
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by tom71

  1. Peter, This topic is obviously one of great interest here at the stroke network,to help people become more informed, besides Ian are there any other stroke patients that have been treated by your company? Thank you for taking the time to give us the information about the treatment. God Bless, Tom
  2. tom71


    Vix, Congratulations, :congrats: That is wonderful!, How did you do it? since I can only use 1 hand I wear either slip on's or use the stretch shoestrings, but I'd still like to be able to wear normal ones. Tom
  3. Maybe it is time to get all of those unhealthy items out of the house( throw them in the garbage), buy something like celery or carrots to snack on, it may be tough but set your mind to it and do it( refuse to fail) :Tantrum: God Bless, Tom
  4. :congrats: I remember the first time I was able to put my regular jeans on it does make you feel great( like you are regaining some independance!), keep up the good work it will get easier with practice! God Bless, Tom
  5. Gary, Thanks for the link to the game! making it past that first obstacle was tough then it starts to get easier, what has been your top score so far? Tom
  6. Mary, another much simpler method that I am using from The Biggest Loser book is to take your current weight x 7 and that will equal your daily calorie needs for weight loss, so far my wife has lost 30lbs and I have lost 25lbs. God Bless, Tom
  7. al belfield, I'm sorry to hear about all you are going through, makes me feel silly to complain about the loss of my arm, I can not imagine the pain you feel, with loosing your son, and your wife's stroke, there is no reason to apoligize on your part, that is what we are all here for, to listen and provide support when our friends are in need. God Bless your entire family, Tom
  8. Silvertreeshe, Welcome to the site :welcome: , First of all I'd talk to a counselor and get involved at Church, Since I've never had that fear its hard for me to understand what you are going through, but the two things I mentioned are the only advice I have, I can honestly say I do not have a fear of death, because I know when I die I'll be in a much better place. God Bless, Tom
  9. tom71


    Kim, many people have memory problems following their stroke, keep a small journal of anything you feel is important like your doctors appointments,as far as what your blog blog what you want! don't worry about trying to blog about what anyone else wants, its your blog for crying out loud,whatever makes you feel better write about that, and who gives a da** about what anyone else thinks. : :Booty: God Bless Ya! Tom
  10. tom71


    Kim, after reading all of you blog entries, It's no wonder why you have met such a good Man, the way you treat people shows that you are one heck of a woman, that any man would be happy to be with! I'm sorry you are so home sick, but you will learn to love Ky! I know I do,keep treating people right, and you will be fine! Your friend, Tom
  11. Debbie, I agree this Pt is an idiot, I'd never return to her place of employment, my feelings that if they hired this idiot then the whole facility is not worth returning to, I'm sure there are other facilities you could be seen at.keep up with your exercises on your own, I really believe we are our own best advocte. God bless, Tom
  12. Jcleaver, I'm with Fred, the safest and wisest thing to do would be either take here to the Er or a different doctor if her doc isn't concered, take care of yourself too if something were to happen to you she would be up the creek without a paddle God Bless, Tom
  13. tom71

    Griffin & Me

    Dora, You look wonderful, and your boys are as cute as can be!
  14. tom71

    Hank Rotzal

    Nice striper! where did you catch him at?
  15. Karen, Have you ever thought of going to a therapist for help?, a stroke affects not only the survivor but the survivors loved ones as well so it is possible you may have a little depression setting in. there are many meds that can help this if your Doctor see's fit. God Bless, Tom
  16. Rich, I'm glad you started using our board! There are alot of careing people who would love to help you! My name is Tom Hensley I'm a 33y/o stroke survivor, and like you have lost touch with alot of my old friends, While they are out there enjoying there lives, I'm stuck here at home to make tthe best of whats left of my life., one thing I am doing starting Aug. is going back to college. I'm thinking that will put me in contact with alot of new people that I can become friends with. You may want to consider something like this far as the funding or college you can contact the office of vocational rehabilitation in your state and may get your school paid may not be for everyone but its something I'm me anytime you want someone to talk to Good luck, Tom