
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by bazane

  1. Ken, I don't think you will ever get a reasonable explaination for what went wrong & even if you did it won't change what happened ,we all beat ourselves up to find answers & some times we never do...

    I think you have a great positive frame of mind & I am sure your wife loves to help you & is grateful you are still around as I know I am with Baz, he had his stroke 16 months ago & has done most of his improving in the past 2 months & we never give up hope as everyone says on here .

    Keep up the good work.You will win, Anne.

  2. I know how you feel Sue.You have been there for seven years for Ray & it is great that he acknowledged how much you do & that he is concerned about it At least you feel as though you are appreciated in a small way that hasn't been there before!!

    My Grandfather was a ANZAC soldier(from New Zealand) that landed on Gallipoli so I also feel that it is a special day...

    Hope your day was good . God Bless Anne.

  3. I can relate to what you have posted so much as I guess everyone here does, I miss my hasband so much it is so hard to see him limping around & I miss his sense of humour as he hasn't got much of one now & I can't joke with him like we used too.

    It is the worst thing I have ever had to do & I feel bad as he is far worse off than me but I can't let him see it & that is the worse thing trying to make out that everything is ok which it isn't

    I think we miss the protectiveness more that anything as that was what we relied on so much & thought we would have for ever, but I guess it will get easier I never thought I would cope as well as I have but we do... Anne