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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Sue: enjoy your unplanned weekend getaway to fullest. don't worry about future when Ray returns, just be there n a present and enjoy every minute of it. you deserve this break. Asha
  2. hey Karen: congratulations on your upcoming 40th wedding anniversary. you are so fortunate to be able to spend wonderful years with love of your life & create wonderful memories along the way. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    my vacation

    kimmie: 2 tall order of congratulations for you. you are going to spend time with Jake who is soon going to be big brother. take lot of pictures & share with us. enjoy every minute of your time with your grandson & son. Asha
  4. hey Diana: seems like you are having fun. hope you are able to post pictures here. Asha
  5. Sue: I used to find winter birthay hard to pn date on for better day for my son when he was younger, since all the kids used to be sick during winter, but as he grew old parties are easy to organize now. I am strong believer in change things change & this shall pass too. so trust me hang in there better days are just around the bend. sending you lot of hugs & sunshine Asha
  6. Elondie: you guys are keeping little Tootie quite occupied in activitiesTootie looks adorable in all pictures including in her tankini. I have heard aquatic therapy is best for stroke rehab. I am glad thar Tootie ia doing that. Asha
  7. hey Fred: congratulations on your well deserved retirement. we can plan party in our chatroom in honor of your retirement. On and all we are feeling lucky that you will be able to share mre time with us. I also had to retire at age 35 due to stroke but after year or two of struggling with what do I do with my time. I have settled well in my retirement life of stay at home mom role. I am now more happy & content with amount of money we have & hubby brings in. your gardening sounds like lot of fun BTW now that you have finally retired join us in afternoon chats. Asha
  8. Ann: I am so happy for you for your lovely vacation. you have raised your son well & shown him good parenting skills which he is going to pass on to next generation. your happiness shines through this blog entry. hope you get back in swing of doing things for Bill as painlessly as possible after this wonderful break. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    I am so excited

    hey gramma: have a great time on your vacation & do update us with pictures when you are back. Asha
  10. congratulations great grandma: I saw picture of cutie Madison, she looks so adorable maybe little bit like you eh? Asha
  11. hey George: you came after long time, I guess like bear you were also hibernating in the winter. your bread line makes me hungry & want to visit you Asha
  12. Diana: congratulations. let's party. Asha
  13. Sue: I call all my classes my happy pill when I am taking classes there are so many benefits to it. not only I am learning new thngs & challenging my brain but also making new acqutances. when I a learning I am not Asha survivor, wife or mother but I am student who wants to make most out of her life. Asha
  14. hey Lisa I am speechless. you are doing the right thing. don't ever push yourself, do what you can within your limits. I always remember whatever I can do today compared to just few years back. It's huge plus. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    First entry

    hey gramma: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. I am sure you are going to have grand time meeting your grandkids again. yourfamily members will b in my thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery. As others have said I find blogging very therpetic. Asha
  16. HostAsha


    hey Ann: thanks for update. respite or vaation is good for everyody. it breaks monotony of life & recharges you back. I always get amazed by how much some of you caregivers are doing for your survivors. you & Sue's blogs inspires me to do for myself & be less dependent on my hubby. Asha
  17. HostAsha


    hey Katrina: congratulations on starting new job. you are busybee with work & all other activities & life. you both together make handsome couple. Asha
  18. Sherri: great entry. It gave me insight on how our brain reconnect. you are quite a scientist. Asha
  19. hey Elondie: beautiful song & lyrics. life is not a destination it's journey. there are no mistakes it's chances we have taken. Everytime I listen to this song I realize just keep on marching in life with faith & climb all the mountain. you can listen to my favorite song on youtube at Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Time Slips Away

    hey Naomi: as usual loved your entry full of wisdom. I love what you said you will take it what you have it & make it something else just as beautiful but different. I know prestroke I was so immature, post stroke I have realized that I am still me just little different. I love your writing & I bet it runs in family all of you can express so well. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Vacation 2009

    hey Wes: we missed you & your blogs but knew you were busy with your vacation & visitors. your vacation sounds lovely I love beaches hubby has no interest in them but your description convinced me to go for jamaica vacation. people who sees us after long time do know how far we have come versus small improvements we don't even notice. Soon you will get back to your old routine. can't wait to see beautiful pictures. Asha
  22. Sue: welcome back we missed you here. I am glad you had great time with your family & your birthday treat sounds delicious. while reading about it I was drooling. Asha
  23. hey Jo: congrats on all tests coming okay. have fun in your vacation seems like fun. update us when you come back. we will miss you around here in blogs & in chats. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Morning Glory

    hey Lisa: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. though you came in with style with beautiful poem. wow Asha
  25. congratulations grandma you are on roll here, I am sure you will be one little busy grandma running from one grandchild to another one. you better post pictures of all of your grandkids Asha