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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hi Lorraine: welcome to our wonderful blog community. blogging as I have found out very therupetic. your brother is still baby in stroke recovery period at 8 weeks I was still at inpatient rehab center. don't listen to any therapist. no one knows power of brain. I stroked at age 34 & lived in colonial house too. not only I mastered stairs but has done lot of things post stroke. I started driving too after my hubby relented & today I am busy stay at home mom who chaffers around her son. so don't worry about it. It's great that your brother has great family support. family support is very important in survivor's recovery. Asha
  2. Sue: great pictures. glad you had great time. your daughter looks very much like you Asha
  3. hi Ruth: your blog reminds me how far I have come in my recovery with constant encouragement of my loving hubby. So I am sure things will become easier for both of you as time goes on & william can do more and more for himself. celebrate & encorage william to be as independent as he can be. Asha
  4. hey Diana: welcome home to colorado. I am sure you are going to have blast in colorado. Asha
  5. hey Fred: I am praying for you, and hope you get good answers from your new doctor. your new doctor sounds like gem. Asha
  6. hey Katrina: driving instructer had failed me for same reason first time & I was completly able back then except I was immigrant. things happen, just trust in God that whatever is happening in your life is for your own good. I hzope your pity party is over now. Asha
  7. Ken: I agree with others. strive for walking but don't let that stop you from enjoying other things you can still do with the help of scootor. Asha
  8. diana: best of luck for your move & I hope & pray you get relief from headaches in colorado. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    what if....

    Sue: we all do "what if" in our life from time to time, but when we accept and do best out of our "what is" we truely become survivor in literal sense. Most joy I have found in my life when I stopped what ifs & accepted what is. as Dr. Viktor Frankyl( holocaust survivor) says only control we have in our life is our attitude owards life's circumstances. somewhere I read today life is like a river nothing stays same forever. So we better enjoy every moment of our life. Sue you are always in my thoughts & prayers, and I have learnt great deal from you & your blogs. Asha
  10. hey Ruth: after all therapy & doctor appointments are done, caregiver still has to take survivor home. hopefully survivor has the positive outlook to make life of everybody around them tad bit easier Asha
  11. hey Elondie: I am so happy for you & Tootie. I know finding these jewels that exist in the town is not an easy feat. & I applaud you & Tootie's parents for being great advocate for Tootie. I know with that loving family support Tootie will do great. Asha
  12. leah: thanks for the update. I have really come to look forward to your updates. So I really wish you will take time out of your life to blog and update us. your blog shows newnies that there is worthwhile life after stroke. Asha
  13. Karen: you will be in my thoughts and prayers for better days ahead. Asha
  14. HostAsha

    "Use it or Lose it"

    Fred: you will be in my thoughts and prayers for botox & recovery. your blog drove point home that I should never give up on my exercises. it's not an option for us survivors. it should be integrated in our lifestyle. Thanks for that reminder. Asha
  15. hey Ruth: welcome to our wonderful blogworld. Slowly through your blogwindow we are getting to know william & you better. I too was very frustated with their OT therapy. I think these whole therapy business is if you can move it then they will be able to work on it or else is waste.Though I worked hard in my PT & still doing great in my post stroke 5+ year life journey. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Droppin' In

    hey Wes: thanks for the update what kind of shipping industry you are in. congrats on your new improvements. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    Made The Paper!

    Steve: great pictures & great article. Ican boast to my family here that I know people who are famous & their stories have come in newspaper. Asha
  18. hey Bill: wonderful news all along. I am so happy for you that life is all coming ogether after all you went through. say hi to bud & your girlfriend Asha
  19. hey Jeanie: what a beautiful garden & pictures, you inspire me to do gardening. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Bowling again

    hey volare: congratulations that's great news. you didn' let your stroke win over your life. you showed your strength. I am sure life will go on wonderful post stroke too. Asha
  21. HostAsha


    hey Naomi: great blog. I agree 100% with you, we never know strength that lies within us to get us through tough time life sometimes hands us. nowadays I feel like Hero. not a bad thing to learn about yourself from my stroke. you should check out Mariah carey's Hero song. Asha
  22. hey Ken: reading your blog reminds me of miley cirus song check it out Asha
  23. HostAsha

    Balance issues

    hey volare77: I believe until you try it how would you know you can't do. so give it a shot, I am sure you will find other ways to enjoy yoour bowling. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    First One

    hi volare77: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I stroked at age 34, & spent first year in huge grief over loss of my job my body, but for me my young son & hubby was huge carrot to get back in action & start living my life. for me blogging all my good,bad & ugly emotions helped me huge deal to get back to my life. today at 5+ years I am happy, content & better person due to my stroke. So stroke was just bump in my life's journey. Asha
  25. hey Jaguar: congratulations on your second anniversary& litle bundle of joy. you have made the all right decisions. life goes on after stroke. your son will bring so much joy in your life. post pictures of your bundle of joy. sharing increases happiness lol Asha