
Stroke Caregiver - male
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Posts posted by gatorlynn

  1. Angie


    I think the holidays must be very hard for our survivors. My husband is able to help a bit but is apathetic about starting things. Also his short term memory is severely impaired so any activity we do he will have forgotten about 30 minutes later.


    So in our home it is me who can't be bothered. I feel like there is not much to celebrate. My brother died this year and his birthday is Dec 22. I am very grateful that Blaine is home but I feel like the holidays could just be cancelled this year.


    My sister in law moved in with us to help out and she is a Christmas freak. So she will insist on a certain degree of celebrating. SHe forced me to have Thanksgiving "it will be low key etc, etc" Although we cheated a bit it was still a wole day of cooking and cleaning...


    If I could afford it I would take Blaine out of town for the holidays.


    I feel like the holidays will never be right again. Blaine stroked in March so every major holiday was affected.