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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Pam :


    I am glad treatment worked for you, that's what matters painfree days.  I feel sometimes it's ok to ignore rude behavior of others, by just giving them pass that they must be having bad day themselves so taking out on others forgive & forget that way we can have  peace of mind.




  2. Kelli:


    such a beautiful blog,  I know I from time t time attach my self worth to my smartness my sense of humor, but we all have significant value without any job title or our smartness. cause minute you allow your self worth measured by what othrs say or think about you, you gave away key to your happiness. I love Sue's idea of visualization





  3. Donna :


    so good to read your blog, you are on right path. now is the time to rediscover yourself & in the process you will find something good which will bring lot of happiness in your life back again. change is always hard but sometimes that is in our best interest. you wait & see & will tell us one day that this turned out to be master stroke of your life. best is yet to come. good to have great supporting family.




  4. Kelli :


    Since every brain injury is different & so must be depression & other mental illness. For me in my midst of depression in the beginning I needed reason to get out of bed & do things. & for me my family my son is most important person in the world. I refused to allow my depression or stroke to mess up our son's life & future. in my mind he deserved better parent. in my mind God has left us parents in-charge of our children & we have to do our best as parent. want to give our son all opportunities in the world so that he can have better life than us, like our parents did it for us.


    I am reading this great book "power of habit" by richard duhigg. read it it will open your eyes. Sometimes you just have to get up , get dressed & show up for your life energy or no energy. your family deserve that.





    Nancy :


    you are fighter & survivor. I know it hurts when survivor is so rude to you, but think of frustration level of him that that rude behavior comes out. yes agreed being survivor does not give you pass for rude behavior to any one.




  5. Pam :


    you are amazing mom, caregiving is not easy. So many marriages break apart  & I bet it is much more harder for kids who are  just learning ropes of life & their own life. you all made great decision I know its not easy on you but still doing right thing for their children is sweet mom




  6. Terry :


    welcome to hidden jewel of strokenetwork, our blogging world  where if you come here often, you will never feel alone or different. Keeping busy in activities you enjoy is good thing. I found blogging & chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul. hope to see you around often.



  7. Tracy :


    you are doing great, focusing on positive things you can still do does make you feel better. life is all about adapting to new changes brought in our life. you must be o proud of your daughter that she is doing so well on her ow. take the bow  & credit for raisng her well.




  8. Bessy:


    I can understand your questions I had some of them. Every stroke is so different & so is recovery. I know how bad I felt when they sent me home, I was afraid of how will I be able to live home alone, but with support from family I was able to create my new normal & started enjoying my life again. I feel when you reach acceptance in life, its quite serene place to be in. Though I understand living with constant pain is no joke, and you are one strong personality to be able to handle all this in your life.  I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers to find relief soon & accetable solution to your new normal life.




  9. strokewife:


    I will sound like broken record, but I will still say it,  I love your blogs & you write wonderfully.  your hat comparison is spot on. I strongly feel having supportive caregiver like you by our side, survivors journey does become smooth & we can all have wonderful new normal together & can find that happiness again.


  10. Pam :


    therapy is all depended on what insurance benefits covers & demands your care accordingly. you are thrown off in outside world to live on your own whether you can or not. It adds lot of stress on family members, but real recovery  of new normal begins  when you come home, that's for sure, even when you feel so scared to come home.
