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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Jeannie: we got our season's first snow too. outside looked so beautiful. I love snow if I don't have to drive in it & clean the driveway:) Asha
  2. Gary: wow it's been 8 months, thanks for update. I am happy Kyle is adjusting well with his new post stroke life. congrats for becoming grand parent again. I am not fcebook user & have blocked access to facebook so I am not able to see any pictures. so next time could you please post it here too. Asha
  3. Ruth: that's excellent idea and purchase money worth spending. with all your joint efforts William will be able to do more for himself. Asha
  4. Wes: I love your attitude towards life. I feel with that attitude you are still able to enjoy rest of the post stroke years. I like to feel I am also doing the same though I did not go back to work but we felt financially there was no need to push myself and risk other health risks. So I decided to raise my son. Asha
  5. sue: I know those minor irritation can bring you down emotionally. but by realizing this is just inconvienence we do seem to handle it better. you are doing great job in not sweating the small stuff anymore. I am reading this wonderful book happy for no reason & it has helped me a lot when I start to feel negative. Asha
  6. hi Marden: thanks for update I was wondering about you. seems like you have adjusted well to new you. that's what we all want. accepting our post stroke life and celebrating all the milestones. Asha
  7. Ken: keep on fighting the good fight. I am sure one day you will walk & you will forget all this frustrations. life is a journey not a destination. you can't decide that you will be happy when you walk or use hand. I know its frustrating, but I realized I wasted valuable year of my son's life by being depressed about my then predicament So now I have made promise to myself that I will enjoy each and every day to fullest. hugs Asha
  8. HostAsha

    This and That

    Leah: your great nieces looks cute, maybe they have gone after you. I never knew you can still knit scarf with one hand wow. Leah I know when you are in pain it's easy to feel depressed. but I have benefitted with this eternal truth "that this situation is not going to last forever, and things will turn around & b better" so don't spend your today feeling sorry & bad for yourself. remember you are stronger than this pain and aches. have blessed holidays. Asha
  9. Ruth: I have travelled extensively post stroke, but I don't need any special accomodation. I think travelling by car seems like good thing to start & make a goal of walking few feets with minimum assist every day. Asha
  10. HostAsha


    hey Katrina: I am sorry you are not feeling great today. as some one told me once even those tv personalities & size 2 models also have bad days. not every day has to be good day & I m sure witout bad days we will never appreciate good days. As I see it, you are still that smart Katrina wit beautiful smile & vibrant oersonality. you don't have to believe every thought you think of. most of the times our negative thoughts creates most of the suffering in our life. you atill have so much to be thankful in your life.As I see it from here I see so much potential in you. So what you can't use your left hand & can't wear heels. but look at how far you have come. we all need to accept our today & make best out of our current situation. hugs Asha
  11. Sue: we have my niece's energetic 4 year old at our house for long weekend. It is lot of fun but all of us now needs one day break to regroup for our son's school.I was telling by the time our grand kids will come, both of us will be so tired & old. Though kids bring lot of joy in life today we had so much fun visiting zoo & picnicing at the zoo. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    Too Long Gone

    Wesley: thanks for detailed update about your life. I am so happy chips are all falling in right places, and you are enjoying your back in work environment. I knew you will do well in all areas of your life. your personality shines through your blogs. I hope your family & mom all are doing well. enjoy your thanksgiving break. We all have so much to be still thankful in our life. Asha
  13. hey Ruth: have wonderful thanksgiving with your William. we haven't made any plans yet. Asha
  14. hey Leah: I am sorry to hear about your fall & fractured ribs. you know you hold very special place in my heart & I wish you all happiness in the world. from your blog you do sound quiet upbeat that's very good sign I know good things will follow your way. BTW I am enjoying the book you recommended. just reading that book & knowing you makes me happy. you look quiet a catch in your picture. can't wait to read your story in newsletter. Asha
  15. marie: I am sure you will get used to this new way of celebrating xmas with love of your our house xmas is also any other day. we do get gifts for kido but hubby never waits till xmas day to allow him to play. he starts playing with his xmas gifts right away. initially I used to find it weird now I agree y wait till xmas let him enjoy now itself Asha
  16. Su: I reread your entry and I realize that you are not sitting inside you are stil trying to go out and still have fun even when it is hard & not as easy like before. I am so happy for you. I think being young works in our advantage. I remember never to give in to something I can't do because of my disability. agreed I don't do skiing & other things which I never did before just for the sake of challenging myself. you go girl keep on conquering new hurdles in life. Asha
  17. Sue: lately in your blogs I have seen shift of mindset. you have started flowing with life instead of resisting it & having grand time in it. I am so happy for you, you are having lovely day. I too realized after visiting India every 2 years, I am still truly blessed & still have so much to be thankful in my life. while making my list I realized my hubby & kido had slidedown in my long list to be thankful for. Asha
  18. Ruth: welcome back. I pray that william gets in the study & it helps him in his recovery. I never wanted to use cane & fought very hard with therapist to allow me walk unassisted. I am happy I did that today I walk unassisted. & best thing I did for my recovery was buy treadmill for our house. I made sure I walk on treadmill every day initially I used to walk at 1.2 mph for 5 mins. today I walk 30 mins for 4 mph (though it's very hard) but I keep on pushing myself. you will see william will progress well over the years. Asha
  19. Jeanniebean: please accept my condolences to passing of your friend. life is short and unpredictable at best. We better let our loved ones know by our actions how much they mean to us. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Becoming real

    hey Erin: such a thought provoking entry.I also feel our marriage became quite stronger after my stroke. actual love of the person shows when times are bad. your whole family is quite real. Asha
  21. hey Beth: I hope you had fun riding your bike. for doing laundry there is trick I learnt while taking out clothes from dryer. face your good side while taking clothes out from dryer, that way your affected side does not hinder bending down & pulling out clothes from dryer. I always take out clothes in basket & then push it with my leg to folding area where I can sit & fold laundry. for cooking : for my cutting board I use plastic piece on top of my cutting board which after my chopping I can pick it up with 1 hand & can put it in pan. for my indian cooking I use stovetop mostly. Asha
  22. Su: don't ever do that of not going places you used to go before. things will be bit hard at first but then it would become easier & second nature. I have done extensive vacations post stroke. I was 34 at the time, I was not ready to become oldie & rob fun from my family of normalcy post stroke. Asha
  23. Jan: interesting blog and ofcourse I enjoy all your spiritual blogs and love to highlight them. I think it requires tremendous faith on God that when we are fainting, you still believe that God's strong hands will save you. that requires enormous leap of faith & I know I am still working on developing it. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    11/16/09 DUH!

    hey Su: it's good lesson to learn, sorry you had to learn hard way, and by you blogging about it, I will also learn. another good lesson I learnt, is never worry about what others will think about you, according to my hubby no outside world has time to think about you, so don't waste your time thinking about what they think about you. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    joys shared

    Sue: I am glad you had wonderful sisterhood party. after reading about your party, I want to get involve in things like those. by sharing joy of party hope your joy doubled too, atleast mine did. Asha