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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    my physiotherapy

    Lenny I am glad you have good therapist who makes you work harder. You will thank him later for all the positives Asha
  2. Jan: No words can lesson your pain in loosing Harley. But I am happy that you are focsing on all wonderful memories he created with you both. We will all reunite with our loved ones in the heaven. Asha
  3. Sue: I am so sorry. life is never easy for you and Ray. But I know you are strong lady. you will get through this horrible day. just remember tomorrow is another day and I will pray that it will be better than today. you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Asha
  4. Bill: sorry about your rekationship. None of us knows rhings as it has happened is it good or bad. we just have to trust in Universe that it is working in your favor even we don;t see it that way. Good luck with your new relationship. say hi to Bud. Asha
  5. Sue: you are really blessed to have a child who will step in & look after his dad & gives you break. your blogs open up my eyes about what caregivers go through in their daily life. I try to do more in our house, so my hubby has to thank you. Asha
  6. Jeannie: thanks for sharing your story with us. I will start paying attention to our bills now. Asha
  7. hi Rose: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I am glad you decided to jump in & play with us rather than staying in sidelines. I will promise you if you keep on playing this game you will see it will be hugely therupetic for you as well as people who read your blog. I have found out that for me volunteering gave me more than I gave it to. Asha
  8. Fred: wow you persisted and got it published, those are some great goals thanks for sharing made my day. Asha
  9. Leah: thanks for the update, you have found good therapist and handling your goal things pretty well. I am cheater, for me doing simple ADL is also part of goal, simple things like getting ready in the morning independetly. all those things we needed help in the begining, so don't discount them. Asha
  10. HostAsha


    Lin: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. its great place to inspire and get inspired. I am so happy for you both. your husband has right attitude. Asha
  11. Jan: your blog always inspire me to do more. Asha
  12. hey ruth: wow you are doing great job of keeping williams BP in check, better than nurse. more power to you. I hope you had pool therapy in later part of the day. I am not a morning person so 5:30 seems ungoldly hour to me. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Part 2 of 3

    leah: thanks for sharing pictures with us, kids are blessings
  14. HostAsha

    I've resurfaced

    Janice: glad to see your blog and happy that you are doing well, and busy with other things Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Getting Started

    Walt: welcome to wonderful therupetic world of blogging. More you will blog, more benefits you wil reap. I loved your letter very well written giving out all the facts. I agree with Bonnie acceptance is biggest challege post stroke and this site helps great deal in it.for me accepting my new self and new normal was huge challege. I am so glad you joined our blog world. I learn so much from each bloggers how to live like victorious survivor. Asha
  16. Sue: I am sending you lot of virtual hugs. good days and bad days are all part of life. I pray you get lot of strength to get through this new trial in your life. I wish I was nearby to provide some respite to you. caregiving is not an easy job & defintely not for weak heart. I am amazed at your heart. after giving so much, you still have heart to give support to others. Asha
  17. hey Leah: I am so happy to see your blog. I was happy to see your cute nephew. kids are blessings in life. I am glad you are finding good doctors and can't wait to hear report from your neuropychologist. Asha
  18. Ruth: Congratulations to you both.locomative treadmill is will be very helpful. I initially started with just few minutes but it gave me enough confidence &we bought treadmill at home. I use to walk at 1.0 mile per hour. I did treadmill therapy on my own at homeand today I can walk 4 miles/hr. keep on pushing the envelope. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    Wayward Husband

    hey Jean: so happy to see you blogging this new year. Happy New year to you and Don. Congratulations on Don's 10th anniversary. you both are blessings to countless people you meet and touch in your life's journey. Asha
  20. Elondie: checked Tootie's basketball pictures, Tootie looks so adorable in her uniform Asha
  21. HostAsha

    lucky 13th

    hey Sue: so nice to read your blog. I am glad you had great time with your daughter and whole family. We all have so many blessings still in our life, but in our daily grind we forget our blessings and focus on other trivil things. Asha
  22. Elondie: that's awesome, for our son also basketball has started. we finished 2 games already. we lost both games but oh well we are all enjoying his basketball season. I hope you posted her basketball pictures. Asha
  23. HostAsha


    Brice: there is still problem posting blogs. I don't see people posting blogs. unless they persist. Asha
  24. Sue: I love Eric's wisdom & philosophy. mine is bit different, I don't like to plan excessively or worry about things. Since if I plan too much then I don't enjoy the process & get disappointed when thing wouldn't go my way. I like to believe whatever is happening in my life is for my good, even though I don't see it now. Asha
  25. hey Diana: hope you are feeling better now. Asha