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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Jan: you & all of your friends will be in my thoughts and prayers. your husband sounds very much like my husband who would not allow me to drive for few years. first I started droping my son to his friend's house which was like next street. slowly he relented me to fly again. I am sure Wayne will slowly allow you to go to Bay on your own, maybe first few times ask him to tag along with you such that he sees you are able to manage it. your vacation to ocean sounds beautiful. hugs Asha
  2. hey Leah: I agree 100% with Donna. nobody like to be in wheelchair, but better safe than sorry. your God's garden sounds beautiful, just reading about it gives me peace, I bet you will get lot out of it sitting & reading in it. by the time you are ready for ur vacation swine flu might be in control, who knows what tomorrow might bring. Asha
  3. Karen: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. On this site all the volunteers work hard to make this site safe & enjoyable experience for everybody. In our blogworld we are here to cheer & support each other. Now that you joined our gang we would love to know more about you through your blogwindow. I am sure you are going to enjoy your blogging experience here Asha
  4. Jan: In our Eastern culture Hindu religion we believe God is everywhere & within us. so your blog is very close to my thinking & beliefs. Asha
  5. hey Elondie: pictures ae so cute.Tootie looks so cute. ur dtr is very pretty. I hope you get cleared up soon such that we see grandma soon too. I pray you get equally competant new therapist for Tootie. Tootie deserves best. Asha
  6. hey Ruth: It's such a great blog. I like your philosopy itt's best way to live life to fullest & with mindfullness. Only power of love can overpower aroma of depend. & you both are blessed to have that in your life. Asha
  7. Sue: you are one lucky woman, Ray is quite gracious & selfless in his act. I know I wasn't when I was struggling with my stroke issues. Asha
  8. hey Rich: after long time. Your therapists sounds like angels. I m sure having competent therapist will make huge difference in therapy. when r you inviting us in your sitdown kitchen. I still read your blogs & love to know what's happening in your life from time to time. Asha
  9. jeannie: could you please post pictures of your garden with & without bloom. I would like to get into gardening but can't do alone yet, & hubby is busy guy with so much added responsibility. Asha
  10. Beth: please go to ER & get it checked out. hopefully it's nothing but better check it out. Asha
  11. Beth: hope you feel better soon. I go out for a walk atleast 4 days in a week, if its sunny my outdoor walk cheers me up. Asha
  12. hey Wes: I enjoy your posts & look forward for them with your rest of the family. I am sure Mom will be able to see in person how far you have come in your recovery. Though I have seen you come quite far in your writing too. I am guilty of locking my car doors when biker pulls next to me unless in India where those honda bikers r good looking hunk. you are going to have busy month ahead, but don't forget us. Asha
  13. hey Elondie: your Tootie looks so adorable. I want to give you ton of hugs for being such a wonderful grandma. I want to b nice grandma like you. asha
  14. hey Jeannie: which perrinials you are planting. we have done daffodils & they r huge success. our tupils was disaster since it bloom for a day & deer came & ate them so learned my lesson. we love spring & wATCHING other ppl's garden gives equal pleasure. so bless your heart for such a joyful hobby. Asha
  15. HostAsha


    jan: your this blog is amazingly comforting. just knowing we all have God we can count on takes away immense pressure our chattering mind puts on life. Asha
  16. hey Sherri: your 3 hrs workout scares me, & I am not sure I would have been able to handle it so well you are handling it. have relaxed weekend b4 you start another heavy dty week again. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    Just Checking In

    hey Naomi: sich a wonderful post. I feel that all of us has that inner strength within us to get through difficult time in our life. Though when light within us is quivering having great family support & faith can get us by. For the first time in my life I am appreciating spring with awe, after harsh winter if flowers can still bloom, we can bloom too after adversity in life. Asha
  18. Sue: taking course is the best thing you would have done for yourself. It will make you very happy. this sue time is worth every penny. My husband says those college courses I took were our lifesaver. Though v just spent money & I don't know when I will ever use that. but we both believe knowledge is never wasted. I understand it's hard being caregiver. I worry constantly about my role as mom when I am trying to do some things for my son. I put immense pressure on him & myself thinking this is the right thing I am doing for him. i am rambling, maybe I should blog about my insecurities. Asha
  19. Jan: wonderful I needed this today. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    long time no blog

    hey Clark: after long time, thanks for updating. I remember how special Anna was to you & I m sure so was Hans. but now he is at better place. I never knew what my life would turn out to be and I am glad I don't know any future. all we can take is just our present. welcome back & do update us from time to time. Asha
  21. hey Gary: that's great news already getting speeding tickets in wheelchair. from the sounds of this post I already see light at the end of tunnel for Kyle. Asha
  22. Janine: It took me 3 years to start celebrating my stroke anniversary, first year wound is too raw. I am glad Larry is content and making best out of his situation. Janine now u r part of this group, and we don't firget people easily Asha
  23. hey Wes: some people are inconsiderate, don't allow them to rain on your parade. My husband took all of his department secretary out to lunch. Though giving personalized gifts would have been great idea. Next year I will do it for him. your tattoo is amazing. BTW do you also ride Harley Asha
  24. hey Elondie: I still remember mine playing on soccer field with dandelions. Now he is our main defense player go figure. can't wait to see pictures. Asha
  25. Janine: It was so great to hear from you. first year is the hardest & great milestone. I still remember your earlier posting & can feel you have come quite far in your journey too. no one likes lemons handed to them but you have made great lemonade out of it. I feel this site has been lifesaver for me, and it feels good to know that maybe in some minor ways I helped people coming on this site after me. hugs, Asha