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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Sue :


    I always love reading your blogs, its my window in your life, I still remember as toddler & now taller than you wow time flies, we all are getting older lol though I feel Mentally still same I used to feel in my 20s. What I am learning from my own stroke experiences & seeing my mom deal with adversities  in form of illness thrown at her, stay busy & keep on doing whatever you can still do. We all got this one life & all going to get old & die eventually, might as well have fun while we can. I am nowadays more active in our afternoon chats & evening chats which I host on W & F 8-9 EST. hope you will drop in some time & share your wisdom & experience with others.





  2. Sue :


    Good to see your blog. As a longtime survivor married to a guy who doesn't express his feelings or talk much, I've learned a great deal about what caregivers go through while caring for their disabled spouses through blogs of caregivers here. I make sure to help wherever I can, keeping safety in mind so that he doesn't crumble under immense pressure. I'm so thankful he's been strong enough to stick around and support me. I don't think I would have had his strength; I might have crumbled and given up. Caregiving isn't easy, especially with so much uncertainty. Anyway, I'm glad you chose to stick around. I did the same for the same reason. It's important to provide the support we've received when we need it most on this site. It's one of the best legacies of Steve



    Asha Chandra

  3. Sue :


    I agree once we start counting our blessings there are many. recently just out of curiosity & readin Jean's blogs I started paint by numbsrs painting & loving the joy it brings in my life, sometimes trying new things is so much fun too.  hope you look into some hobbies like those





  4. Sue :


    I am glad you had great time with your daughter & their family, have you thought about moving in with them & help out in their salvation army work as volunteer or paid employee, I feel like you will be asset to them & it will be win win situation for every one.



  5. Sue :


    thanks for blog update, I get pearl of wisdom on kindness empathy & sound advice from your blogs. " I am good as a listening ear so I do spend some time on the phone, not counseling, just listening. I hope that helps. I learned from my years as a telephone counselor that most people know what the solution to their problem is, they just need the courage to do it. " you are spot on", will try to remember this since I am sometimes too quick on giving advice.



  6. Heather :


    I tried looking for the book in our library & on Amazon could not find it  at both places. I find Bhagvad Geeta as very practical handbook for all of us human who are facing some of the similar questions Arjuna faced in battlefield  of his own life, we also as humans face similar questions during our lifetime. I guess if you live long enough you are bound to go through ups & downs  of life, & I am  learning so much from these spiritual books.


    Asha Chandra

  7. Sue you nailed it to for me. I get real amazed by serendipity of events how sometimes right people, right books comes along where I am supposed to be, and when I jump on in those events or opportunities something amazingly beautiful comes out, finding this site helping brother, our son's school when he was little, now recently met my childhood friend unbelievable.



  8. 11 hours ago, SassyBetsy said:

    I close my eyes to and see you Asha as the Princess on the camel of white sands desert. It sounds like you love this new home especially being around family again. Glad you are safe well and happy.

    You are stronger than you credit yourself. The bravest and wisest woman I know with compassion that is natural as breathing.

    I am peaceful reading this like a romantic tale I love on Netfix. I watch the folktales with subtitles. The language is poetry music in my ears.

    I can see you as the real life heroine. You will bring so much to the village for young women there.


    I hope you have fun decorating too !! 

    Thank you Pam for such a sweet comment made my day & Christmas.

  9. Sue :


    it was so shocking to hear about bonnie through her daughter on facebook. I had met her in seattle on the roadside few miles from her home while going for our Alaska vacation. She was kind soul. I have met some very brve souls trough this site. & they have given me strength & courage when I had low in my initial survivor days.



  10. Tracy :


    so happy to hear all your small wins all in right direction. I have also learnt  when I do things in my control & then surrender to God, things work out in my favor & even if they don't  right away, I know in the long run that's in my best interest. thats biggest teaching of hindu religious book, do your karma without any expectation or attachment towards the results, Giving results is in God's hands, he knows what is good or bad for us, So just take everything that comes in your life as a God's gift or we call it prasad without labeling it.  keep on doing right thing & everything will work out.



  11. Sue :


    I am so sorry about lockdown you are facing right now, today we are grieving loss of my brother in law, hubby's oldest brother who was 76 year old & passed away in his sleep, his wife was sleeping next to him & did not realize till the morning. We had all talked with him on weekend sharing fun stories of our vacation & promises to meet soon in November & spend more time in our village together. I understand it was ideal death for him, no pain or ay suffereing, but so sorrowful for his family who is all left behind not able to say proper goodbyes. I realize thats how life is, it does not come up with any guarantee, we are not guaranteed single day on this earth be it in lock-down & not in lock-down, better enjoy the day we are given to fullest.



  12. Tracy welcome back, we missed you around here & your part 1 was quite coherent, I was able to follow it through. For me coming out of this stroke ordeal alive helped me realize I am stronger than I give myself credit for. you are still here for a reason  & there is room for improvement as long as  we are willing to work on it. who knew as we get older g through so many losses & joys through life & gather wisdom for lifetime. Enjoy the journey

