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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hi Angel: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I am sorry for your dad's stroke. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on left side of my body in 2004. Like your family my family rallied for me at the hospital, and after 4 weeks in ICU & 3 weeks at rehab I returned home, and since that day has been rebuilding my life. Today I can walk, drive and take care of my family. but it's the hardest struggle for everyone included in my life. BTW I will suggest you to post this post on message board such that you get more response & viewpoints of others who have been through similar journey. Though I have found blogging very therupetic for my soul and will recommend to everyone. Asha
  2. HostAsha


    hey Kevin: everybody has good and bad days even healthy people have it too. trick it to realize it's just bad day & tomorrow will be better. BTW for me going out for a walk always cheers me up since I know how I could not do that for few months. So I don't take small things for granted anymore, and enjoy every small things in my life including sunny day. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    Weds afternoon

    hey Kevin: that sounds interesting if you could pull it off. Good luck with your new endevor. Asha
  4. Kevin: we also have afternoon chat from 2-3 EST & evening chat from 8-9EST. you can access chatroom from stroke support menu, click on chatroom then click on roam in the left side, select stroke survivor room & join us in Asha
  5. Kevin: it's great you started working on your SSDI, keep copies of everything & did you have long term disability insurance, then it's good idea to apply for that too. why are you in hurry to pay taxes, so paying taxes can ait till tomoroo(hehehe) keep on coming we love to hear from you. your son is driving already wow, mine is still 12 but that's what he is thinking about & I will be worrying about it. Asha
  6. HostAsha


    hey Kevin: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. As I told you before it is very therupetic. I stroked at age 34 & retired me from my highly stressful job of software Engineer. I tried going back on trial for few months but realized I didn't have that previous cutthroat drive to spend extra hours at work. Since I realized after stroke I was easy to replace but still made a difference in my hubby's and child's life. So decided to be stay at home mom & take early retirement. It was hard at first but I have found my new routine and I kind of enjoy this new routine. I volunteer whenever & wherever I get chance. Asha
  7. Congratulations Lenny, I know you are proud canadian. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    The Facts Of Love

    Fred: quite interesting, hope you hhad great valentine's day with your sweetheart. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    valentines day

    Diana: we also went Olive Garden yesterday, and had great time there. I am glad you are having great valentine's day today. Asha
  10. hey Lenny: I could see all the excitement and happiness beamin through this blog. It felt like we were also seating right beside you and enjoying the event. I was showing off to my son saying that my strokenet friend is actually at the event in the richmond oval wearing red sox hat. so he was scanning for you. I bet you all had lovely valentines day together. I am enjoying my valentines day with my family at ski lodge enjoying our son learning snowboarding. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Staying Busy

    Katrina: I was so happy to see your upbeat blog. I agree with Sue, you need to balance your life with schoolwork/friends & family time and also include 5 mins of mediatation or time to read some spiritual books that will all keep you grounded and happy, so if one window closes you have 10 other doors to knock on. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    First tattoo!

    Terry: happy Birthday and congratulations on your first tattoo. quite scary. Asha
  13. HostAsha


    hey Stessie: you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I know it feels unfair to go through all bad things in life. but I know God is kind and he gives us all the strength to get through whatever life throws at us. I pray for your strength and courage to get through this hurdle in your life. Asha
  14. Sue: I usually don't bake but I will learn to bake for you and make that lemon pie for you and also ask Bonnie to bake too for bakeup. I know with all this incontinence you got enough lemons for pie. I admire your strength, love and courage to go on caregiving for Ray even when its so difficult sometimes. Though he defiffeintely is getting better care at home. Fred has great idea. sending you lot of hugs. Asha
  15. Ruth: I am glad that you are pushing William for this therapy. I feel if you are able to walk its such a huge blessings for family members. you are indeed blessed to have wonderful friends who will help you out in transportation. Asha
  16. Jeannie: wow you were patient and glad your case got dismissed. thanks for sharing parking tips. We usually get ticket in the city. So now learnt valuabl lesson to always park in garage & save hubby hassle. Asha
  17. Eh Lenny thanks for update, now I will be showing off to kido that my strokenet buddy is actually at the olympic event, maybe take a signboard & wave it to attract attention of TV crews. We are getting all the snow you are suppose to get this winter. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    Just blogging

    Katrina: you express your feelings so well. It feels like I am reading my own thoughts sometimes. But when I focus on all negatives in my life. My cherleader hubby reminds me & it always uplifts me. yes life sometime sucks with all the disabilities. but look at you how much you have achieved even with all the challenges. Be proud of that fact and stop comparing yourself to others. you are unique and special. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    One Year

    hi Ethyl: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I have found blogging very theruprtic for writers as well as readers. I feel more you allow Bruce to do for himself, bettter it will be for both of you. I know initially it's hard to let go, but more you let go, closer you become. you can start with small time slot in the house of leaving him alone & later increase it & give him cell phonr & remind him you are just one click away. Asha
  20. hey Sue: I am glad you forgot your planned script and gave talk from your heart. I am sure it must be great speech. Even though I didn't attend, I have read about your journey and your struggles. I know for me my jouney was less lonely due to bloggers like you. I knew I can get through this bump in my life, if Sue is able to go through her difficult life's journey. Asha
  21. Ruth: I am glad his locomat training is going well.I think it will be good idea to buy treadmill at home, so that william can exercise on it every day. We bought treadmill at home & it's best equipment purchase we did. I started at 1.2 mile per hour and now I can walk 3.7 mph. my walking gait has improved and I walk fast too. thanks to my treadmill therapy at home every day. Asha
  22. Gary: I am glad you came back to check us out. blogs are working normally once again, I sure missed them. Now give us details about your life. Asha
  23. Sue: I was so happy to read all positives in your life. I am firm believer in focusing on all positives in my life because based on secret of the universe is what you focus more on that's what you get more. wishing you many more positives in your life and congratulations in becoming LION Asha
  24. HostAsha

    One Year

    hey Sheryl: you have great positive attitude, and with that attitude you wll improve more and more every year. Congratulations on your first anniversary. rest of the annivesaries will get easier
  25. HostAsha

    my physiotherapy

    hey Lenny: you did great in posting blog. Though while posting reply to comment make sure you write above "quote" Asha