
Stroke Survivor - male
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  1. Happy Anniversary dmp!

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  3. Happy Anniversary dmp!

  4. I definitely agree with the other CGs who recommend working with the doctor to find the right medication, or probably, combination of medications. My mom's stroke (4+ yrs ago) resulted in some of the same behaviors: very anxious (she was throwing pillows and kleenex boxes while in the nursing home right after her stroke), calling for us all night long, depressed, unmotivated to do anything--a total departure from her pre-stroke personality. Anyway, it took a while, but we finally did get the right combo of meds. She does tire easily, but you know that fatigue is a part of the stroke since everything is much harder for the patient to do (including thinking) and that is exhausting. But, she does have a much better quality of life now (which is easier for the caregiver, too). It's a tough road, but you have to be persistent with the docs, etc.