
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by bazane

  1. Well today is the first day back at the radio station for Baz, he is not a bit nervous & is looking forward to it! He doesn't go on until 4 pm which is good as he can have a rest this afternoon before we go. He says he will give it a go & if it doesn't work out at least he has tried, I am really proud of him for giving it a go & know that he will do well!! We had the children & Grandchildren here for Easter & it was great but the tolerance level has dropped for Baz with people in the house & 3 days is about it!! I think that secretly he wishes that no-one came to visit & he had peace & quiet all the time!! Anyway will let you know how Baz gets on :juggle:
  2. bazane

    Back Again

    Well Baz had his first radio show & did very well, got a bit confused but I took over The next time he was good & explained to everyone about his stroke , he was great with the technical side & had no dead air space which is pretty good!!! I didn't know whether he would carry on but said that he will, after the show the man that came to show him the ropes invited us back for coffee & Baz wanted to go,but it was dark when we left so I had to drive home dodging Kangaroos which I AM NOT KEEN ON ...But we survived. On Friday we had to go 50 kilometres away to volunteer at the Country Womens association Craft shop, we had only been there 10 minutes when it started snowing & within 10 inutes the car was covered I wanted to go home but Baz said no as we would get stuck on the road so we sat it out until it stopped & the road was clear.Thankgodness it is my worst nightmare far away fom home & having to drive in the snow, i feel such a baby knowing that all of you especially Jean have to do it on a regular basis. It has been a week of getting out of my comfort zone, which is good in a way... Last night I idn't sleep much as my Brother lives in Darwin on the tip of Australia & they were expecting the worst cyclone in history to hit them today but Thank goodness she blew herself out & they only got strong wind.. It has been quite a week, hope the rest]o this one is ok,Radio show again tomorrow.... Sorry about the spelling can't find the spell check & it won't let me fix any of my words without taking it all out, I'm not very good at this!!!
  3. bazane

    Thanks everybody

    Thanks to you all for making me so welcome with my first blog, I feel as though I know you all from reading all about you & your lives I always try & keep up on your blog entries & have got Baz reading them too :happydance: Jean you always make me laugh & I read your entries whenever I feel as though I am all alone with all of this by myself You are a very strong & inspirational person in fact you all are & it has helped me cope so much to read all about your lives & know that there are other people who know exactly how we feel. It is great to know that there other people from Australia on here too.Thanks Sue, I always read what you & Ray are doing , we have a son in Bateau Bay & have spent a lot of time on the Central Coast . We went to the hydrotherapy pool yeaterday fro the first time in 2 weeks & Baz really enjoyed it ,even got some retail therapy in , he wanted to come to The ladies clothing shop with me don't think he enjoyed it much so will probably wait in the car next time!!When we came home (after hassling me about speeding all the way) Baz showed me that his finger on the right hand was moving on its own for the first time!!Has anyone else had this experiencxe with the paralysed side???He is very proud of it !! Kim,I still use the old system for a lot of things pounds etc & acres for land measurement it is easier!! Well have to go &try & hang the washing in BIG WIND. Anne.
  4. I have been posting my entries wrong & so they haven't come out right. Thanks Jean for putting me on the right track... Well we have done 2 radio shows now & The last one we did Hydrotherapy pool first, so that was a big test, but it was good & Baz managed grea,t thank goodness he knows all the technical side, although there were a few hiccups, on the whole it was good & Baz was so pleased with himself & worked out a few more workouts in the pool that he did for himself!! We have the fire going everyday now as it is chilly here, we haven't done any markets for 3 weeks now & it has been great...Back to reality next week with 2 .
  5. Ken, I don't think you will ever get a reasonable explaination for what went wrong & even if you did it won't change what happened ,we all beat ourselves up to find answers & some times we never do... I think you have a great positive frame of mind & I am sure your wife loves to help you & is grateful you are still around as I know I am with Baz, he had his stroke 16 months ago & has done most of his improving in the past 2 months & we never give up hope as everyone says on here . Keep up the good work.You will win, Anne.
  6. I know how you feel Sue.You have been there for seven years for Ray & it is great that he acknowledged how much you do & that he is concerned about it At least you feel as though you are appreciated in a small way that hasn't been there before!! My Grandfather was a ANZAC soldier(from New Zealand) that landed on Gallipoli so I also feel that it is a special day... Hope your day was good . God Bless Anne.
  7. I can relate to what you have posted so much as I guess everyone here does, I miss my hasband so much it is so hard to see him limping around & I miss his sense of humour as he hasn't got much of one now & I can't joke with him like we used too. It is the worst thing I have ever had to do & I feel bad as he is far worse off than me but I can't let him see it & that is the worse thing trying to make out that everything is ok which it isn't I think we miss the protectiveness more that anything as that was what we relied on so much & thought we would have for ever, but I guess it will get easier I never thought I would cope as well as I have but we do... Anne
  8. bazane

    100th blog

    Sue I couldn't have put it better myself , you always have wonderful advice & your blog entries are always entertaining. Keep up the good work & Congratulations on your 100th entry!! Anne.
  9. bazane

    April Fool's day

    This is my first blog as I have been too scared to try one before but have enjoyed reading everybody elses so here goes!! Some of you already know our story but for everybody else, Barry had his stroke on the 27th September 2004, it was without warning & he was 58 years of age. (I am 49) We live in The Snowy Mountains which is in New South Wales Australia where were retired due to my bad back from Nursing & Baz had a pacemaker so neither of us could work & we did not want to stay in Sydney, so found this unique little town 500 kilometres from Sydney & 500 kilometres from Melbourne, we brought a house & life settled into a good existence Barry had his own music show on the community radio & I read the news & a recipe each week (That was all I could muster after he pestered me for weeks!!) Our kids all live in Sydney with the Grandchildren & visit 2 or 3 times a year & we go to Sydney when we have too!We have 5 children between us & have been together for 7 years. We got married last November (14 months after Baz had the stroke). It has been along hard road as each & every one of you will know, but it has been a learning curve for us both & I think we have become even closer through all of this. I found this Stroke site not long after Baz has his stroke & read it whenever I have the chance & it has given me so much advice & encouragement. Baz had a left side Stroke & initially could not talk or walk, but now can walk with a Quad stick & without it when he is not too tired!His speech is great , he sometimes forgets the words for people & objects but we can usually understand what he wants. He goes to Hydrotherapy once a week an hour away & loves the warm water, does laps with a noodle around his middle & gives me a run for my money as try to keep up with him!! Well I think I have written enough for now, hope it hasn't been too boring. Anne.