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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Sue: I will be keep you, your mum & family in my thoughts & prayers. you were absolutely right about your mum's walking. even in dementia her life does revolve around her walking. I am so happy that she is able to do that again. Asha
  2. Fred: please accept my condolences on passing of your friend. be sure he is at peace & at much better place. I feel most of the times I better make best use of this second chance at life. I will look forward to your happier, blog. Asha
  3. MC: I am so happy for you. I know you have been looking forward to this day for so long. I also think baby steps & with God's grace all the wounds will be healed. Asha
  4. hey Patty: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. first year is the hardest. I remember I spent huge chunk of my time just wondering what if & cursing that dumb doctor which did nothing to calm me, but added more to my frustration,anger & sadness. though for me antidepressant pills & finding this online support group & blogging saved me come out of that dark tunnel. My husband used to tell me & it used to calm my nerves. Just keep your head above water in this trying times. things will change & improve. life as you see today is not going to b same forever. another good thing is start counting your blessings every day & write them down. keep on blogging, good, bad all. It will help you immensely. Asha
  5. HostAsha


    hey Wes: I enjoy reading your blogs too. first year is the hardest, now all next years will be easy smooth ride. you are already in groove. your daughter seems very sweet. you guys have raised her well. Asha
  6. hey Bonnie: thanks for great update, it feels like I know you more it because of your gardening this year is one of your best. I think gardening & blogging seems to b very therupetic to one's soul. Asha
  7. Sue: I will be praying for you, your mum & all other caregivers who are caring for their loved ones & have to make hard decisions day in & day out. but I think every decision you make with conscious mind is the right one & God will give us strength to get through consequences of those decisions. I am so happy that even her frail conditions you & ZTrev are able to make sweet memories of mum & frandma. All our life we run after acquiring material things but when we leave we just need a place to buried. so Stuff does not define us or make us. It's good deeds we do in our lifetime will be remembered. I am becoming philosophcal here. so I will stop. you all are in my thoughts & prayers. Asha
  8. hey Jeannie: your butterfly garden must look spectacular with all the blooms. gardening & writing blogs are very therupetic to soul Asha
  9. HostAsha

    Talked to my son

    hey Diana: staying for short time with your son's family will be fun. you will get to spend quality time with your grandson & getting away from texas heat in summer seems ideal to me. wish you well in your upcoming move. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Busy summer

    hey Katrina: I am so proud & happy on all your accomplishments. I am sure wherever you are going you are inspiring people by dozen. by hubby says taxes you pay for quality of life you get in america. it's way of life. & I come from India where people spend more time in how not to pay taxes but then goverment also does not do anything for them. in third world country life is still survivor of fittest. so I worked for 10 years & paid almost 50% in taxes. though now in my time of need I am getting benefits which I am thankful for. Asha
  11. hey Bob: welcome to our wonderful blog world. you came in with great news. congratulations for your driving license. being able to drive is big gift in suburbs. Asha
  12. hi Lisa: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. you caregivers are piller of strength for us survivors. without you guys by our side we would never have acheived that new normal & enjoyed our life to fullest. first year is the hardest post stroke journey, rest of the journey will be piece of cake now. Asha
  13. Elondie: I hope you take picture of toothless Tootie. your baby is growing up. Can't wait to see all the new pictures. Asha
  14. Stud: congratulations on your 3 year anniversary & weight loss. I can attest as time goes on post stroke journey does become easier. wish you many more anniversaries & birthdays. Asha
  15. sue: you, ray & your mum will be in my thoughts and prayers. life is muddy road sometimes but you are expert in just marching forward. my mantra in life keep ding what is important to you & things will change for better. Asha
  16. hey gladice: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging from your inspirational park like setting home. I bet you are going to have great time at the facility getting involve in the community will bring lot of joy & peace in your life. make full use of that trail. I am sure by the end of the year you will b joining dance class which is offered for people without cane. BTW gladice your first blog you did not publish & it's still in draft form. to publish that blog just go to that blog & on lower keft corner select option publish the blog or else it will keep in draft form & only few people with higher pwers will b the only one will be able to read it. Asha
  17. HostAsha


    karen: I love the idea of planting willow tree for your anniversary which you will be able to see it grow.maybe I will borrow your idea & plant tree on our anniversary. Asha
  18. Diana: have fun in your trip Asha
  19. hey Donna: Enjoy your quiet week without teenage melodrama. I am sure Kristi will be back to her normal sweet self after her own break too. I am so happy that you are cruising everywhere in your power chair you better get lights which people put on their cycle. you look very pretty in your new hairstyle Asha
  20. elondie: Tootie in her life itself has inspired so many people all around her & even on our site. I am sending you virtual bouquet of roses & wishes for Tootie's recital Asha
  21. Sue: can you be my power attorney too. you did the right decision. I am keeping you and your mom with bright eyes in my thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    Scary Spring Weather

    hi vi: glad you all are doing okay after all rain,hail & tornadoes. Asha
  23. hi Leah: thanks for update about your vacation. glad you had great relaxing time at your vacation. I agree with Donna & kathy I never want to go back and question why my stroke happened & could it have been avoided. I lost my precious 2 years of my life questioning & crying about it. I accept that it has happened & this is what I got & I got to make best out of my present moment. I am thankful for being around my son & hubby. I got lucky to see how deep my hubby is & how lucky I was to marry him. Asha
  24. hey katrina: I am so happy for all your happiness. I guess you now know happiness is choice we make in our cicumstances. when we stop resisting what it is. life becomes great experience. I am glad once you opened room in your heart so many wonderful people moved in your life to replace people who moved out. Happy Belated Birthday sweetheart. enjoy every present moment of your life with your loved ones & friends. your picture looks perfect. no wind or hair can hide that inner & outer beauty. Asha
  25. hey Wendie: so happy to hear from you again. glad you both are doing well & also doing travelling. you are proving to my theory, there is still wonderful life post stroke. Asha