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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Sue: what I am learning from all the selfhelp books I read & applied to my own life know it for sure. by projecting so much worse scenario in future. you might not be enjoying far better off today or present moment. So my advice to wise lady. just be in the present moment. Asha
  2. HostAsha


    Wes: have fun cheering your little league team. I love your blogs it shows me there is wonderful life post stroke too. Asha
  3. hey Karen: wow you have been busy making lemonades for few days. I think it's now time to chill on sofa & drink that lemonade. I pray for better calming days ahead. Asha
  4. Dean: welcome to our wonderful blogworld. you blog amazes me no end. your 21 day canoe trip will put nonstroker to shame. I am so proud of your accomplishments. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    rolled in butter

    hey Anne: I hope you are feeling stronger. gratitude & happiness shines through your blog. I sometime adversity in life makes life more meaningful & fun. Asha
  6. hey lenny: congratulations. I am glad mirror box worked for you. very happy for you. Asha
  7. hey Jeannie : look forward to your detailed vacation update. you are quite organized though I bet few things will still go wrong. I hope you have good attitude when they do. Asha
  8. hi mandy: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I think having place for everything & putting at the right place to begin with does shave off lot of running around like chicken. I aso have to do the same thing for my phone car keys & everything around the house to create clutter free house. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    My New House

    hi Bill: congratulations on buying new house. I wish you lot of health, wealth & happiness in this new home. closer to girlfriend will make house home sooner. Asha
  10. Ruth: hang in there. In using YMCA shower I am sure you will meet all kind of people. just let it roll off. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    busy weekend

    hi sheryl: I am sure you re going to have lot of fun just like old times. I hope you enjoyed harry pottor movie I loved it.keep us updated about sabeoflex & your life looks like you are making beautiful lemonade out of your lemons. Asha
  12. hey lenny: what a touching story. I know being able to help others bring so much joy in life. for me volunteering here on strokenet brings that happiness. I am glad you are able to mentor new stroke survivors. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Poor Bud

    hey Bill: I will keep you and your Bud in my prayers for successful suregry & speedy recovery. Since you have done this before you know what to do what to expect. good luck in househunting. it's buyer's market right now. Asha
  14. Ruth: I am glad you are making william work hard in his therapy. more he becomes independent now, it will become easier for you later. Asha
  15. Ruth: I think that's great idea. I had full time help in the begining. other than company they were no help. once I started staying alone & doing lot of things around the gouse built my self esteem too. so it was win win fir us. I am sure it will be same for you guys too. as long as he can take care of himself during day I don't think you have anything to worry about. Asha
  16. hey Sheryl: I a so happy with your bowling score. I don't think I would have even tried bowling post stroke. I am so happy you are still creating wonderful memories post stroke with your family. Asha
  17. hey Donna or mom GPS: thanks for the update. you are smart women. I can never be GPS. I am so bad with directions myself that hubby has to rescue this one whenever I am lost. I hope and pray those botox injections works well with you. Asha
  18. hey Sue: you and Ray are always in my thoughts and prayers. life is full of happiness & disappointments. I guess as long as good outweighs bad part life is still good. I am curious too where would you go on your virtual vacation. Asha
  19. hey Jeannie: have fun on your roadtrip. enjoy the journey to the destination too. Asha
  20. HostAsha


    hey george: loved your update after long time. your lesley has some amazin enterpreuner ideas, no wonder her honey to do list is long. Asha
  21. hey Wesley: I am in your party. though my left hand does not open yet, but I always try to live life the way I used to do live, though with compensation, but that has not stopped me living my life to fullest. I am so happy for all of your achievements. you have really earned survivor title to the T. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    August Already

    bonnie: you are busybee lady. your grandson is 16 now wow time fkys by so quickly I remember you being sad about them moving farther. but glad moving has been benefacial to Bill. I am nervous wreck thinking my son will drive soon too. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    I am so happy

    Diana: I am so happy for you things are looking up in colorado for you. you deserve all the happiness life has to offer you. I am glad your daughter is doing good. Asha
  24. hey Lenny: first and foremost welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. I missed your first blog since I myself was on vacation. having returned from my own wonderful vacation & reading your bucket list vacation brought tear of joy.perfect return gift. you are blessed to have very thoughtful, loving, caring & romantic wife. have a great vacation & share all your pictures when you return. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    Guess what?

    hey Katrina: woohoo i knew you will get it, it's just in HIS time. keep the faith, & keep on climbing. Asha