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Posts posted by HostAsha

  1. welcome to best online stroke support group, I am sorry you had need to find us but now you found us you will never feel alone again. being young stroke survivor has its benefits, you can rebuild your new normal to your  contentment.




    now that you found us you will never feel alone or different. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved, for me more than stroke retiring from job was big blow to me, I never knew how much of my identity was wrapped in the work I did & money I made, suddenly I felt worthless, luckily having supportive spouse & young kid who was just 7 at the time  & my family, friends & this site, I found my joy back, today after 19 years on this post stroke journey, i realize my life is just different  not good or bad its just different.


    I struggled hard to find my new normal after stroke  & even after having supportive spouse  & family, I still felt very lonely & isolated, finding this support group was god-sent to me & it helped me  feel not so alone or weird.



    I found blogging on this site & chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul . we do have scheduled chats every day in the afternoon from 3-4 EST in stroke support room #2 & in the evening from 8-9 PM EST on M,W & F. hope to see you there soon.


    our actions creates our destiny, come & meet every one in the chatroom & blog world you will feel less alone & feel find inspiration fom others




  2. Hi Mark :

    Heather gave you real good answer. I was also in ICU for 3-4 weeks  & once was moved to rehab my recovery started, its slow & steady, first it was just getting transfered from the bed  then slowly lot of therapy  was added & made me quite independent & then I came home. Every stroke is different & so is recovery, but being stubborn & willing to work hard & not get beaten up by stroke  was my mantra in my earlier days.  I was 34 at the time of my stroke & was not willing to sit in the sidelines of life, so fought hard. I can today confidently say there is great life post stroke not good or bad its just a different.


    Asha Chandra

  3. I agree Sue :


    If any one of you know technical side then please help out since the site is run by volunteers, I  don't have this kind if IT knowledge to help debug the issue, so I volunter here as chathost   & as a member, I think same with Kelli she along with volunteering here working so won't have time to monitor. I think sometimes instead of just sitting in sidelines & giving suggestions its better to jump in & help out more as a volunteer. advise & suggestions are easy.




  4. Will :


    we have scheduled chats every day afternoon 3-4 EST in survivor room #2 & in the evening we do  have chats on M,W, F from 8-9 EST though friday's chat is in coffeeshop rest all are in survivor room #2.


    Sue :


    welcome, you will be amazing chathost with your kind & compassionate nature, so looking forward to meeting you more often now.




  5. Janelle :

    for the first one I did not feel a thing & never even thought about doing any cleaning at home, second shot felt lousy with chills & headache for a day & third was breeze too felt nothing. doing organization is never my forte I will rather avoid & sleep then organize anything.need to organize my clothes closet hubby is complaining for too long now.







  6. kelli   :


    This is such a sad news, & blow to his family & his trokenet family. Steve made best lemonade possible out f his lemons by creating this wonderful stroke support group which pulled off so many people out of their helplessness & despair. I know it helped me immensely when I  found it I needed it at age 34 where I thought how this kind of things happen to person who does not smoke, drink or fat   & having good job & young family at home how can stroke happen to me, till I met  Steve. He was  so inspiring, instead of dwelling on why me, he got busy in helping others,  &Since then I have been fixture on this site & volunteered all possible ways. Kelli, could you please share link on where people can donate money in memory of steve



    Asha Chandra

  7. kelli :


    Thanks for letting all of us know & glad you will be attending funeral & meeting Missy, please pass our condolences to Missy & her family. Steve was amazing guy, proud husband,father & grandfather. It is amazing that even after he lost so much at very young age, he created this online support group. He saved so many lives by creating this particular platform for stroke survivors & caregivers to meet & share their experience.


    As you know I stroked at young age of 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side, unable to drive, even though I had great support system at home, I still felt very lonely & could not find comments from regular people (family, doctors or therapists very comforting. I was at the end of the rope. & being Engineer I was looking online support group which is active  & lo & behold found this support group & met other survivors,caregivers & mentors here, which definitely got me off the ledge of the building I was ready to jump off from. I found strength in Steve's story & realized look at this guy we both stroked around same age  & his disability was far worse off than me & still he could look beyond his pain & has foresight  to create this support group to help others. Steve was so inspiring & he was so happy to be married to his high-school sweetheart. his story gave me strength to fight on, & I have been active member of this site since 2004  & decided to pay it forward by being active volunteer  here, since I know when survivor or caregiver tells to the newbie that "things will be ok" newbie kind of trusts them, I know I did, because I know they have walked the same path before the newbie & still standing strong. 


    I wish I can come with you to funeral but I can't drive so please pass my condolences.

  8. hi Jana :

    welcome to best online stroke support group, I am sorry you had need to find us but now you found us you will never feel alone again. being young stroke survivor has its benefits, you can rebuild your new normal to your  contentment.




    now that you found us you will never feel alone or different. I stroked at age 34 after delivering premie baby & after loosing her day later I suffered stroke at home which left me paralyzed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved, for me more than stroke retiring from job was big blow to me, I never knew how much of my identity was wrapped in the work I did & money I made, suddenly I felt worthless, luckily having supportive spouse & young kid who was just 7 at the time  & my family, friends & this site, I found my joy back, today after 16 years on this post stroke journey, i realize my life is just different  not good or bad its just different.


    I struggled hard to find my new normal after stroke  & even after having supportive spouse  & family, I still felt very lonely & isolated, finding this support group was god-sent to me & it helped me  feel not so alone or weird.



    I found blogging on this site & chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul . we do have scheduled chats every day in the afternoon from 3-4 EST in stroke support room #2 & in the evening from 8-9 PM EST on M,W & F. on friday we have chats in the coffeshop in the evening though M,W its in survivor room #2. hope to see you there soon. having young kids at home will fuel your recovery & you will

    be able to build your great new normal, you might achieve things differently than some other people, but important thing is job gets done.


    Asha (now 50 year old survivor)

  9. losthubby :


    is your wife able to login here, she can start blogging here on site or come to our live support group where we meet every afternoon M-F from 3-4 EST& on evening 8-9EST on M,W & F. all daus we meet in survivor room #2 on Friday though we meet in coffeshop where every one is welcome to join. Stroke affects whole family, & sometimes hearing advice from your family or doctors does not help as much hearing from other survivors , since you know they have been through the fire & came out alive to share their story, & you find value in it. I know that was case for me. if doctor tells me life will be better , it was hard to trust him on that, but when it came from other survivors easy to believe, & learn trick or two from them in finding their new normal which is satisfactory to all parties involved. hope to see you both around often





  10. hi chris :


    stroke affects whole family, I feel its big adjustment for all parties involved, but together you can rebuild your new normal. I stroke at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved, I never thought I would find joy in living again, but together we have built our new normal, its different but still very enjoyable, you need to hold the fort till your husband find its footing in the ground, I am sure he would have done the same for you had role been reversed.




  11. we all are  in survivor room  in our afternoon chats from 3-4 EST(M-F)  & 8-9PM EST (M,W, & Friday in coffeeshop)


    8 -9 EST - is 12-1 PM Auckland  newZealand time (newzealand

    3-4EST is  7 AM in auckland newzealand

    8-9PMEST - 11am in Australia EST

    3-4 PM EST is 6am in Australia EST


    hope this time is accurate & it helps all of you  to join us in chat.  I usually host chays on Wednesday afternoon from 3-4 EST in survivor room & Friday from 8-9 in coffeeshop


    hope to see lot of you guys around


    I used this site for my time zone calculation




    Asha Chandra



  12. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join me an hour filled fun & scintillating discussion from weather to whatever is going on in our life, could be children,books, movies  or our coping tricks to make this post stroke journey as much fun. I will be hosting chats  every  Wednesdays from 8-9PM  EST! at Room #2 Stroke Survivor Chat. & on Friday I will be hosting in coffee-shop.  Give me opportunity to show you post stroke life is as much fun as it was pre-stroke.



  13. Benny :


    I was never that organized prestroke, but being quick on my feet I could accomplish all things of-course with support of my great husband, when I was working, & if had to work late will ask him to do simple prep for cooking so when I come I can make meal in less time. Post stroke realized I m am not as quick on my feet or my thinking, so planning & routine works for me. having husband who is not slob   & always helped in the household  & never thinks this is womans job or mans ob. In our family its we both do what we can do. I try to do as much as I can do around home its one less thing for him to do. I can not help him in yard work or any other work, but I can take care of our bills & laundry cooking & he does dishes vaccum & cleaning. we never have score of who does what. we both do what needs to be done inside & outside home.



  14. Tracy

    Reading your post reminded how I used to feel right after my stroke and learned to compensate very well. First and foremost routine is must after stroke so that ur brain does not have to do any work. And multitasking is overrated you need to finish first job at hand dishes in the sink gets washed away first after eating and moving to next work at hand if folding clothes finish that first. Before moving to next job at hand and everyone eats dinner together on table after dinner is done not going to bed without doing dishes and final clean up. First rule of being organized something which u need done right away like oning maybe do that first do the important job first before moving to next one I have schedule for me Monday Tuesday exercise Wednesday is laundry day and my vegetable chopping day and meal planning dayso that it's easier for me when I'm ready to cook get ur husband to help around house



  15. Hi aloynia


    Welcome to best online stroke support group I m sorry u had need to find us but once u found us u will never feel alone again in this post stroke journey. I too stroked at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side and retired me from the job I loved. I never thought I would find joy in living again but with help of support of friends and family and this site I can find stroke as just speed bump in our life's journey just slowed me down to enjoy scenery along the way I found blogging and chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my own soul. Hope to see you around often


    Asha(now46 yo 12 year survivor)

  16. hi jennifer :


    welcome to best online stroke support group. I am sorry you had need to find us. but once you found us you will never feel alone. we would love to meet & hear from you more. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved. never thought would find joy in living again. but today after 12 years on this journey view my stroke as just speed bump in our life's journey slowed me down to enjoy scenery along the way. I found blogging very therapeutic for my soul.

