
Stroke Caregiver - male
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About julieanddean

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  1. Happy Anniversary julieanddean!

  2. Happy Anniversary julieanddean!

  3. Happy Anniversary julieanddean!

  4. julieanddean

    Weirdness -

    Cheers for six months! I would like to talk to you about the "wierdness". I have that also. I think it must be a common thing, because who would ever want to experience that again? You seem to be really tuned in to signs and or signals your brain is sending you, and that is a good thing! If you have never read the "Letter from your brain" posted several places on this site, please read it. It is the best insite I ever read, and it could have only come from a survivor. Doctors are smart, but unless they have been where we have, they will never understand what it is like mentally post stroke. I guess your left side hurts because it has to make up for what your right side can not do, have been there too, only opposite sides. I wish you well, and Godspeed in your recovery. I am finding out that talking with other survivors is the best way to learn to cope with some of the toughest things to deal with, simply because they are the only ones that have been there. julie burdyshaw
  5. julieanddean


    God Bless you on your journey, and I can testify what He does for you when you do put it into His hands. I know! I had 3 strokes, a brain bleed, and 12 hrs of brain surgery while pg w/ my oldest, and I also gave it to Him, and she is as perfect as humanly possible today. julie burdyshaw
  6. julieanddean

    Julie Burdyshaw

    This is my second surgery on my ArterioVenous Malformation. (2004) 21 years ago, I had 3 strokes and a bleed from this AVM, WHILE I WAS PREGNANT with my oldest daughter. Cleveland Clinic did a resection as far as they could go, and I had a difficult recovery. For the next 20 years, I lived my life as "free" from the AVM. In April, I had a MRI done for an epilepsy check, they said "You have an AVM." I laughed and said, "no, that is just where it was. Well, the look on his face told me exactly what I was in for... I will find out in December if the AVM has shrunk. Oh, by the way, the beautiful girl in the picture is Jamie. She survived and today, she saves people's lives as a Para Medic!!! GOD surely DOES exist, and there are times when it seems he is sitting right next to me! Julie Burdyshaw, OHIO