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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey leppy: keep your positive attitude going, your blog always makes me feel good inside. I know I wasn't as lucky as you in my deficits. but still I love the new person I have become. I realize I have to play the hand I had been given with best of my ability. Asha
  2. Ruth: your blogs reminds me of my initial days of coming home & doing different kind of therapies with hubby. william is one lucky guy to have you in his side. Asha
  3. hey leppy: well said blog. for a moment it felt like you were writing thoughts in my head. I have personally found writing positive jurney of my life very therupetic. It has made me aware abudant joys still present in my life. I think emotional roller coaster is same after stroke no matter degree of deficits. I am so hapy you joined our blogworld. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    The Adventures of Mema

    hey vi: what a adventure travelling & falling. I am judt glad nothing is broken & you are as good as new to root for your colorado team. Asha
  5. Micheal: you express your thoughts very well. & I think will be great asset to our newsletter if you decide to join till than we will enjoy your blogs lucky we. Asha
  6. Ruth: you nailed it. Though I wish I had that wisdom on day of my stroke. I look back 5 years & realize first few years I wasted in crying rather than enjoying living, I hated being alive. though over the years things have gotton better though sun has to be shining that day to see that wisdom. I am so happy for both of you. Asha
  7. hey Sue: Congrats on your 3 years as chat hosting. I know you will be busy next few weeks but hopefully can still spend some time with us. Asha
  8. hey Elondie: lot has been going in your life recentlly no wonder we didn't hear muxh from you. hope your hubby is doing vetter now & hope to see Tootie in all her new activities pictures. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    sad days

    hi diana: maybe you should consider renting apartment till you find house such that there is no strain between your son & you. Asha
  10. hi jeanine: in winter I keep our house very cold & use space heater wherever I m sitting in the house so no need to warm up entire house. In summer same thing this year we installed fans in every room & summer wasn't that bad financially. only had to start AC few times in summer. so all money saved is money earned for us. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Blessings abound

    hey micheal: once you get over why me & angry phase & realize that this is your hand in life & you have a choice in how to lead your life. after realizing this simple truth. choice was easy to make. life is worth fighting for & living for. bad things can happen to anyone. but I have faith that God will give me strength to get through all difficult time in my life. bless you too. Asha
  12. HostAsha


    micheal: in your recap of your life it seems to every time you have risen from ashes like pheonix who has to say you won't rise again. with stroke life has just changed little course but I m sure it will be still great. thanks for sharing your life story. I will remember in bad times good times are just around the bend. Asha
  13. Sheryl: I am so happy you had great fun weekend with family Iam sure even though it was tiring for you first time, next time it will become easier. I love those kind of eekends when u sleep as soon as you hit the pillow. Asha
  14. Ruth: write down all the questions for cardiologist such that you get all your answers from him & don't forget any questions. Asha
  15. HostAsha


    hey Micheal: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging & I am so happy that you were able to join us in our blogworld. I have found blogging hugely therupetic to work out my good & bad feelings. Stroke is stroke & it does affect people's life. you were fortunate in not having obvious deficits. but I bet deficits which aren't seen still cause similar havoc in people's lives. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side. unfortunately I could not go back to work & had to go through huge depression. slowly I have started to rebuild my I live very different life but it's still fun life. Asha
  16. hey Katrina: I am always so happy to read your blogs. not only you inspire me but my family too. I always talk about you to my son & hubby & alog with me they are also very proud of you. Asha
  17. Happy Belated Birthday Ray. I am glad you had special day out with your loved ones, & making wonderful memories. Asha
  18. Ruth: I am glad you had great time at the murder mystery dinner. seems like william is doing better every day & have come quite far. Asha
  19. hey Ken: welcome back. have you looked into walkaid or bioness before looking into stem cell. also have you considered surgery. I know couple of people have done it & had positive results. Asha
  20. donna: wow your PT tires me just reading it. thanks for blogging about it. hopefully I will integrate in my daily therapy at home. you are doing so good in ot too. I m so happy for u Asha
  21. Ruth: 91 degree is cooler & that's fall. I am glad I m in NJ> Asha
  22. hey kakii: I am glad you came back to us. for me getting out of my dumps was fueled by blogging & hanging around here. hope you stickaround & feel better soon. Asha
  23. hi fred: you are in always in my thoughts and prayers. everyday we are above ground make it a good day. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Who Knew?

    Wes: Happy first anniversary. you have had great attitude towards your post stroke journey from start. It took me lot longer to reach the peace you are feeling right now. you rock. I am glad to know you & your family. Asha
  25. hi Ann: summer is alomost over school will start in 12 days. don't know where the summer went. though I had wonderful & relaxing summer. I too miss Pam & her wacky sense of humor. Asha