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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. I so love your writing style strokewife, you have knack of taking readers to phase you are writing about. Fortunately  for me my stroke has become part of our story &  we both have grown & learn lot about each other through going through this stroke valley together. I feel our happy time did not teach as much as ourlean period taught us. I realized together with his support I can climb all mountains together.





  2. hi Alan :


    welcome to wonderful & therapeutic world of blogging. It will be interesting to get to know you better through your blogs. could you please start from the beginning & tell little bit about yourself. I am official blog junkie. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralyzed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved. I never thought I would find joy in living again.but thanks to great support of friends & family & this site. I found my joy back. & today after 13+ years on this post stroke journey I can view my stroke just s speed bump in our life which made me slow down & enjoy scenery along the way. oh in the beginning lot of us bloggers did 100 things about me blog.I found blogging & hatting with other survivor very therapeutic for my soul. we do have chats everyday in the afternoon 3-4 EST & M,W,F in the evening 8-9 EST. oh I just saw you updated us with your whole story. welcome to best online stroke support group. I am sorry you had need to find & join us, but out of traumatic event there is growth which comes too, & that makes life very meaningful.






  3. Sue :


    I am so happy you will be able to resume driving back now & able to go back to resume some of activities you were doing before with more sense of purpose & will be able to connect with people on deeper level. I m glad you got your daughter & family there to spend actual time with you. being online friend I sometime feel inadequate to connect with people I care about online.




  4. Sarah :


    welcome back, I am glad you have settled in new place & Gary is also slowly settling in. change is hard. I m glad Gary has you & his familiar caregivers to settle in. It has to be so har for both of you to go thrugh so much together recently.






  5. nancy :


    sending you hugs & prayers. I have followed you r post stroke journey through your blogs, I know you have tried your best. after all we all are responsible for our own life, our own happiness, and he has chosen that path for himself,  so I pray for peaceful loving end for him , and hope you have lot of other good memories of Dan to fall back on.




  6. hi strokewife:


    I don't know how my caregiver handled my stroke is beyond me though no two strokes are similar & so are stroke caregivers experiences.   stroke does put every one outside of their comfort zone to  handle their new reality & make you feel insecure & overburdened by things to deal with. my husband aka caregiver used to tell me following things which made me feel so much better. keep your head above water when you are feeling like you going to drown tide will change. I know one thing for sure nothing lasts forever good times or bad times things do change. don't worry about things you can not control.




  7. Sue :

     I feel some babits die hard, we can afford to keep heating very high, but I find it waste of energy & of  money so will rather keep cold in night  & wear sweaters & stay beneath comforters. I guess I find that more exciting when we are saving money & not wasting where it is not needed. mind you we have plans to donate most of the our money when we die, that has been our goal from very beginning. So I feel its personal choice.







  8. Kelli :


    Its going to get better, give your brain & eyes to get used to each other, brain is amazing organ & is full of plasticity, it will learn that new eyesight is right way of seeing & will adjust eventually. I know it has to be so hard in the mean time. read Mike Mays crashing through book on his recovery after blind man got his vision back & how is brain interpreted all that new information differently. I will pray for your speedy recovery & strength to get through this tough period, & when you feel all better, you will have to come with me  and drive to this beautiful  indian temple for granting my wishes of you seeing better.




  9. Sarah :


    moving is tough job, & unpacking & settling in new home takes time. when we last moved in our new home whole family helped. my sister, sister in law helped set up our kitchen & bedroom closets first, as I started using it regularly it started to take shape of my liking & after few trips to IKEA home depot it feels like we are finally settled  in our new home. I wish you lot of peace & happiness in your new home. Enjoy.






  10. kelli :


    patience is a virtue. Its going to get better only can't go back to worse, it can only get better from  here, so give yourself time & patience rome wasn't built in a day.

    you will be in my prayers for quick recovery & hoping to see you soon.







  11. Tracy :


    I will echo same sentiments others told you. I know when we are in midst of hardship it feels like your life ended, & you will never find your joy in living again but  trust me when I say this, sometimes we go through severe hardship so that something very beautiful can happen in our life. so believe in best is yet to come.  & very important to do

    1. have a routine in life (waking up at set time,doing chores, sleeping on set time

    2. very important do 30 mins of exercise every day.

    3. try to learn something new, there are lot of online courses free on sites like coursera, EDX & so on

    4. staying active in support group is also very therapeutic.

    5. always count your blessings in the morning or evening.


     I am sure few years down the road you are going to look back & see God's master stroke in your today's hardship





  12. Pam :


    I understand what Jay is trying to say & your point too. though from my own personal experience when I write positive things I find in my day, I feel better too. yes but its your personal blog, you can write whatever you want to write in it. whatever makes you feel good. for me reading & writing blogs both are therapeutic for me, reading others struggles I find my own inner strength to fight on.  & writing about my positives makes me feel good about my life, but that's my coping mechanism every one has their own style & I understand that.



