
Stroke Caregiver - male
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Image Comments posted by Peter

  1. Yvonne,


    Never loose that feeling for living. Your picture projects a very and determined person. Even after my stroke, now 11 years on after heart surgery, I wake up and see Gods wonderful creation. It is a tough road only given to the spiraturally tough, so keep fighting and stay focused on all the good that are around you. Life is about sharing and caring about all living things and I believe these are the things we are here to learn about. In the meantime develop that person you are in the photo and grow as a person.

    God bless to you and your family



  2. Hi Carmen,


    I can share your feelings. I was 40 and very active with gym life and running when I too had a stroke down my left side. That was 6 years ago now and at times I feel old and tired, but I keep reminding myself I am still alive and life is too short to stay down. Have faith in your own abilities and your maker and conquer your fears. Remember you are not alone and others care for and wish to see you succeed.

    You can be and will be a better person than you were before. Your picture certainly does not portray you as old and with support from your family and stroke group you are going to climb any mountain.


    Take care and remember we are all special because we are all survivors

