
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by tdehaas

  1. Interesting dialog you got started here in your blog Gary..


    Was noticing..that we have over 4100 registered users here, and my impression is that we have about 30-40 active people in the forums, about 20-25 active bloggers, both groups comprise the same people and that's about 50/50, survivor/caregiver. Whats that.... about half of a percent? So 1,000/5 years on PEI equals about 5 active people if you think were talking apples to apples and not apples to oranges


    Not trying to start a discussion on why or why not, just an observation or two.


    Good thoughts!



  2. Hi Virginie


    I too just wanted to welcome you to strokenet and the Blogs..


    I'm not a blogger YET but I enjoy reading and replying


    I see you're in western Mass, extremely pretty part of the country this time of year. I lived in New Hampshire for several years, long ago. I had a girlfriend for a short time who graduated Hampshire College way back when...I think her class was the first graduating class back in the early 70s.. I use to love hitchhiking ("road tripping") around those parts during the fall and over to Boston, back when it was safe to do so.


    again welcome I look forward to more updates.


    Cheers Tom

  3. Hi Janice


    what can you do? what can you say? ... they live in your house so you can say a bunch.. doesn't mean they'll listen but you can stop it under your roof..


    You are not being hypocritical, just a good smart parent.. sure they will resort to the car or someone' else's home or motel.. but you're not enabling or condoning their activity.


    I may sound naive or self- rightous but my first wife and i had a child out of wedlock; i was 21, she was 18.. we weren't mature enough or ready for a i recall I had 35 cents in my pocket and overdrawn at the bank when our daughter was born.. it was a tough road both financially and mentally. I did many dumb and dangerous things in my youth and when i saw my daughter heading down some of those paths i let her know.... maybe i was beig hypocritical but i wasn't being stupid.


    i agree with much of Bonnie's comments.. have them use condoms and birth control if only for STDs .. but letting them know you don't want them "messing around" in your house is the proper thing IMHO



  4. Hi Sandy.... Unfortunately or fortunately I am not a fan of modern rock music including urban, hip hop, and rap so i assume having green day kranked up in the background while reading this blog would help. oh well


    Between reading yours, Jean's and others' recent blogs regarding schedules I feel lazy.. prestroke I was constantly on the move and enjoying it... probably that and other lifestyle issues was resposible for my CVA. I guess I should check out some prozac and see if that will help pick me up..


    Back to American Idiot..... I'm guessing but the lyrics must be a commentary on the dumbing down of our country.. which I find to be appalling .... that's why I try to do my liitle bit of commentary/education from time to time here on strokenet..


    If we continue to hide/close our minds from things like global warming, stem cell research, rejection of science in general,and support the politicians who want to head in that direction then we deserve what we we get if we don't at least try and do something about it....and we've been going backwards for quite some time IMHO


    Cheers beer.gif Tom


    BTW: Since I've been one of the more visible left wingers on the forum I felt obliged to comment on your lib-nuts, con-nuts, and no-nuts blog..but i got sidetracked and thinking about other good thoughts I will get back there one day.

  5. "The question is: is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to put up with all the nasty things that luck throws your way, or to fight against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and for all? Dying, sleeping

  6. Hi Janice... As I scrolled the blogs your entry title caught my attention.. biggrin.gif I've always

    been curious about word/expression origins and so I checked out the free web encyclopedia to see from where "Indian Summer" is derived..


    I guess in the UK they call it "Old Wives Summer".....being from Oklahoma, I don't recall using or hearing either expression much....unless "Cheyenne Autumn' is the same' ..... although I bet some of my Cheyenne friends would have a different view. biggrin2.gif


    I like the Fall.. birthday time for me.. but I too like warm days and cooler nights.. we don't get that much here.. more rain than anything..


    Glad to hear you're getting good weather


    beer.gif Tom

  7. Hey Dawghouse...

    i know kicking the nicotine habit has got to be one of the hardest things to do..I guess I did but i didn't willingly it was the stroke that started me off, they had me cooped up for 3 weeks so my body got thru the withdrawals i decided that i wanted to live a little longer..not sure what for beer.gif here in our state.. at $5 a pack you'll notice the savings.. I was at 2 packs/day.. sometimes three if i was out carousing

    good luck.. try the patch if you start to crack...



  8. Hey Fred


    Interesting topic..I enjoy your blog i hope you keep it up. Just a couple of comments;


    1) I think just plain "One nation, indivisible,...." is just fine.. that's how i first heard it .. It actually covers all the bases... it doesn't single or leave anyone out.


    2) As I understand it , from the very beginning, the founding fathers intended that there not be Any or Some state sponsored or sanctioned religion tied in with our government.. so we've nevered pushed it out or away. That of course is not the same as saying these folks were not believers in a God.






  9. Hey ruthie


    It sure does make a huge difference to have a supportive partner and family during the rehab/recovery from a major health problem.. seems to make the physical aspects of the recovery much more productive. Speaking of being fortunate, my wife is now the sole breadwinner which makes things real tough on her. hopefully that will change a little as I try to pick up some slack with an increase of my efforts in self employment.


    It nice to see you and DH are also conservationists. biggrin2.gif




  10. Hey Ruth


    I've lived in the east, midwest and west and IMHO it seems the further west you go the more friendlier people get .. however I'm first wife was from New Yark. biggrin2.gif I don't want to generalize too much .. we have east coast folks on board smile.gif I do agree though much as I tease about Texans, they are very friendly down there..




  11. Hi Ruthie..

    I'll second Jean's emotion smile.gif ..I can apprecciate the cultural shock you must've experienced moving(being)from Maryland and going to Texas. I'm an Okie by birth so I know some of them longhorns and aggies....strange folks. smile.gif Although in my youth, I always enjoyed road tripping to big D and partying down on Commerce and of course going to the Cotton bowl for concerts and football. a lot of other places Texas and Okahoma lives for Footbal, all kinds.





  12. roflmao.gifroflmao.gif


    Forgive Sandy for getting a good chuckle from the mealy bug episode.. I have a warped sense of humor and a great have been a fly on the wall.

    I am sure it was good that John was at work and not within arms length especially if there are kitchen knives on the counter.. .. You might be doing your blog from

    Had it been my wife who made that discovery and i walked into the room at the time..I would have been wearing the bisquick like a sort of Al Jolson reverse white face lol_2.gif We actually had pancakes for dinner the other night in a fit of sweet tooth and b/c we hadn't done our shopping for a while..

    I'll be thinking of you next time i viisit IHOP






    PS..Oh I forgot..Have good one in DC this weekend....represent.. biggrin2.gif

  13. Hi Janice. I forget you're from Iowa..j/k.

    I haven't started a blog yet .. i do plan to in the near future....blogs are great.. you're able to throw out your thoughts to the world.... anything you wish to say . others can read it and maybe some will respond to what you have to say .... when i do blog hopefully you'll take the time to read what i have to say and if it strikes you, maybe you'll have a comment..i hope what i have to say provokes others to comment

    I was reading your i do most everyone's here..and something struck me at the time.. because American history and politics is something i enjoy and read about a lot .. i have a tendency to read those subjects into most everything people say or do.... in reading this blog.. I found it unusually ironic that two of the women you mention you most admire are both big public advocates of stem cell research..a subject that I brought up, not you. and also an issue that is in direct opposition with the right to life. I'm sure that was the furthest thing from your mind as you were blogging..but that's was caught my attention and brought about my remarks.I am sorry if it offended you.


    By the way my signature is meant as a joke and to be provocative..HOWEVER i am an American Indian whose immediate (1880s) ancestors (Otoe-Missouria/Ioway) were forceably removed from present day Nebraska and Iowa to Oklahoma. Eventually we were paid pennies/acre for our Iowa got some you want to sell


    Tom (Rezdog)

  14. Great list Janice.. i have to admit that i got a liitle kick out of it..One thing i've learned over the years .. .is that when someone says .' it's not about something or another.. then it generally is.. in this case.. there is a lot of poliitical matter here.. i.e.religion.. right to life/choice..stem cell research advocacy and women's rights.. i know that's not where you were going.. but it's funny how politics creeps in everywhere.. Tom


    Glad to see you're feeling better


    Oh and by the way... the "west' wasn't unknown back then..there were a lot of people living out there.. biggrin2.gif