
Stroke Survivor - male
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About Schmidt44

  • Birthday 09/13/1944

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  • Interests
    family, travel, decorating, sewing/quilting

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  1. Happy Anniversary Schmidt44!

  2. Happy Anniversary Schmidt44!

  3. Happy Anniversary Schmidt44!

  4. Happy Anniversary Schmidt44!

  5. Happy Birthday Schmidt44!

  6. What a special honor for your dad..........and your whole family! He must be a very special person to give such a valuable part of Christmas to those that have so little. That truly is what Christmas should be about. My husband and I were in London the latter part of September 2003. We were able to take a tour of Buckingham Palace and it was such a delight. I was one of the highlights of our trip to England and Scotland. Apparently the Palace is open to tours while the Queen is vacationing for two months up north in Scotland. We were lucky enough to be there during that time. We loved your country and the friendliness of all the people. Have a great time at the ceremony for your dad!! Tamara
  7. Dorrie, I'm sorry you are having to go through this stressful time. Was your Mom taking her seizure meds regularly?? Since she recently was on her own, maybe she got mixed up and didn't take them like she should. I know that it is very important to keep a constant level in the blood to keep the seizures away. Someone mentioned to me that Catholic Charities has a program where people come into your home to care for someone at a nominal fee. I never looked into it because we don't need it at this point..........but I kept it on "file" for future use. Maybe there is something like that in your don't need to be catholic to take advantage of this they told me. I hope you get some answers. These little set backs are not fun. Take care. Tamara
  8. Butch, I just finished the process of applying for SSDI a few months ago so I can tell you a little bit about the process. Here are the rules: They will start paying disability benefits 6 months after you are considered totally disabled. They consider you totally disabled if you are unable to do any type of work for at least a year. My husband