
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by srademacher

  1. Sue, I have every confidence that you will do what is right and best for you and Ray. Hang in there my friend and know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Sarah
  2. Janine, I just tore apart a planter on the corner of the deck off Gary's bedroom because it was full of wasps. I got some cheap wasp spray at Lowe's $1.00/can and drowned them in it and when I tore it apart found 8 wasp nests inside. It was necessary after Gary got stung by one last week. I am, however, going to hire a handyman to rip out the rest of the planters and put in a ramp from the deck to the back yard. LOL Glad you're back on the mend but don't suggest getting sick to lose weight, although that may be the only way I can do it. Sarah
  3. Sue, The class sounds like a great learning and sharing experience, but hope you also get some time to do some fun things just for yourself. Sarah
  4. You mentioned that no one in this case has "power of attorney." If that is the case, I would get that power of attorney and make the decisions that were suggested by the Elder Care Attorney. If the rest of the family doesn't want to step up to the plate, they have no business making decisions on her behalf. If it's all in your lap to do so, you do what is best for the Grandma, yourself and your family and if any of them disagree or question it because they may not get their full inheritance, you remind them who did all the work caring for Grandma. Your local senior center may have power of attorney forms, or you may be able to get them online by searching through google. If you can't find one, PM me and I can forward one via email to you. You probably need both a regular Power of Attorney for financial and legal issues and a Durable Medical Power of Attorney to make healthcare decisions on her behalf. Without either of those, you could run into real problems with the rest of the family. Sarah
  5. Ann, I guess we've all learned to cope by remembering that we can gripe and moan till the cows come home, but that isn't going to change things, so we learn to "git er done," as Larry the Cable Guy would say. LOL Sarah
  6. Sue, I can only offer (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))), and tell you that I hear you!!! Sarah
  7. srademacher


    Glad you are able to go back to work and hope you do take it slow at first. I'm sure all those customers missed you're "have a nice day" greetings. Sarah
  8. Donna, It's okay to get in a funk every now and again with all you've been through. As long as you dust yourself off and remind yourself how lucky you are to be here. I know we are all very lucky to have you here. Sarah
  9. Jean, We have experienced more than our share of rude people and their reactions to my disabled husband. It's their loss if they don't take the time to know and understand his situation. I pray that none of them have to experience the kind of pain and suffering our husband's have had to experience. I, too, get upset and sometimes I wait until we get home and he's in the other room before I break down and cry, then I pick myself back up and realize that "there but for the Grace of God could they be." They're not worth my tears!! Sarah
  10. Janine, I remember that about the 3rd or 4th week of Gary's stay at the rehab hospital I questioned why he was sleeping so much and one nurse (the one who got fired for speaking out on his behalf) told me that the head nurse had asked the Dr. to prescribe Ativan (not sure if that's correct spelling), which she told me was a really strong drug just to keep him sleeping so they wouldn't have to deal with him. I went to the Dr. and told her to get him off that sh***t NOW! I also questioned why they had him on an anti-seizure med when he had never had seizures in his life, other than the one they insisted he had right before he had the stroke in a hospital room.....but that was also the hospital that didn't know how to deal with a stroke and left him lay for hours doing nothing for the stroke!! It's not easy to stay on top of everything going on every single day, and if it weren't for a few good nurses (both of whom got fired) while Gary was at rehab, he wouldn't have done well at all because I was running on overload and ended up spending a night in ICU myself from the stress. I learned to slow down the pace a bit after that and not try to worry so much. I had to leave it in God's hands as my shoulders couldn't carry the load. When it came to the criticism from others about me not doing enough, I learned to put out my hand and say "talk to the hand" because I'm not in the mood for it. It's always easier to be on the outside criticizing than it is to be the one doing everything; and until they've walked a mile in your shoes, they have no right to complain. You hang in there, and remember you're doing what you do out of love and nobody has a right to judge that! Sarah
  11. Congratulations to both of you in your long journey of stroke recovery and caregiving. It's an amazing journey and both of you have been an inspiration to so many on this website and I'm sure everywhere you go together. Sarah
  12. Jean and Don, We are so sorry for your loss. I know how very difficult it must have been for you to lose such a valued member of your family. Cooper will be missed by all of us who enjoyed following his blogs. Sarah, Gary and Pookie
  13. Ellen, I'm so glad to see you're back blogging. Was getting really worried about you and Denny when I hadn't heard anything in months. Welcome back and we'll look forward to more of your adventures in your blogs. Sarah
  14. Donna, I'm so happy for your latest progress. Goes to show that Drs. don't know everything (and some don't know much of anything). LOL You go girl !!!! :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  15. I can't give you any great words of wisdom but only remind you that sometimes people mean well, but unless they've walked in your shoes, they just don't "get it." ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) Sarah
  16. I've been reading Cooper's Chronicles to Pookie - both her and Gary get a good laugh out of them! LOL Sarah
  17. srademacher

    guilty feelings.

    Babs, I hear you!!! I've had some of those same feelings myself and I've actually told my husband that I like him better when he can't talk - at least I haven't been called a "bitch" by him since his stroke! LOL Sarah
  18. Sue, I'm sorry to hear you pulled a muscle in your neck. You need a skateboard to roll Ray onto till you can get him to a spot where he can grab onto something solid and pull himself up. I use one of those big round exercise balls but haven't needed it in a long time. Lucky for you that Trev took some time to care for you. I know how difficult it is to try to do it all, but sometimes we have to admit that we can't! Sarah
  19. Donna, I'm glad things went well for you and you're back home and doing okay. Sarah
  20. Sue, I couldn't have said it any better myself. It definitely is not an option - but insanity may be. LOL Sarah
  21. srademacher

    Remember Me?

    Jean, I had checked your blogs on your other site and was worried when I didn't see any recent updates. Glad to see you are back and things are going okay for both you and Don. Sarah
  22. Sue, I couldn't wait to put my Christmas stuff away and not have to look at it for another year. And, as far as the sales go, I'd rather wait and pay full price than to fight those unruly crowds. Sarah
  23. Sue, Glad you had a nice New Year's Day. I'll trade our weather for yours any day. LOL I put Gary to bed early last night, had a nice candlelight bubble bath, then shared a glass of sparkling grape juice with the couple in our basement. It was quiet and relaxing and I've decided I need more of that for 2008. Best Wishes for a healthier and happier New Year! Sarah
  24. Sue, Good to see you back on here blogging. Hope you're computer gets fixed soon - have missed your blogs. Sarah
  25. srademacher

    so long for a while

    Have a great Christmas and a safe trip. I'll bet you can't wait to get out of the cold!!! Sarah