Jim W

Stroke Caregiver - male
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  1. Happy Anniversary Jim W!

  2. Happy Anniversary Jim W!

  3. Happy Anniversary Jim W!

  4. MomPauli, my name is Jim and I had a stroke 2 years ago this August. Besides the stroke I have severe arthritis, I have had 2 triple bypasses done and 5 cardiac stints put in my heart. I have congestive heart failure and I had to go on disability. I am still getting better but I will never be the save as I was. Everyone who has had a stoke feels as you do at some time or other. But as one reply stated even our Lord had doubts about His suffering just for a minute. You can and will get better and it will depend on you what your attitude will be. If you feel down come to this sight. It really has helped me see things that I would not have seen before. It is a great group people in the same boat that can help you thru your times of depression. Not anyone knows all the answers but we all can help with our personal experience with our strokes. Each one is different and each one of us can help. Totally the help is awsome and can help you. One thing I do know from all I have gone thru and am still going thru is that God doesn't play games an punish people. He always gives you the strength you need to get thru times of trouble. Good luck and God bless. Your in our prayers. Jim W