
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by tdehaas

  1. Hey Freddy:


    Long time..


    I enjoy discussing history and politics. I stay away from religion.


    None of my biz but would luv to know who you're supporting and the main reason why!


    Also , have you seen or heard much of the likes of Cory Booker, Duval Patricks, Bakari Sellers?


    Obama, sure has caught fire.. Do you think the old schoolers have outlasted their stay and now it's time to step aside?


    I'm old enough to remember B. Jordan. What a winner!



  2. Hey Phyl


    This event reminded me of something that my Aunts and sisters would have probably jokingly said when i was a kid,.. "Next time keep your cards and money in your Indian purse"..LOL I hope you can probably guess where that is??




  3. I had what was determined to be bursitis. There was no separation or tear just an overextension when I fell as I stroked. I think? cause I don't really remember. I didn't start getting the "good' recovery in my hand and fingers until after nine months out as my shoulder healed and ROM returned . One physiatrist I visited a couple of times told me that recovery flows from the shoulder to the hand. who knows?

  4. Hey Kimmie,


    I don't know as much about malpractice as you do from your experiences but maybe the dentist's insurer is still in business... maybe look into it.. I'm sure there are many lawyers willing to work with you


    BUT more importantly..An infected root canal can be an extremely serious problem. It's sounds like you are getting the help you need.

  5. Hi Kimmie


    Your comments and that of Lucy's has me wondering about my experience. I went to the ER in my own vehicle within about thirty minutes of collaspsing from my TIA/stroke. I received tPa after an adamant urging to the personnel from my wife. Thankfully she remembered hearing about it from the media several months prior and pushed for the doctor and on-call neuro to administer the treatment. I'll never know but I always thought that I was just fortunate to run into a knowledgeable doctor and experienced neuro, and tPa was the normal response. Maybe the trick was more a combination of having a forceful wife, good insurance and driving up in my old truck.


    I'll be extremely curious of the outcome of your case. Hopefuuly it will be in your favor, although that won't solve all your issues.



  6. Hey Phyl


    Sorry that you had/have to deal with this, but luckily you are okay and didn't get hurt too bad. I would think your insurance co would be of help since they are going to have to pay if it is determined that you were 100% responsible.. negligence is sometimes portioned out in some States.


    I know very little about these kind of things but logic tells me that when two objects hit one another flush then there would be some telling evidence but an object glancing off another like the car did to you, wouldn't be so conclusive.. and that it continued to hit another car directlly behind you would seem to further substanciate that it was in your lane... without good eyewitnesses these kinds of issues are always rather more dubious.


    Oh before I forget, when it comes to these kinds of lawyers have always told me not to talk to anyone about it and NEVER admit to anything ... even if it is video taped LOL


    Hopefully your insurance will be of some help


    Good Luck and keep us posted



  7. Hi Johanne,


    Long time no see!


    I don't recall all of the ongoing 2+ year situation you are in, but I do remember issues of forced arbitration, LTD, along with union matters. Also being in Canada I'm guessing things are different there than here. But if you are now fighting an insurance group as opposed to your employer can you get a workmen's comp lawyer involved?


    good luck, keep us posted and don't give up the ship!



  8. Hi Rich


    I apologize for being so direct and sounding so blunt. Mainly because this is your blog and it's for most anything you wish to write, share or report about. I guess you earlier comments struck me funny this AM.


    I'm sure you know it, but if not, willlingly or not, you have become the "posterchild' here for SC treatment and notwithstanding your own thoughts about it, your recovery is extremely important to me and many others for obvious reasons. Whether or not a quagmire has been created as far as differentiating the effects of the various therapies you've elected to undergo is for someone way beyond me to determine. I was alway wondering myself just how much recovery you're getting normally over time from the event. And as you rightfully concluded, what difference does it make as long as you get some.


    So Rich, I just really want to say, that I think what ever direction you take for your therapy; God's speed and a little luck be with you.



  9. Sharon,


    i think that's a great in which many here i'm guessing are wondering..




    We are all following your progress.. I'm sure it's of little consequence to you how you improve just as along as it happens. I think those of us like Sharon are inquisitive because we may or may not choose to look into a particular therapy depending how it appears to work. Otherwise why bother to report.


    Good Luck and please keep us posted.



  10. Hi Mary.


    Congradulations to your dad and family!!


    Your dad must be a very special man.


    I kinda know what your talking about.. My grandfather was knighted (invested) in the early 1970s at Buckingham for his charitable acts here in America. My mom and her sister got to attend the ceremony. It was during the Summer. They took a small entourage with them to England for the occasion. It's funny to see pictures of him in his top hat and tails. My mom had a photo portrait done and we have his medal and certificates nicely framed. I'll tell you more about it one of these days.


    Post some pictures, especially of the hat!



  11. Thx Mel..

    For getting such a quick turn around in communications with your brother.


    I want to respond to Heath. I will send my reply to you and if you would be kind enough to forward it to him along with my email address I would enjoy the opportunity to carry on this discussion with him.




  12. Mel...

    That'a fine that you're going to pass along my comments.. I was going to suggest that and even thought of writing him directly. However, honestly and cynically, I didn't want my name to show up on some NSA (Security not stroke :)) or no-fly list.


    i am not one to debate our current War in iraq, but I do not want to be mischaracterized because I am a Democrat and I do support our troops, I just disapprove of the Prez's handlling of it among many other things.





  13. Hey Mel


    I've read all of Heaths notes over the past several months. I find them extremely interesting and i especially like the pix he includes.


    i would never want to appear to be critical, disrespectful or unsupportive of his and others' military service for our country. Afterall his butt is on the line, literally, while mine sits in front of this computer.


    This most recent note, however, brings in focus something that has me bothered me from reading his missives to you. That is; I wonder and question the source of the information he gets about what goes on here in the US.


    First of all, I think the majority of Americans are not in favor of the War in Iraq. That is different from the War in Afganistan. Moreover, that most Americans support the military, just not the Iraq war. Actually i think the recent elections speak to that. Although I do think SoD Rumsfield should resign. I voted Democratic down the line, but I do not support any insurgents.


    Secondly, I not sure of what investigations he is suggesting are suppose to begin. I do hope we start getting better oversite on all facets of our government, especially on the spending of our tax money. I think Bush and Company have violated our Constitution but I would not be in favor of any big Impeachment investigation/trial. Nothing would be accomplish by it.


    I also don't think he's going to see or should expect to see a bunch of protesters when he lands back in the USA. Least I hope not.


    Lastly, I honestly think most people believe that Kerry flubbed a joke that he was trying to jab at Bush and not the military. I believe that anyway.


    Thx Mel for sharing Heath's letters home. I enjoy them and i hope it won't be long before he is here




  14. Karen


    i especially like Pulp Fiction and The Italiam Job..


    But my ulterior motive for commenting is to put a plug in for Diane Benson if you haven't already voted.


    I have a good Tlinglit friend who is campaigning hard for her. I sent her some money a few weeks ago.


    She loks like a good candidate.



  15. Hi Phyllis..


    I saw Mark on 60 minutes a couple of weeks ago.. He'll make a great spokesperson ..He was extremely well-liked from his many years on the CBS Early Show..


    How would expect to know him from the CBS news have to change the channel from FOX every once in awhile. :roflmao:


    I won't comment on the MO Senate race and the Limbaugh-MJF story.. it's too disgusting, as is the junkie Limbaugh, for me to think about.



    have a good day!


    Your fav libnut



  16. Hey Sue..


    That's pretty outstanding!


    Of course here is the Estados Unidos, tipping is what you do at the restaurant when you leave the waiter some dough for their good service. Not sure what they call that in OZ.


    If you were living here and had those kind of consistent results with college and pro football games. You and Ray would be my weekly guests in Las Vegas. :roflmao:


    A 11 team parlay here pays at least 450 to 1 !


    Great tipping!



  17. Hey Phyl..


    Glad to hear that Ernesto is not hurting you'all to bad!


    I'm not sure of who are thinking about, but, myself, I have have been a much more infrequent participant lately .

    Mostly due to unrelated issues, however, there are some personal reasons, site related and not, that have kept me less active. I am reading the book club book so i will be keeping up on that. I stop in from time to time to see if there's an interesting thread going that I might want to comment on.


    Be sure and know that I keep an eye on you, my favorite Bush supporter. I can't pass up any opportunity to take a shot at you for that if it's there :roflmao:


    Later Tom


    Meow Meow