
Stroke Survivor - female
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About jstern

  • Birthday 02/09/1953

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    Saw another survivor(HWSTOCK) use this area to explain his stroke and thought ...Good Idea

    I don't recall what kind of stroke I supposedly had...January 11,2001
    MY left side is affected...I was told the right rear artery collapsed.
    After 2 years of stubbornly going through the motions of exercise (pseudo therapy) and having to ride the city bus....what a joke!..took 90 minutes to go same distance I now drive in 10 minutes,, I regained my drivers liscense on Good Friday 2003

    Before my stroke, I ran my own photography business out of my home...I loved shooting weddings.

    Hubby is my caregiver (who recently survived his 2nd cancer/surgery)WE ARE BOTH MEDICALLY RETIRED NOW.
    ...along with 25 yr old son...who has turned into a wonderful young man full of character.
    I have 2 male fat cats...each weighs 25 pounds.Both spoiled rotten.
    But sweet as can be and I love all my "guys" to pieces.
    PM me or see you in the chat room 8-}
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  1. Happy Anniversary charmin!