
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by bazane

  1. Sue I loved this post as it brings back so many memories, you are right a song or memory surfaces & usually i go to the bathroom where I can repair the damage so Baz doesn't see I have had "a few moments:.

    You are in the unique position of having to look after a Mother & Husband & you do a wonderful job . i worked in Nursing Homes for all my working life& some people never get the care & dedication you give to your Mum & Ray & I am sure that deep down they know & appreciate your Love.

    I think there is many" Beer Gardens" in Heaven where we will meet up again. xx Anne.

  2. I know what you mean Sue, I never thought that I would get sick of the rain after years of drought but I would love to see sunshine & be able to mow the lawn !

    Ray is is in good care at the Nursing Home by the sound of it & you are doing all you can for him so it is good that you are doing some stuff for you now, he is being well looked after & you are doing all that you can !

    Take care, Anne x

  3. Hi Sue Haven't been on here for so long & was wondering today how you were getting on, came onto the message board & looked for your posts, Baz has been in & out of Hospital this year since we came back from NZ (We had to go over for 3 months as my Dad had cancer he died 2 weeks after we arrived ) we sdyayed & made sure Mum was ok for 3 months after, Baz got sick & has been in & out of Hospital, much better now but has left him very confused...

    Glad that you are ok but seems Ray has gone down a bit ?

    I identify with the children as long as I am looking after Baz they don't want to know, his kids & mine I always tell him it is just us now !

    You do a great job with Ray & your Mum.

    x Anne

  4. I have just been reading through your blogs & identify with everything that you say, my husband also has aphasia & I also miss the sound of his voice, we still have a message he left on one of our phones which I have not changed & have been guilty of ringing the number to hear it once more , we also have a radio show he did the year he had his stroke (2004) on video & I still get that out & watch it as well. It is very hard to accept that person has gone & we have had to grieve & then get on with it but it is the hardest thing I have had to do in my you would know as well!!I also have been shocked when my sweet husband has turned on me but I think it is fustration more than anything else & thank goodness it isn't very often !

    I also am shocked when I laugh & stop & realise how long it has been. Laughter really is 'The Best Medicine'.

    All the best ,Anne.

  5. Sue, You might have already gone on your holiday but wanted to wish you well & hope you come back rested .

    Ray will be fine as I know you already know. I identified with you reading all you can on Strokes Dementia etc as we all do, I guess I keep hoping for some major break through that will give me Baz back the way he was, of course I know that will not happen, but I still read all I can !!

    Will miss your Blogs but look forward to catching up when you come back,


  6. Sue ,Glad you & Ray had a good Christmas as we did Unfortunately we weren't able to see the Grandkids but spent a quiet day by ourselves which wasn't too bad, at least we got to watch some Christmas shows we usually miss out on since Christmas is usually so hectic!

    Baz was so excited about Christmas we had to get up at 6 am to open our presents!

    Hope you have a Lovely QUIET New Year tonight & your computer is up & running again soon.

    Love Anne & Baz.

  7. Hi Billie Jo, What at time you have had but guess as you said you will not give up which is why you are doing so well !! At least they have taken a lot of blood so should be able to find something & be able to treat you,.

    I am a carer to Baz who had a stroke 3 years ago aged 58, he has been left paralysed down the right side can walk but nothing in the right hand & has aphasia so words can get mixed up, but life has settled down & I am glad he is still with me, we got married a year after his stroke .It is a terrible thing having a stroke but life does go on & it just has to a different life & one that takes a while to adjust to, you sound as though you have a lot of support from your family & that is wonderful . This is a great site with a lot of support & we look forward to reading your posts.

    Good luck,Anne.

  8. Sue, Hope Ray has had a great Father's day as Baz has he is sitting with a big grin on his face watching Manly play the Dragons & winning!!

    The DVd you mentioned sounds great, could you tell me the name of it & I will look for it on the internet.

    You are lucky having all these groups you can go to & lucky Ray wants to participate Baz doesn't like to go anywhere that I don't go & has never liked Men's groups.

    Congrats on Oliver's birth & enjoy today with your family.


  9. Hi Ken, That was interesting what you said about the telephone line zapping your modem, I never thought about that & always pull the computer out from the power.So what is this surge filter & where do you put it???We had to get a new modem from telstra as ours packed up as well. What a pain it is !!

    Sorry about your friend, 64 is too young too die but unfortunately it happens more & more!

    I am sure you will be able to give out the lollies to the kids this Christmas & remember your friend as you do it.

    Best wishes Anne.

  10. Sue, I have just read your last few blogs that I have missed out on I know what you mean about the slightest thing can turn you into a different person I also feel that,I think it is because we used to have someone to buffer it (Ray & Baz) & now we have to cope on our own & make all the decisions so it is easier to snap that probably we used to, also you have been through a lot these past few months & have had to reorganize your life once again!

    At least Ray is going back to daycare so you will have a bit more free time, but it does go so quickly doesn't it ...

    I have been cooking tea, cleaning up & trying to catch up on the blogs etc in between downloading a photo onto the gallery & now realise that I downloaded the same picture twice.. TOO MUCH to do, so I don't know how you do it. I am in awe of all you manage to do in one day & I am sure that Ray appreciates it.

    Hope your new bathroom is done or at least well on the way !

    Thinking of you, Anne.

  11. Hi Lesley, how terrific to see the familiar Kia Ora, I also am originally from NZ (Christchurch) now living in the Snowy Mountains Australia, you are a long way from Home but I read your profile & you have had an amazing life, you sound as though you have it all together . I wish you & George the best of Luck & welcome to the Blogging it is a wonderful site & thanks for giving me a little piece of nostalgia.

    Kia Ora, Anne.

  12. Glad to hear that Ray is home Sue & that you will be getting some help to manage the 1st 6 weeks, you will get to manage his injections ok & you will soon be doing it like a pro !!

    At least now he is home you will be able to relax & not worry about how he is getting on at rehab.

    Sorry to hear about your friends Death , cancer & stroke , They say things happen in threes so hopefully you will only get good news for the rest of the week.

    Our prayers are with you both, Anne & Baz.

  13. Sue, I am sorry that you have been involved in this "catfight" but I firmly believe that if you are not meant to be friends with someone, it is not meant to be for some reason or another & someone else will come along when you least expect it , sorry also for the friends you have lost due to Death.

    There is always a "Bessy" who will cheer us up when others have let us down & who never lets us down.

    Glad your son- in -law is doing well, your daughter will be pleased to have him home. Angels do come to us in all shapes & sizes.!!


  14. So Sorry Sue to hear about Ray, I feel bad that I have not been on here for such a long time & missed all this, I have read through all your blogs & got up to date Thank goodness you were able to get him into Rehab I have said prayers for you both & know that you are being taken care of.

    I had to admire Ray for refusing the cookies that were left for him .Being a diabetic (& not a good one) I feel bad that I don't refuse things more often but will endevour to do better thanks to Ray!!

    Your family seems to be good & that is a blessing Most families rally when they need to. Hope your car is ok!That was all you needed at that time !!

    Thinking of you both & praying that Ray will soon be back on his feet, I hope to get into some of the chats soon.

    Love Anne & Baz. :thumbs up:


  15. Sue, you are so lucky to have a support group for Ray, we have a support group for the Carer's but they meet on a Wednesday when we have the radio show, there is nothing for Stroke Survivors although I do see a man about town who has had the same kind of strike as Baz judging by the way he walks & is paralyzed down the same side, I always say hello to him but that is as far as I have got!! I think Baz would benefit from meeting people who have had strokes as we went to a meeting last year at Cooma 7 there was one man there but he could not talk although he could nod etc & make himself understood & Baz loved it.

    I was reading your post about Christmas, Glad you had a good one!! Jean saids it was funny that you were talking about Christmas & summer, 50 kilometers down the road from us they had a white Chrismas, Yes in Australia, my daughter was devastated as we would have taken the kids to see the snow but we didn't know!!

    We do get to count our blessings a lot don't we???I think we have a better appreciation of life than people who have had no stroke or tragedy in their life....Ray is lucky to have a wife like you....

  16. Sue, I know exactly how you feel, I think we become more vulnerable after someone we love has had a stroke as I was the same after Baz had his stroke I expected that all the people Baz & I had helped before he had his stroke would be there for us & I am still waiting...

    People just don't think, I can't imagine someone asking for help with a barbecue & not even asking you it goes against everything that is sensitive & kind that you think people have but they don't. I am constantly being hurt by people who you think should know better.

    Friends who let you down don't deserve to have you as a friend. Thank goodness for this Stroke site it has been the best thing in the world for me since Baz had the stroke..

    Keep Believing ,Anne.

  17. Sue I haven't travelled on a traibn for years & Baz was ok then, but don't they take your luggage & put it in the luggage compartment when you get to the station??Whoever takes you there can help you get Ray & the luggage to where you have to go ??

    Maybe I am thinking of way back when they used to do that??

    Anyway good Luck & have a great time at your Daughter's.
