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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Wendie: I am sorry you have to deal with the stroke thing again. Though now you know what to expect in recovery and will be able to assist your dad more. As our parents get old it is our time to take care of them. hope your sister pitch in too. Even in the midst of all this chaos I hope you have great Holiday season, &hope and pray this New year bring lot of happiness, peace and prosperity. Asha
  2. Erin: I agree with Sue. My son was 7 when I stroked at age 34. I don't know what future holds but my stroke has made him kind, loving and compassionate kid. I am sure he will be getting lot of positives out of my stroke experience. Asha
  3. Sue: Happy New year to you too. I am so glad like an angel you have flied in my blogworld. I have learnt so much from your truthful blogs. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. hugs, Asha
  4. hey Ruth: Don't be stranger among friends here on SN. & thanks for the update. wish you happy, healthy & Prosperous New year. Asha
  5. Fred: thanks for info about how african american people celebrate this holiday Season. I wish you Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New year too. Asha
  6. Wes: your blogs always makes me happy & inspires me to do more in my life. I want to wish you Happy, healthy & Prosperous New Year. Hope all of your family members are doing well. say Hi to your mom & sisters from me. Asha
  7. hey Jan: I just came back from our vacation. I thought often about you while driving to NC & watching sunset on chesapequa bay. I am really sorry for your loss. I know Harley meant lot to you and Wayne and it must be very hard decision, but it was in best interest of Harley. I bet he left ton of memories of him in your h.eart. I still remember him playing in the snow just last year. but I am sure you will be reunited again with him on rainbow bridge. you and Wayne in my thoughts and prayers in this difficult time. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Got a flashlight?

    hey Stu: Happy New Year, and your doctor seems like great doctor. better safe than sorry. let him look where he wants too. Asha
  9. Fred: such a wonderful message of love you shared with us. I also wish you Merry Christmas & happy, healthy & prosperous New year. Asha
  10. Amen to that RoseMary: such a wonderful player. just reading this prayer in itself gives me so much peace. Thanks, Asha
  11. HostAsha

    all shopping done

    Diana: congrats. at our house we get christmas gift for just our son, & he has been playing sice we got it. Asha
  12. HostAsha


    nancy: so keep on doing what you are doing right now. get best medical care & therapy for your husband. Asha
  13. HostAsha


    nancy: sometimes medical profiessionals don't have bedside manners. don't listen to his pessism. There are lot of us here on this site who has done better than expectations of these doctors. healing is in God's hand & not these don't get upset or discouraged by negativity. keep the faith & do what is best for hubby even if you are squeeking. sqeeking wheels get the attention.& all the survivors medical advocate who would stand up for them when they are lying helpless in the hospital. Asha
  14. Bruce: that's wonderful more you will be able to use that hand, more benefits you will get. keep on working hard. Asha
  15. hey Rosemay: wecome to wonderful world of blogging. you are good what took me few years to reach the stage you are at. congrats you nailed it. I am sure you will be amazing survivor. Congratulations on putting chirstmas tree up. with one hand and positive attitude you can do almost everything. love Asha
  16. HostAsha

    a better day

    hey Nancy: I m glad you are feeling better today. Sometimes in life we don't have control over lot of things but we do have control over our reaction to the event. in my stroke journey I have realized happiness is a choice & I choose to be happy in all circumstances. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    giving up

    Doreen: I agree with Jeannie. You also need to work on your anger, maybe counting to 10 before bursting into argument. teenage years are hard for teenagers too. So go easy on your daughter too. hope tomorrow is better day for you. Asha
  18. Nancy: I am sending you virtual hugs. maybe you are having panic attacks?. Lot of things have changed in your life in an instant. feeling scared about unknowns is natural. My hubby used to tell me during my anxiety. just stay above water & tide will pass. things will change for better for sure. Asha
  19. hey Diana: Belated Happy Birthday to you. I am glad you had special time with your loved ones. Asha
  20. Katrina: acceptance will bring so much peace in your life & it is not giving up. It is just accepting the way things are today & still enjoying the way today is. I am not christian. but I like to take from every religion whatever gives me peace. Every morning I listen to JoyceMeyer's christian ministry from 7 to 7:30. Last week she was talking about overcoming depression. read getting unstuck book. anyways sometimes God does not give us what we want in our time but in HIS time. but it's important for us to make that journey pleasurable while waiting for God's healing. Now that's the faith believing in his TIME. I am sorry in that pretty picture of you I could not locate your left arm since I was looking at your brilliant smile & courage. So don't worry about what others think. I believe acceptance & faith goes hand in hand. accept your today & have a faith that universe is out there to get good in your life. hugs, Asha
  21. hey Nancy: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I have found blogging very therupetic. I have worked through lot of my tears. I stroked at age 34 in 2004. I never encountered too much sleeping problem. Though I know for healing of the brain sleeping is a must. but equally must is a good therapy. Maybe you can make sure to wake him up hour earlier & make him sit in his chair watching TV so that he is more alert during his therapy. first 6-12 months you see good recovery later it slows down. so capitalize on therapy during this time will be important. Though I am not medical expert. doctors will know better. Asha
  22. hey George: that means off you go from your blog. Congratulations on Lesley coming back on Jan 1, I am sure with Leslie home & all your problems under control. you are going to have amazing summer canoe trip in wilderness. Asha
  23. Sue: I only look at the past to see how far I have come, & look optimistically at our future, maybe it will change when I go into my 50s & 60s. keeping everything ready for Mom's passing seems excellent idea. Asha
  24. HostAsha


    Leah: I love all your blogs. you express your feelings very well. I have read that book. It is very good book. I realized reading that book I have it easy compared to some of the stuff people go through in their life. someone once told me. we all have our crosses to bear. Only god knows that we will be able to bear this cross & go on with our life. it's raining here better than snow. Asha