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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Jan: so so true. life becomes more joyful & meaningful after pain in life that's for sure. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    ten years on

    Sue: lovely blog. life can not be lived in future for sure, it's defintely one day at a time. Asha
  3. we are praying for you Joy, get well soon. Jan you are amazing with words Asha
  4. Leah: I love reading your blogs, your kindness, honesty & positive attitude towards life make your blog very therupetic for us readers too. I can so much identify with your emotions. have a great vacation. can't wait to read your next blogreport. tata, adios Asha
  5. hi Jane: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging where we give and receive lot of support to each other. congrats on already publishing your book. life does go on after stroke just little differently, but it goes on. hope to learn more from you through your blog. Asha
  6. hey Gary: great news for PEI & for Kyle. you are making so much difference in people's lives by doing all the efforts. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    Clay Balls

    great blog Jan & very true. Asha
  8. hey Katrina: wow wow amazing, you look beautiful. I don't know which part to congratulate on you. you rock young lady & have made us all strokers proud. Asha
  9. sherri: could you please share where we can sign up for their future trials. I am sure they will find few of us low functioning one 2. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Still bouncing

    hey phil aka webby: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I love hearing stories from other stroke survivors about their recovery journey. It gives me hope and inspires me to do more for myself. I have always met you in chat, now i will get to know you more through your blogs. thanks for venturing into my therupetic blogworld. Asha
  11. hey Bart: I m so sorry to hear about your latest loss. we all wondered about you. just stay strong in this trying times. things will change,& you will come out of this better & stronger. Asha
  12. hey Sue: I am sending you big hugs & prayers on your way. I get amazed by all the caregivers for amount of work they have to do when other partner is disabled. I feel blessed that with whatever little I am able to do, that much less my husband has to do for us. My husband also has wife deafness though I make sure to ask many times to the point of nagging till he does it(hehehe) Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Hey, There!

    hey Wes: thanks for update, sounds like you are having blast with your new normal. we would love to see your tattoos. I could never imagine you having tattoos on your body. we also have wireless network for all of our computers, & I have my own laptop which I handle badly. kido's computer stays at one place while mine goes with me in all part of our house. Asha
  14. hey Ken: I have heard that too, you can confirm with your Physio. you have great attitude, and with that positive attitude your life will defintely change it to your liking. Asha
  15. hey Maria: wonderful blog, you know how I am trying to learn every bit of good trick from good parents. you are truly blessed to have great kids. Asha
  16. Sue: lovely blog. I sometime wonder if somebody is already down with biggest trial of their life why they still get more trials in their life. I guess for questions like these I just have to remind myself life does not come with gurantee & things can change at the moment's notice so appreciate whatever good is in your life now. I am happy for those dustbunnies they survived this time. Asha
  17. Jan: I am all set and ready for the plan. Asha
  18. hey Jeanniebean: what a great spiritual experience you all had. positive energy, thoughts do help. Asha
  19. thanks for interesting information gary Asha
  20. hey Ruth: I read both of your entries, and you have been through lot in past few months. I agree with Sue & Anne. I personally think there is no harm in placing Dick in hursing home, you wil be still his caregiver, you will be monitoring his care there rather than doing heavy duty. I wish you lot of luck, and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  21. hey Sherry: I should try implementing your swinging left arm with weight approach, atleast now it stays to the side of my body & not near my boob. you have come quite far in your recovery. Asha
  22. Jan: your plan is so wonderful. I couldn't laugh out loud that you are using me to distract people at the hospital by asking questions. you recruited right girl. questions I do best . you are very kinf hearted I am so happy you are our chathost Asha
  23. HostAsha

    My big adventure

    hey Doug: sounds like you are having fun in your scooter, cruising everywhere. going to target for shopping sounds fun, I am sure more you will do easier it will become. have fun & be safe Asha
  24. Sue: your writing is so pwerful that I can see you are having great time in your break. you should try to take more Sue time. Asha
  25. Hi Elondie: I am so happy that Tootie is ok and you are able to see blessings in this frightening experience. I am so excited for Tootie's first Tball game. we also will be having our first soccer game on April 18. I will be remembering you & Tootie that day. have a wonderful time with your Tootie. I also think they grow up too fast. savor every swing & moment. Asha