
Stroke Survivor - female
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About Penny

  • Birthday 09/28/1949

Contact Methods

  • Stroke Network Email
  • ICQ

Shared Information

  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Facebook URL
  • Interests
    outdoor sports, swimming hiking sking alpine and ctross country, walking my dogs and riding my horses
  • How did you find us?
    Google Search

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Associate Member (2/10)

  1. Happy Birthday Penny!

  2. Penny

    Happy Anniversary Penny!

    1. Penny


      Actually it was 14 years on May 21 thanks for the comment though

  3. Happy Birthday Penny!

  4. Penny

    Happy Anniversary Penny!

  5. Penny

    Deb Theriault

    I found it, you too are amazing in your determination, I find that you and I do seem to have a lot in common, art and athletics. Its a long haul but we can do it. Penny
  6. Happy Birthday Penny!

  7. Penny

    Happy Anniversary Penny!

  8. has not set their status

  9. Hi Steve, thanks for the well wishes can't believe that 9 1/2 years have past since I had the big one, as you can see I don't get onto the site very often, my life is full and busy I'm very blessed for that

  10. Happy Birthday Penny!

  11. Happy Anniversary Penny!

  12. Penny

    late wednesday night

    Rich I don't know about the rest of you out there but I really anticipate wonderful things for you and sure appreciate the information and feelings that you share. keep the faith penny
  13. Penny

    final stages

    Hi Rich,what I would like to know about you is how old are you and when did you have your stroke and what caused it, I would like to think that Im a candidate for it too but it has been four years since my stroke and I wonder if its been too long to do me any good? I think it is great that you were able to jump right in and let our country know whats out there for us and that it works, best of luck to you I look forward to hearing all about the process and your progress. thanks for keeping us informed Penny :Clap-Hands: