
Stroke Survivor - male
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About spokangie

  • Birthday 02/24/1949

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    Hello my name is Angie and I am married to the most beautiful soul Lloyd..<br /> <br />My interest vary,, I love to golf, something that we started to do a couple of times a week prior to his Stroke.<br />I love to read,but find very little time for it now. We just moved to a rented duplex and I am still trying to make it homey for us..and functionable for LLoyd.. At present I spend a lot of time researching new medications that are changing with each seizure,, new research, trying to find some kind of a breakthrough for stroke survivors.. How to deal with his disabilities and what new progress has been made scientifically to help him.. <br />My daughters are my interest too,, without their love and support it would be hard to deal with this new crisis.. They are the love of my life,, my rock..next to my sweetheart..he is my life..my best friend.. My Love...<br /><br />I became a caregiver last July to LLoyd.. Those first days, weeks and months were a real challenge for all..From a man that was very active at work and worked with his mind, to be reduced to almost a shell.. of a man.. No speech and very little mobility..<br /> This has been a year of challenges for both of us.. I don't remember what it is like to have a good night sleep.. but that is getting better.. with time.. The hardest is the silence, sometimes even now I find it can be unberable.. I find myself aching to hear his voice the way it was.. <br />Progress is measured in how many words he can remember to repeat.. how far he can walk with a hemi walker..<br /> It His seizures take a lot out of us too.. no matter how many he has you never get used to them.. I left a full time job as a medical receptionist to care for Lloyd full time... <br />I call it my early retirement.. <br /><br />The one thing that I am greatfull for is this web site.. Through it I found that there is light at the end of the tunnell,, just to give ourselves time and patience.. <br /><br />Before Lloyd had his Stroke I never paid any attention to the disabled, never questioned what put them in the wheelchair, why is their arm dangling.. And now that is all I notice whe we are out...<br />I had no idea how many people are affected daily by Stroke..Young and Old.. Male or Female. It does not discriminate....It changes lives forever....<br /><br />A little update, we are now in our own condo an are loving it, it has been 3 years since the stroke and some things have improved, our lives are as normal as normal is for his condition. We love our new place, lots of new acquaintances and friendly faces to greet us. Things are as good as they will be, we are still doing baby steps

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  1. Happy Anniversary dhm!