
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by tdehaas

  1. Hi Sue I think many of us are figuring out that the empty bag is the one that the world has been left holding ever since the Bush crime family hijacked our government. Does the game of musical chairs come to mind. :uhm: Cheers Tom
  2. I took the photo of a marqee near my house. I not sure why they're advertising these trips except that there must be some Vietnamnese in the area. At the same time I'm sure there are some Vietnam War vets around who will appreciate the irony.
  3. tdehaas

    empty chairs

    Hi Sue, I always enjoy your blog as a I do several others here. This one in particular was a very moving and sad account in which you expressed yourself wonderfully. I was standing there in the Church kitchen with you. Now that's an odd visual.. me in church.. :big_grin: It's too bad the church is having to disband. Hopefully something better will develope. Peace and good fortune! Tom
  4. tdehaas

    what goes around

    Hey Peter I surprised you know Charlie! :beer: Cheers Tom
  5. tdehaas


    Hi Amy.. It's POETS Day as I remember.. P____ on everything, tomorrow's saturday! :beer: Cheers Tom
  6. tdehaas


    Hi KIM Funny you say that Sandy.. Richie Havens came to mind for me.. the good ole Woodstock concert.. I do like Jimi's song too. Tom
  7. I was thinking of something along the lines of this salad requiring a Deep Throat to enjoy it.. Sorry Denny Cheers Tom
  8. tdehaas


    Easy there...Peaches
  9. Hi fred I especially like you idea about Dubya going to Iraq. I just wish he wouldn't wait for 3 years. sooner the better for me.. Cheers Tom
  10. Hi Fred IMHO NO,NO,WHO KNOWS,YES,YES,YES,YES,NO,NO,MAYBE. As long as there is a Bush in the Oval office including goofy Jeb and his kids,America's in trouble. Tom
  11. This photo was taken in the Cascades about 60-70 miles from our place. It and other photos &info can ber found at the Bigfoot Website November 17, 2005 - outside Yacolt, WA A backpacker from Vancouver, Washington, took these photos on Silver Star Mountain in Gifford Pinchot National Forest on November 17. He says he doesn't know what the figure was, but he does not believe it was another hiker or backpacker. The photos are inconclusive, but they are potentially relevant. The figure you see could be a sasquatch. The silhouette is comparable to the lanky silhouette in the Marble Mountains footage. It also looks similar to some eyewitness sketches. As in the Marble Mountains footage , there's nothing in the outline to indicate that it's another person (except for the upright posture). There's no lines indicating clothing or a pack. The lump on the neck could easily be a clump of hair, similar to what you can see in the PGF. Most snowshoers or backpackers in these conditions would look different than this silhouette. It will be useful to compare images of an equipped snowshoer or backpacker standing at this same spot at the same time of day. We're hoping a few different people will heed our recommendation and go up there to get some comparison photos. The terrain and present conditions helps and hinders attempts to get more photos/footage in this area. Deep snow on the ridges makes it more difficult for a photographer to move around up there, but it also makes it easier to spot trackways and movement. It won't hurt to suggest to people in Washougal and Yacolt to carry a camera when driving around.
  12. Janice My wife ate a lot of soup (various) and toast when she was in chemo a few years back. Nothing to worry about losing one's appetite for. tom
  13. tdehaas


    Hey Dawg You can keep that white stuff up there all you want..Don't ski no more Sounds like you ate too much turkey Hope you're feeling better tomorrow Rezdog
  14. tdehaas


    Interesting dialog you got started here in your blog Gary.. Was noticing..that we have over 4100 registered users here, and my impression is that we have about 30-40 active people in the forums, about 20-25 active bloggers, both groups comprise the same people and that's about 50/50, survivor/caregiver. Whats that.... about half of a percent? So 1,000/5 years on PEI equals about 5 active people if you think were talking apples to apples and not apples to oranges Not trying to start a discussion on why or why not, just an observation or two. Good thoughts! Tom
  15. tdehaas

    About me

    Hi Virginie I too just wanted to welcome you to strokenet and the Blogs.. I'm not a blogger YET but I enjoy reading and replying I see you're in western Mass, extremely pretty part of the country this time of year. I lived in New Hampshire for several years, long ago. I had a girlfriend for a short time who graduated Hampshire College way back when...I think her class was the first graduating class back in the early 70s.. I use to love hitchhiking ("road tripping") around those parts during the fall and over to Boston, back when it was safe to do so. again welcome I look forward to more updates. Cheers Tom
  16. How about Having Uncle Frank show up uninvited?? remember Frank Slade from "Scent of a Woman" Tom
  17. tdehaas

    My face is blushing

    Hi Janice what can you do? what can you say? ... they live in your house so you can say a bunch.. doesn't mean they'll listen but you can stop it under your roof.. You are not being hypocritical, just a good smart parent.. sure they will resort to the car or someone' else's home or motel.. but you're not enabling or condoning their activity. I may sound naive or self- rightous but my first wife and i had a child out of wedlock; i was 21, she was 18.. we weren't mature enough or ready for a i recall I had 35 cents in my pocket and overdrawn at the bank when our daughter was born.. it was a tough road both financially and mentally. I did many dumb and dangerous things in my youth and when i saw my daughter heading down some of those paths i let her know.... maybe i was beig hypocritical but i wasn't being stupid. i agree with much of Bonnie's comments.. have them use condoms and birth control if only for STDs .. but letting them know you don't want them "messing around" in your house is the proper thing IMHO Tom
  18. Hi Sandy.... Unfortunately or fortunately I am not a fan of modern rock music including urban, hip hop, and rap so i assume having green day kranked up in the background while reading this blog would help. oh well Between reading yours, Jean's and others' recent blogs regarding schedules I feel lazy.. prestroke I was constantly on the move and enjoying it... probably that and other lifestyle issues was resposible for my CVA. I guess I should check out some prozac and see if that will help pick me up.. Back to American Idiot..... I'm guessing but the lyrics must be a commentary on the dumbing down of our country.. which I find to be appalling .... that's why I try to do my liitle bit of commentary/education from time to time here on strokenet.. If we continue to hide/close our minds from things like global warming, stem cell research, rejection of science in general,and support the politicians who want to head in that direction then we deserve what we we get if we don't at least try and do something about it....and we've been going backwards for quite some time IMHO Cheers Tom BTW: Since I've been one of the more visible left wingers on the forum I felt obliged to comment on your lib-nuts, con-nuts, and no-nuts blog..but i got sidetracked and thinking about other good thoughts I will get back there one day.
  19. tdehaas

    Feeling MUCH better

    Hey Dawg Glad you found some better drugs. sounds like they will help a bit. Get some rest, sounds like you deserve some of that too. tom
  20. tdehaas

    The distant past

    Hi Pam Norman Bates comes to mind as far as a guy living at home with their mother. Tom
  21. tdehaas

    Help identify this

    "The question is: is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to put up with all the nasty things that luck throws your way, or to fight against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and for all? Dying, sleeping
  22. tdehaas

    Indian Summer

    Hi Janice... As I scrolled the blogs your entry title caught my attention.. I've always been curious about word/expression origins and so I checked out the free web encyclopedia to see from where "Indian Summer" is derived.. I guess in the UK they call it "Old Wives Summer".....being from Oklahoma, I don't recall using or hearing either expression much....unless "Cheyenne Autumn' is the same' ..... although I bet some of my Cheyenne friends would have a different view. I like the Fall.. birthday time for me.. but I too like warm days and cooler nights.. we don't get that much here.. more rain than anything.. Glad to hear you're getting good weather Tom
  23. Hey Dawghouse... i know kicking the nicotine habit has got to be one of the hardest things to do..I guess I did but i didn't willingly it was the stroke that started me off, they had me cooped up for 3 weeks so my body got thru the withdrawals i decided that i wanted to live a little longer..not sure what for here in our state.. at $5 a pack you'll notice the savings.. I was at 2 packs/day.. sometimes three if i was out carousing good luck.. try the patch if you start to crack... Tom
  24. Phyliss.. I am sure glad you clarified that about your dog.. you had me going for a second Tom PS I agree with JR turn the font up 1 size.... I have old eyes
  25. tdehaas

    What else can we give up

    Hey Fred Interesting topic..I enjoy your blog i hope you keep it up. Just a couple of comments; 1) I think just plain "One nation, indivisible,...." is just fine.. that's how i first heard it .. It actually covers all the bases... it doesn't single or leave anyone out. 2) As I understand it , from the very beginning, the founding fathers intended that there not be Any or Some state sponsored or sanctioned religion tied in with our government.. so we've nevered pushed it out or away. That of course is not the same as saying these folks were not believers in a God. Cheers Tom