
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Phyllis4732

  1. Zoom, Zoom! They're here again! I don't mind the bikers. I try to stay out of their way and they in turn are ok. Of course one of the things that bikers do is hit the beer joints. OK, I just stay away from their haunts when possible. Unfortunately the deaths have started. One, was kind of reverse. A teen ager who was so drunk she couldn't walk, turned in front of 2 bikers, I guess and they hit her and where killed. She apparently hit and ran and one other biker took after her and followed her home where she apparently hit some cars at home. I believe she also ran over one in her escape. I hope they do enjoy their time though and this is an isolated horrible happening. It's rare to see one biker alone and rather they travel in groups and meet others at events. It must be a fun time for them. I especially love the way they line up their motors like an ad for a motorcycle dealership. They pride themselves on having a shiny bike. LOL! and all of them must eye-ball all the bikes where they are. I haven't been checking helmets though but it does seem as though there are some with the good sense to know that there is protection and that is more important than the wind in your hair. In fact, have seen many beards. Perhaps the wind going through a beard has the same effect.
  2. I have put this request here because it hardly had any time on the board before the topic was changed. I'm hoping someone who reads blogs sees it and adds a response. I must make a decision and soon. Last year when taking my test for renewal of my driving license, I failed my eye test and had to see an eye doctor. I was rushed for time and there was no local neuro-opthamologist and so I did the next best thing and went to an opthamologist and had him sign my papers. He said that I had to have yearly tests. He has since retired and I received my papers for this year. I can either go out of town where there are neuro-opthamologists or go to the same practice and see another Dr. I feel that although opthamologist should keep up with the latest thinking and knowledge, since my problem is stroke related, I should see the neuro-opthalogist. I could have my sister drive me wherever I wanted to go - or actually back, since my eyes didn't do well when they were dislated last year (seemed slow coming back) What I would like is some imput from those of you who have the problem and who you go to as to whether you feel there is a difference. I have roughly 2 months but don't want to wait until the last minute but time has a way of passing and appointments are not always available when we need them. Presently, I wear prism glasses for driving which I really do not like but must wear. I feel as though everything is so close (and maybe it really is) but when I am backing up in a parking lot, I feel as though people are questioning where I got a license because I am afraid to get too close to cars behind me (double magmification due to magnified mirrors) - sometimes I will remove my glasses because of this and then put them on. Same problem though when I park in front of garage door. It looks closer than it is. It seems as though the glasses aren't right but I am sure they must be. I just wonder what the difference would be, if any.
  3. Strange, but it works for me all the time. There is an old "grandma's tale that is often used for babies. Put extra blamkets on the feet. Don't ask me why, but it works. It's worth a try. Phyllis
  4. Jean, I try to be a very nice person and so I will put this in a nicer tone. NO, THANK YOU MISS JEAN, BUT I WOULD PREFER IT IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO SEND ME ANY SNOW. I AM SORRY ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS BUT YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO LIVE WHERE YOU ARE AND THEREFORE YOUR WEATHER IS YOURS - JUST AS I HAVE CHOSEN TO LIVE IN HURRICANE LAND - AND TORNADOES LATELY AND THIS IS THE LIGHTNING CAPITAL. ALTHOUGH, I DON'T CARE FOR THESE THINGS, I DO NOT CARE TO EVEN EXCHANGE THEM WITH YOU. NO CHANCE. LOL! :big_grin: Bonnie, I'm sorry for the problems the weather has caused you and your fellow Washingtonians - 50 car pile-ups give me the shivers, especially now. Rain and darkness are bad enough, but who needs to have an accident in the very cold weather? I hope you get to meet with Angie. Asha, oh, I hope you come this way. There is nothing like being close to palm trees - they aren't as pleniful as the hardwood varieties in other states. And even weeds are pretty here. You, of course can reach me and we could arrange to meet. That would be great! - just not near "The Mouse" as a man I know refers to when he worked at Disney World. I hate Orlando. I got lost everytime I have gone there, and Interstate 4 is horrible for me; t oo many people rushing to get there. :uhm:
  5. Ormond Beach, Volusia County
  6. So sorry, will keep my fingers crossed that all works out ok. As Jean said, this may actuallybe a blessing. Phyllis
  7. Jean, keep your *&@# snow! :whack:
  8. [For more years than I care to remember, I have "met" chihuahua people on the internet. They would meet and have great times and I could never take part for one reason or another. Now, being on Strokenet, I envy the Arizona group who seems to be having a great time with each other. And.......what a great looking group they are as well as a great advertisement for people who "others" would think of as having horns or looking like space creatures or something (The attitude of people not knowing anything about those who have had strokes). BUT, my longing has come to an end! On Tuesday, in St. Augustine, Florida where Ann and Bill (Annnie27409) are vacationing, we got together and met. What a really lovely couple they are, as shows from the posts Ann has put on the boards and in her blogs. Everything you may be thinking is true; her sweet personality shines through. And what a lovely person Bill is, they are perfectly suited to one another. Like everything though, they went their way, and I mine. They have since had to contend with rain after two or 3 beautiful days but I believe that it is also forecast for the remainder of their stay. Rain in Florida though is often just showers here and there and not all day affairs. Unfortunately, I went to a job on my way back and I ended up washing down 47 quarts of soy milk which had become frozen solid and were still in a semi frozen state. What a mess! I had to stand in a shower-like area and wash the stuff down a drain. My shoes were soaked - so I guess, we both got wet but from different sources. Who knows, maybe, their next vacation will be in your area and you will also have the good fortune of meeting them.[/size][/font]
  9. God love dogs; they know how to look out for themselves (LOL) as well as their people. I'm also glad your ear infection is better. No fun being "drunk" Phyllis
  10. Phyllis4732

    Rush Limbaugh

    LOL! You've got it right, Jean, Ever hear some of your guys? The same thing just oppisite opinions. I do not listen to Rush. When I'm in the car, it's music and right now, I've a classical CD on. I knew a woman though who during an election was making political calls and had a radio plug in her ear and was listening to Rush. Talk about being able to multitask! No stroke or other neurological problems there. And yes, she made excellent calls and no one would know what was actually going on. I'm not surprised by your answer just as you knew what to expect from me. LOL! Love you, Jean.
  11. :uhm: Below are four ( 4 ) questions and a bonus question. You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately . OK? Let's find out just how clever you really are.... Ready? GO!!! First Question: You are participating in a race! You overtake the second person. What position are you in? (scroll down) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second! Try not to *beep* up next time. Now answer the second question, but don't take as much time as you took for the first question, OK ? Second Question: If you overtake the last person, then you are...? (scroll down) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person? You're not very good at this, are you? Third Question: Very tricky arithmetic! Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000 . Now add 30. Add another 1000 . Now add 20 . Now add another 1000. Now add 10 . What is the total? (scroll down) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Answer: Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100. If you don't believe it, check it with a calculator! Today is definitely not your day, is it? Maybe you'll get the last question right.... .Maybe. Fourth Question: Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter? (scroll down) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Answer: Did you Answer Nunu? NO! Of course it isn't. Her name is Mary. Read the question again! Okay, now the bonus round: A mute person goes into a shop and wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing his teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Next, a blind man comes into the shop who wants to buy a pair of sunglasses; how does HE indicate what he wants? (scroll down) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Answer: He just has to open his mouth and ask...It's really very simple.... Like you! PASS THIS ON TO FRUSTRATE THE SMART PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE :roflmao:
  12. Phyllis4732

    Things have calmed down

    Mel, glad things are working out. I agree with my "sisters" on all sides. Think the book is a good idea. While, you don'twant to "talk down" to children, remember you are dealing with a year early age group especially 6 year olds, so terms and comparisions should be kept very simple. then again, one who has had a strokeshould know because we must relearn the things children do, such as writing. I think my has advanced some to about an 8 year old level unless I take forever to just sign my name. LOL! BTW, I lit a candle for you the other day; perhaps that heelped everything work. Again, I thank you for that site. I know it had helped me and I'm sure, I will need it again, so thanks again in advance. Phyllis
  13. Mel, it takes two to make a couple. Having one half "down for a while" happens. If the tables were turned, what would you have done? Hopefully, not the same thing because you know the pain this has caused. So many others - yes- those who have never had a stroke find themselves in the same position; therefore you can not blame it on your stroke. Most likely it would have happened anyway. There is no reason to blame what has happened to you for this sad (as you see it) happening. None of us have asked for a stroke yet for some reason, we were chosen. Why? Who knows? I also know, like Jean, that you can come out of the depths and will find a life that will be more than you ever hoped for. No, you will not ever be physically the person you were, but what has made you a special person - the "stuff" inside - will always be a part of you. And most important, such a person will go on to a different and better life. Bad things do happen to good people but it is that goodness which will see you through your pain.
  14. My heart is breaking for you. The only thing I can offer is to let you know that your best friend is now at the Bridge waiting for you, enjoying the sweet smell of the grass, the warm sun and with other buddies playing and romping until they also are reunited with their loved ones. I know the feeling well; also not wanting to let them go but when the time comes, they tell us and we must do that which is so hard. The unconditional love that a dog gives to us is the most beautiful thing in the world. If only humans could learn from them. Remember though that the wonderful times you shared will always have their special place in your heart and will keep that place until you meet at the Bridge.
  15. :bop: Mama here! I've got you by 20. I know your intelligent side wasn't injured BUT! no wet noodle just plain scolding! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND???????? Would you like to try again and this time spend 36 hours on the operating table? What were you thinking? Yes, it was nice to help a fellow survivor but there are easier ways to push yourself to the edge! So everything that you were told, I double and triple. And as my southerner friends might say "No more, y'all hear?" Seriously and selfishly, who will give us a warm cup of some exotic cappuchino if you get sick again? Several weeks were bad enough. Phyllis
  16. Jean I used to make dog cookies using baby food but it wasn't much and I think with a lot of these, it also depends on the size of the dog. My dog would definitely be affected more than say Budweiser or Bonnie's dogs. It's 6-7 lbs. Think your poodle is small also????? There are some surprising ones though. I cook just about everything with onions and garlic........guess that's a no-no, but arf,arf, it hasn't affected this dog, namely Phyllis.
  17. When talking in chat, Jean suggested I put this in the blog section since so many of us are fortunate to be owned by a dog/s. So, for Jean, Bonnie, Bill, Perry, Bessy (?), our newest adopted "mother" - Sarah, and anyone I may have missed. (Sorry Bill, this is a long one but print it and read a section at a time- I know you prefer short blogs) The Bad Foods For Dogs List Here is a list of common foods that are bad or poisonous for your dog. If you suspect that your dog might have eaten any food that might be toxic, contact his/her vet immediately. NAME INFORMATION Alcohol Do not give your dog sips of any alcoholic beverage. Ingestion can lead to injury, disorientation, sickness, urination problems or even coma or death from alcohol poisoning. Some dogs may be attracted to alcoholic drinks so don't leave one setting where a dog can reach it. Anti-freeze The Dangers Of Antifreeze Apple The seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides which can result in cyanide poisoning. Apricot The seed pit contains cyanogenic glycosides which can cause cyanide poisoning. Avocado Avocado contains a toxic element called persin which can damage heart, lung and other tissue in many animals. Avocados are high in fat content and can trigger an upset stomach, vomiting or even pancreatitis. The seed pit is also toxic and if swallowed can become lodged in the intestinal tract where it may cause a severe blockage which will have to be removed surgically. Since avocado is the main ingredient in guacamole be sure and keep your dog out of the dip. Baby Food Before feeding any baby food to your dog check the ingredients to see if it contains onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs. Feeding baby food in large amounts may result in nutritional deficiencies. Bones Cooked bones can be very hazardous for your dog. Bones become brittle when cooked which causes them to splinter when broken. The splinters have sharp edges that have been known to become stuck in the teeth, caused choking when caught in the throat or caused a rupture or puncture of the stomach lining or intestinal tract. Especially bad bones are turkey and chicken legs, ham, pork chop and veal. Symptoms of choking are: Pale or blue gums Gasping Open-mouthed breathing Pawing at face Slow, shallow breathing Unconscious, with dilated pupils Raw bones (uncooked in any way) like chicken necks or beef knuckle bones are generally considered safe and help keep your dog's teeth healthy by removing plaque. A caution - bones have a high calcium content and too many can cause severe constipation. Bread Dough When bread dough is ingested your dog's body heat causes the dough to rise in the stomach. During the rising process alcohol is produced as the dough expands. Pets who have eaten bread dough may experience abdominal pain, bloat, vomiting, disorientation and depression. A pet needs to eat only a small amount to cause a problem, because bread dough can rise to many times its size. Broccoli The toxic ingredient in broccoli is isothiocynate. While it may cause stomach upset it probably won't be very harmful unless the amount fed exceeds 10% of the dogs total daily diet. Caffeine Beverages with caffeine (like soda, tea, coffee) acts as a stimulant and can accelerate your pet's heartbeat to a dangerous level. Pets ingesting caffeine have been known to have seizures, some fatal. Candy Sugarless candy containing xylitol has been recognized by the National Animal Poison Control Center (NAPCC) to be a risk to pets (first published July 2004). This compound can cause liver damage and death in some dogs. This information is recent and some vets may not be familiar with xylitol poisoning. If your dog has eaten sugarless candy you can contact the NAPCC by telephone, 1-888-426-4435 for more information. Cat Food Cat food is not formulated for canine consumption. It is generally too high in protein and fats and is not a balanced diet for a dog. Cherries The seed pit contains cyanogenic glycosides which can cause cyanide poisoning. Chocolate Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic. When affected by an overdose of chocolate, a dog can become excited and hyperactive. Due to the diuretic effect, it may pass large volumes of urine and it will be unusually thirsty. Vomiting and diarrhea are also common. The effect of theobromine on the heart is the most dangerous effect. Theobromine will either increase the dog's heart rate or may cause the heart to beat irregularly. Death is quite possible, especially with exercise. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include: vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, hyperactivity, irregular heartbeat and seizures. Larger quantities of chocolate can poison or even kill a medium or large dog. An ounce or two of chocolate may not seem like much but it can be lethal to a small dog that weighs 10 lbs. or less. After their dog has eaten a large quantity of chocolate, many pet owners assume their pet is unaffected. However, the signs of sickness may not be seen for several hours, with death following within twenty-four hours. Cocoa powder and cooking chocolate are the most toxic forms. These forms of chocolate contain ten times more theobromine than milk chocolate. Even licking a substantial part of the chocolate icing from a cake can make a dog sick. The next most dangerous forms are semi-sweet chocolate and dark chocolate, with milk chocolate being the least dangerous. A dog needs to eat more than a 250 gm block of milk chocolate, however the high amount of fat found in milk chocolate can lead to an attack of pancreatitis. 1 ounce per pound of body weight (2 ounces per kg of body weight) for milk chocolate. 1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight ( 1 ounce per 1.5 kg body weight) for semi-sweet chocolate 1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight ( 1 ounce per 4 kg) for baker's chocolate. During many holidays such as Christmas, New Year's Day, Easter and Halloween, chocolate is often accessible to curious dogs, and in some cases, people unwittingly poison their dogs by offering them chocolate as a treat or letting them lick a frosting bowl. Cigarettes see Tobacco Products Citrus Oil Extracts Citrus oil extracts ave been known to cause vomiting. Corn Cobs Many dogs have suffered and, in some cases, died after eating corn-on-the-cob, because the corn cob caused a partial or complete intestinal obstruction. Never allow your dog access to corn cobs. Dairy Products Most dairy products are digested poorly by dogs who have little or none of the enzyme required to digest the lactose in milk. Just like lactose-intolerant people, lactose-intolerant dogs can develop excessive intestinal gas (flatulence) and may have foul-smelling diarrhea. It is best to avoid most dairy products altogether, although small amounts of cheese or plain yogurt are tolerated by most dogs, since these products have less lactose than most. Food Preparation Items When chewing food remnants from aluminum foil or pans candy wrappers paper plates and cups plastic forks, spoons, knives plastic beverage rings from six-packs roasting bags turkey skewers, lacing a dog may swallow pieces which can cause abdominal discomfort, intestinal blockage, internal bleeding and in some cases, death. There is also a possibility if choking or suffocation. Dispose of food preparation items in a manner that your dog or another animal cannot get to it. Eggs (Raw) Raw egg whites contain a protein called avidin, which can deplete your dog of biotin, one of the B vitamins. Biotin is essential to your dog's growth and coat health. Additionally, raw eggs are often contaminated with bacteria, such as salmonella, and you could end up giving your dog food poisoning in addition to biotin deficiency. Symptoms of biotin depletion are hair loss, weakness, growth retardation and skeleton deformity. If your dog is suffering from these symptoms the situation is urgent, and veterinary treatment is needed. Cooked eggs are high in protein and make an excellent treat. It is only the raw eggs that should not be given to your dog. Grapes or Raisins Although the minimum lethal dosage is not known, grapes and raisins can be toxic to dogs when ingested in large quantities. The symptoms are gastrointestinal signs including vomiting and diarrhea, and then signs of kidney failure with an onset of severe kidney signs starting about 24 hours after ingestion. The amount of grapes eaten varied between 9 oz. and 2 lbs., which worked out to be between 0.41 and 1.1 oz/kg of body weight. It has been reported that two dogs died directly from the toxicity, three were euthanized due to poor response to treatment and five dogs lived. Due to the severity of the signs and the potential for death, the veterinarians at the National Animal Poison Control Center (NAPCC) advocate aggressive treatment for any dog believed to have ingested excessive amounts of grapes or raisins, including inducing vomiting, stomach pumping and administration of activated charcoal, followed by intravenous fluid therapy for at least 48 hours or as indicated based on the results of blood tests for kidney damage. Hops Spent hops as used in making beer. Household Products Bad Household Items List Liver Many dog treats and prepared foods contain liver so it may surprise you to find liver on the bad foods list. In small amounts liver is good for your dog, but if the liver intake is too high it can cause nutritional problems because liver has a high content of vitamin A. Consumption of this vitamin in large amounts can lead to vitamin A toxicity, or hypervitaminosis A. If your dog eats raw liver or consumes three servings of cooked liver a week it could lead to bone problems. Feeding liver to a dog taking Vitamin A supplements can lead to an overdose of Vitamin A. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis A are deformed bones, excessive bone growth on the elbows and spine, weight loss and anorexia. If left unchecked, hypervitaminosis A has in some cases caused death. Macadamia Nuts The toxic compound is unknown but eating as few as six nuts without the shell has been known to cause elevated body temperature, accelerated heartbeat, tremors in the skeletal muscles, and weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters. Affected dogs have difficulty or are unable to rise, are distressed and usually panting.Some affected dogs have had swollen limbs and showed pain when the limb was manipulated. Dogs did recover from the muscle weakness and pain and it is not known if there have been any fatal cases. Macadamia butter is included in this warning. Moldy or Spoiled Foods The common mold found growing on many foods contain toxins such as Penicillium mold toxins or tremorgenic mycotoxins. Symptoms of poisoning include severe tremors and seizures that can last for hours or even days. This is considered an emergency and medical treatment is needed to control the seizures and detoxify the dog. Spoiled foods can cause food poisoning. Symptoms of food poisoning are severe vomiting, diarrhea and shock. Prevention is the best course, don't feed your dog moldy food left in the refrigerator and don't allow him to raid your garbage cans or compost bin (or your neighbor's). Mushrooms Mushroom poisoning can be fatal if certain species of mushrooms are eaten. The most commonly reported severely toxic species of mushroom in the US is Amanita phalloides, but other Amanita species are also toxic. They can cause severe liver disease and neurological disorders. The recommendation is to induce vomiting when these mushrooms are ingested and to give activated charcoal, as well. Supportive treatment for liver disease may also be necessary. Nutmeg Nutmeg is reported to be a hallucinogenic when ingested in large doses. Nutmeg has been known to cause tremors, seizures and in some cases, death. Nuts Nuts in general are not good for dogs as their high phosphorus content may lead to bladder stones. Onions Onions cause hemolytic anemia, which means that the red blood cells break down leaving the dog short of oxygen. Onion poisoning can occur with a single ingestion of large quantities or with repeated meals containing small amounts of onion. The condition generally improves once the dog is prevented from eating any further onion. The poisoning may occur a few days after the dog has eaten the onion. At first dogs affected by onion poisoning show gastroenteritis with vomiting and diarrhea, weakness and show little or no interest in food. The red pigment from the burst blood cells appear in an affected dog's urine making it dark colored. The dog will experience shortness of breath because the red blood cells that carry oxygen through the body are reduced in number. Other symptoms are elevated body temperature, confusion, and increased heart rate. Seek veterinary care immediately. The quantity of onions, raw or cooked, required is high enough that dogs can generally tolerate small doses of onions without any problem and moderate amounts of onion without apparent signs of onion poisoning. All forms of onion can be a problem including dehydrated onions, raw onions, cooked onions and table scraps containing cooked onions and/or garlic. Left over pizza, Chinese dishes and commercial baby food containing onion, sometimes fed as a supplement to young pets, can cause illness. While garlic also contains the toxic ingredient thiosulphate, it seems that garlic is less toxic and large amounts would need to be eaten to cause illness. Peaches The seed pit contains cyanogenic glycosides which can cause cyanide poisoning. Pears The seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides which can cause cyanide poisoning. Plants Dogs can become extremely ill or even die from eating poisonous plants. Keep all unknown types of plants and any plants suspected of being poisonous out of reach of your pet. Common Poisonous Plants List Plastic Food Wrap Dogs have been known to ingest pieces of plastic wrap while trying to eat food remnants left on its surface. Plastic food wrap can cause choking or intestinal obstruction. Dispose of plastic wrap in a manner that your dog or other animals cannot get to it. Plums The seed pit contains cyanogenic glycosides which can cause cyanide poisoning. Play Dough Home made play dough contains high levels of salt. When ingested this can cause salt poisoning which can be fatal. Potatoes Solanum alkaloids can be found in green sprouts and green potato skins, which occurs when the tubers are exposed to sunlight during growth or after harvest. The relatively rare occurrence of actual poisoning is due to several factors: solanine is poorly absorbed; it is mostly hydrolyzed into less toxic solanidinel; and the metabolites are quickly eliminated. Cooked, mashed potatoes are fine for dogs, actually quite nutritious and digestible. Raisins or Grapes See Grapes Rich Fatty Foods Rich, fatty foods can be very dangerous to dogs susceptible to attacks of pancreatitis. Often you may not know that your dog is susceptible until he is very sick with his first attack. It is often the smaller, more energetic breeds like miniature or toy poodles, cocker spaniels, miniature schnauzers, and other small terrier-type dogs who seem particularly prone. However, any dog may have a problem. It is best to avoid these foods altogether. turkey skin bacon, sausages, hot dogs [/font] By the way, this list was sent to me by a friend who works with all sorts of animals and also breeds dogs. She is extremely knowledgeable and would not have sent anything which wasn't completely true.[/color][/b]
  18. Bill, I'm so happy for you. Being able to go, to do, etc. for yourself when you want is so impoetant. It is this independence that depresses so many older people. They may live in condos and areas where there is a "bus" that takes them to the grocery and you can get rides to doctors but it's not the same. I know you will enjoy the car - and certainly will Budweiser.
  19. The answer is the same kind of man who caused Eli Weisel to become what he became. Infortunately there are some really sick people living on this earth. Of course there are some who are the exact opposites.
  20. Could someone tell me how to make a picture I have online my avatar. (I am the original Dummy in Computers for Dummies) and I need simple instructions. The little one isn't mine, but I'm sure it is a long distance relative. LOL! I love this breed. (It won't show here with cut and paste and would probably be a red "x", if it did come.
  21. Phyllis4732

    99% is only Ok

    From one purple person to another; I'm 2nd generation LOL! :big_grin: Phyllis
  22. A ticking clock is good when a puppy cries at night. It thinks it is its mother's heart. Just put it in his crate.
  23. Thank you to everyone. Some answers to questions would be. The 2nd car hit was driven by an hispanic man who apparently could not speak much English and although another driver also had a hispanic name but apparently that person's English was not too good. It strikes me as strange that the Fl, Hwt Patrol does not have a bi-lingual officer or give some training or use a recorder with questions in areas where there are so many who speak Spanish. The next town is a fern growing area and many of the workers are hispanic. In fact, 2 small men came to see how I was. They couldn't get me out of the drivers side door and so pulll me (and I helped) over the console and out the other door. They were concerned about the smoke - (That sure scared me) Someone later said it was from the airbags. In fact one of these small men grabbed me from the passengers seat and carried me away. I'm not exactly a little girl)( I don't know if they were from the accident or just passer-bys) I was far away from the other cars. So to go on. Apparently, the second car was going the opposite direction and it was me who was the hitter and not a hit/run. I believe it was Ann who said, the other person perhaps should adjust when they see someone too close or over but that isn't the law. If you are in their space, you are wholly responsible. Also Ann, you mentioned the choice of the side. I believe you may also live where there are drainage ditches on the sides. With small roads and drainage ditches, there is a problem if a person doesn't know the are. And lastly, night time darkness is better because there may be a high moon giving light. Of course with rain if there was a moon, it must have been concealed. Yes, in a way accidents are like strokes, happen quickly and alters lives. I am driving a rental to be able to work and I learned 2 things. I should have had my mirrors at a different angle- one that would show ant car next to me buyt also low enough to reflect the line. And, perhaps with this car, unlike my last which I loved, the seat did not adjust up or down or I never found out how- I should have probably used a pillow- although I thought I had a large enough pillow attached to my body. Perhaps some of you are also as stupid about these things as I was.
  24. The mystery has been solved. Many of the other drivers did not speak English. Apparently an interpreter was used and it was determined that I was over the line and hit an oncoming car which was at first considered the second car that was hit. I received a summons in the mail today. Yesterday, I was awakened by a call from the insurance company informing me that my 2004 Dodge Stratus had been totaled. I can not figure how the horrible mess that ocurred but apparently the car that I hit had a higher bumper than I did and the bumper wasn't involved. The pictured aren't on the website yet. I feel as though the title of "survivor" probably should have been bestowed on another. I seem to be inflicting pain on others and myself; although, I certainly was not trying to. I do not now like myself and feel that only my dog gives me her unconsitional love that dogs give. I guess they do not know better.I had thought I had reached bottom but apparently had not yet done that; I have a long way to go; I am now headed. I guess the dream that I so wanted will not be. I don't know what will happen to me. I will must likely lurk on this site since I feel as though I know so many of you. I want to know how everyone is doing. I wish all of you the best. Phyllis
  25. So sorroy for your families' loss. It is said that a person never dies as long as there are those who remember him. Phyllis