
Stroke Survivor - female
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About jstern

  • Birthday 02/09/1953

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    Saw another survivor(HWSTOCK) use this area to explain his stroke and thought ...Good Idea

    I don't recall what kind of stroke I supposedly had...January 11,2001
    MY left side is affected...I was told the right rear artery collapsed.
    After 2 years of stubbornly going through the motions of exercise (pseudo therapy) and having to ride the city bus....what a joke!..took 90 minutes to go same distance I now drive in 10 minutes,, I regained my drivers liscense on Good Friday 2003

    Before my stroke, I ran my own photography business out of my home...I loved shooting weddings.

    Hubby is my caregiver (who recently survived his 2nd cancer/surgery)WE ARE BOTH MEDICALLY RETIRED NOW.
    ...along with 25 yr old son...who has turned into a wonderful young man full of character.
    I have 2 male fat cats...each weighs 25 pounds.Both spoiled rotten.
    But sweet as can be and I love all my "guys" to pieces.
    PM me or see you in the chat room 8-}
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  1. Hi Janice! We're both doing well after a winter of assorted of health issues from the flu to an aneurysm surgery. We joined the YMCA yesterday to get back in the swing of things. Hope all is well with you and your husband. Jean