a note saying that your brother had told you of her illness and you wish her well could be something you might consider. After that, you don't need to speak, write, see her or anything else. Once she passes, whenever that will be, you will have the knowledge that although she did not deserve your respect, you can feel that you "made peace" which will make you feel good. In Reiki, they teach you to put a white light around the person and wish them well. Whether I agree with the theory, I'm not sure but then again, I'm not a real goody 2-shoes. I can hate with the best of them. :roflmao: But..... I do try. To me it's like "feeling a store cheated you" and just not going back but not making a big stink about it.
  17. :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: I better vent before I get a stroke! I can't believe a company that is so large with a very complex computer system that looses people and then acts as though its the person's fault! I have been working regularly at this dumb job. I didn't know when they paid, and thought Mon or Thurs as most seem to do (or that would be when I'd receive receive my check) and the weeks started to slip. I'd send an email to "help" and they would do nothing, so this time I was a little more forceful and received an email in return - "Hi Phyllis" (my best friend? - well, friendly anyway) and then it goes on to say that I must tell them the days, stores, some things I don't even know exist - numbers etc. and to call my supervisor (who wasn't the supervisor for the time in question). It is they who should straighten it out!!!!!!! I am supposed to work (which I do) my team lead is suppose to record the hours and send them, (which he does - there is a form he uses), and THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO THEIR THING! They make employees learn and take a test to show that they uinderstand THEIR computer system ,but they can't even do what they are supposed to do! *#!!&*! :Tantrum: :Tantrum: :Tantrum: , Now I feel better, and should be able to answer them and not loose my job because of what I'd like to tell them.
  18. Sounds interesting. Perhaps I'll reb up my broom and come, Wonder how long it would take from Florida.......... I'll pass on any race. ....unless you drink enough booze to get your cerebellum to the point where mine is. :roflmao: especially when tired. Oh yes and we could have a policeman check our heel/ toe. You would win that one even drunk and I would end up in jail for being "under the influence" Can your wife "throw" pizza? You've got my mouth watering..........
  19. Was Mr. Statistics ever told that you could quote things to him? Bet he really thought he knew everything. :roflmao: Maybe it is funnier when he doesn't know. I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall.
  20. I find Orientals very respectful of age. I worked in Home Depot and there was one employee who always came over and greeted me. When I told him I was leaving, he was so unhappy, I told him I would come to see him. I'm ashamed to say I haven't been there yet. I'm sure when I do though, I will get a wonderful greting. BTW, what is a "fill"? Would it help a split nail? I split it at work about 20 years ago and don't want to have it removed and wonder if this would get it to grow right again. Phyllis
  21. Phyllis4732

    Small seizures

    Did you at least get the "ice cream" tonsils are famous for? Sorry, had to ask. Glad you seem to be getting back to normal and perhaps the new med will only need to be temporary. Happy, too, that such efficiency was used. :big_grin:
  22. Phyllis4732

    We're Home

    Glad you got home safely. Guess you didn't make it to Paula's. Maybe another time or if you decide to do a vacation in Savannah. Did you ever speak to Dr. K. or did you just want info in case of emergency? Again, I apologize for the bad weather, The same thing has happened to the Bikers- cold and now beautiful (the reverse) I know though that their situation was worse, since they are riding in the cold (open air) no heater. Guess my little one is ready for bed. She's sleeping on my arm - I'm tired as well. Guess this is it for blog reading tonight. :welcome: BACK TO "BLOGLAND"!
  23. Marden, I guess your dominant side was the one affected and that is part of the problem. I met a woman at stroke Support who does chalk portraits. She was fortunate that her stroke affected her other side. However, I have a crazy idea. You've no doubt heard about people who have monkeys who do art work using fingure paints or some other medium - well, why not just change your type. If you excelled in traditional painting objects, what not try your hand (actually either one) at modern art or something similar. Art can also be the good use of color, textures etc. Ever try painting with your oppposite hand, or can you do anything with the affected one. You'd become another Grandma Moses and be famous - perhaps as much or even more than before.
  24. Phyllis4732


    Guess I am another of your group, but my cat is a dog. We also discuss things and sometimes she is smarter than I. LOL! As for Clea, when I saw that name I wondered where you lived because my 1st PT's name was Clea. (It still is.) I thought perhaps you had the same one. This Clea was from the Philllipines and it is the custom (I guess you'd call it) , to name children names with 4 letters. Her husband's name (also a PT that I had at step down) is named Mark and there was another named Luke. Clea had 2 children and the girl was named a longer name but the name could be shorten to 4 letters, and the second child, after I left was named Joshua, also can be shortened to 4 letters. I found that interesting- and now Clea, the cat.
  25. Bonnie, we HAD a helmet law also, but it was repealed about 2 years ago - go figure. I sort of laughed when you said you have bikers. We have our own but the group sweels to thousands. I've forgotten what the exact thousand mark is but it keeps going up. I hope the weather warms up for them because it's one thing to wear a jacket as bikers do but they have bundled up a lot more. Then, of course, the brews warm a body some - even if it is not hot coffee or soup.