
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by cpopevis

  1. Happy Anniversary cpopevis!

  2. Happy Anniversary cpopevis!

  3. Happy Anniversary cpopevis!

  4. Ok, so I actually went back and read all the blogs that I had done. I was so depressing. Why didn't anybody tell me? :2cents: Anyway, I was thinking about all that I had been through with my mom's stroke and my dad's drinking himself to death. And I look where I am today. My husband and I were just out on the golf cart looking at our property and just driving down the country road. This time last year, I was pulling my hair out hating my dad and hating life in general and now I have just about everything I ever wanted. I wish my mom was still here to see me, but I know that she is in spirit. I still have bad dreams about my dad :Dr_Evil: and everything he put me through. Life is getting better every day. I really don't have anything to complain about. Which is really nice for a change. I am going to be a grandma and I can't wait for that. I love my daughter in law probably more than anyone else in this world. :giggle: It is so nice to be happy and be able to do the things I want to do. If I want to spend the day riding my horse, I can. I don't have to answer to anyone but myself. :cheer: I now have 3 beautiful and wonderful dogs. I have the house of my dreams. I have 3 wonderful horses. I have my husband still and I love him so much for sticking in there with me when things were really bad with my parents. :forgive_me?: I also have found the courage to get on with my life. That includes being involved here again. I was so lost for quite a while, but now I am found and I know where I belong. I also know what I am doing. Well, maybe not what I am doing all the time, but for the most part I know where I am going and what I am doing with my life. I am ready for this new life I have created for myself. And as bad as it may sound, I deserve to have the most awesome life from this point on! Well, it is time for me to get ready to shut down for the night. I will write again soon!
  5. Kerry, This is kinda ironic, but I have a brother named Kerry. I have two brothers and at the time when my parents needed them, they weren't there. I was. When my mom passed away, I called my oldest brother and he said thanks for calling and hung up. When my dad passed away (14 months later) I again called my brother and he said when is the furneral. My youngest brother doesn't even know that his parents are dead. My oldest brother doesn't care. I am the baby by 13 years. This whole experience of taking care of my parents during their last two years was horrible on my both emtionally and financially. Now that they are gone, I have absolutely nothing to do with them. They weren't there and didn't care. On a brighter note, I wish you all the best with taking care of mom. It is a very hard thing to do. I admire anyone who steps into the caregiver role! And keep venting to us, we will listen and understand when no one else does. :friends: Cyndi
  6. cpopevis

    It's been forever

    Just a quick note, I got a Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. cpopevis

    Attitude Adjustment

    I have made four fire pits. I keep at least two going at a time when I am outside working. Smoke gets in my eyes and up my nose. It is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!
  8. cpopevis

    HEY YA'LL!!!!!!!

    I guess I am just a redneck. I do, eat, and say the same things. Oh well, you have just proven what I have already known.
  9. Be positive and prove them wrong. I live with negative people also, and I know what it is like. Keep up a good attitude. It makes the negative people mad!!!!!!!!!!
  10. cpopevis

    Nothing new

    Thanks Jean! I have mentioned it to him and he refuses. He says he doesn't want another wife. I told him that it isn't for that, but just to get him out and with other people. He doesn't like people, so I guess that is the problem. Always been that way. But I am ready to scream because he expects me to sit here with him 24/7. Oh well, I will get it worked out.........
  11. cpopevis


    I love Edgar Allen Poe also. So who says what is crazy and what isn't crazy? That's what I want to know.
  12. cpopevis

    Ok 100 things

    Glad I could shock you all.
  13. You are not a grinch. I have been through exactly what you are talking about. I moved in May of last year and I supposedly had pretty good friends. How many times of any of them called me to see how mom is or just to see how I am doing? None, zero, zip.......unless they need or want something. And to be honest when I saw these same people everyday, it was really the same way, what can I do for them......It is hard to find good friends that you can depend on. I guess that is why my parents never had friends. I always thought things would be different with me, but they aren't. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel about that situation!
  14. Hi All, My parents have a rule about Christmas. They get what the need and want all year long, so there is no gifts at Christmas. For the past three years, I haven't even sent out cards. I don't know what to say, as I am not in the Christmas spirit. This year is even harder now that I live with my parents. I have decided that the true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ. It is not the marketing holiday that it has become. I also live in a small town now and not a big city. That will change your attitude quicker than anything. I will send cards this year to a few choice people, but I am not doing anything else except celebrating that I am with my mom, whom I love more than anything. Cyndi
  15. cpopevis

    me and mom

    me and mom