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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Jeannie: I am glad in this economy somebody is buying cars. I am sure spring & summer will be fun roaming in deep red car. Asha
  2. hey sktlwsk: lucky everything was fine with Sam. though I am firm believer in challenging one self in safe environment. Asha
  3. HostAsha


    ur test worked brice Asha
  4. Sue: thanks for letting us know we were wondering where were you. technology is great when everything works, though it sucks big time when it stops working. Asha
  5. Naomi: what a wonderful blog, wes is indeed very lucky to have you as his mother. reading your blog makes me realize pain of my mother. how my stroke affects her, and how I should b tolerant of her pain for me. I just want her to b proud of me. not everyone is great in expressing feelings like you, but I guess from your blogs I will get zist of her feelings. Asha
  6. hey Jan: your harley is so cute blends in well with all that snow. you are blessed to have such a wonderful friend who does things because it's right thing to do, such a nice guy. Asha
  7. Kim: Hang in there, just remember this shall pass too. how blessed you are that your son is doing great after such a horrific accident, & glad your dad & Jake both are doing good. you, your family & your dog will be in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Still Here

    Ken: I am happy you came back & updated us about your life. good to know your hydrotherapy in full force. tracing family tree sounds like big job & fun project. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    Are you Reliant?

    Jean: I was so happy to see your blog here on Strokenet & elsewhere. you are so right about setting goals, I realized from your blog how important those are such that I am able to live in present to my fullest & also not dwell on my past. can't tell you clearly, but thanks learnt wonderful lesson from your blog. I am so happy that you are still in wonderful place of acceptance where stroke does not rule your life. your Levi is so cute. lots of love Asha
  10. hey Jean: welcome to this wonderful support group. I felt all alone & scared till I found this support group. I used blogging on this site as my tool to get out of depression. I personally found blogging very therupetic. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side. but fast forward to 5 years, I am having blast in my new life, not to say I did not mourn loss of my old self. but I am proud of newme I rebuilt after my stroke. I am proud to be thriving survivor. Asha
  11. HostAsha


    hey Fred: such a wonderful story. I see pennies on the floor & remember IN God we trust Asha
  12. HostAsha


    hi Naomi: great blog I completely agree with your blog. as Donna says we all are life survivors & our attitude will define what kind of person we will become. I had never known I had such a great inner strength within me to get through my adversity in life. Now I know I am capable of handling anything that life will throw at me. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Time Out

    hey Wes: photos have come out great. It feels like we are besides you watching all riders go by, what a wonderful experience. you look great. Asha
  14. HostAsha

    Another Day!

    hey Naomi: secret is out Wes got that expressing himself from you. somebody once said to me we all are life survivors. you have raised your kids very well & I am sure you have done that by setting great example. I love to read your thoughts & blogs. you can choose to blog daily,weekly, monthly. but I do hope and pray you blog we are all here for you. Asha
  15. hey Gary: thanks for sharing Garrett's story with us. I know knowing Garrett's story to Kyle will make world of difference in his life. I know I was so looking forward to meet young survivors when I was in hospital who could tell me life will be great once again. I think Gary you have earned your wings. Asha
  16. hey cathy: you have to follow routine however tempting your bed must feel, get out of bed, do exercise, go out for a stroll. you can't let your depression win the situation. I am glad baby is alright & Rachel is doing fine. tel baby to hold off few more weeks & then she will be out in the real world. Asha
  17. hi Naomi: I am so happy you joined our blogworld, you have raised your children pretty well, & I m so excited to learn good parenting tips from you. 57 years of marriage wow. you need to share successful marriage tips too with me. you just made your circle of friends bigger now, it will now also include your cyber friends. Asha
  18. hey Jan: I am really sorry you are ging through rough patch right now. but just keep your head above water right now & be sure that tide will turn. life is tough sometimes but with faith on God, you will get thrugh this period too. I am sending you ton of virtual hugs & you are in my constant prayers. Asha
  19. hey Katrina: perfect GPA does not matter to employer. so please don't put too muxh pressure on yourself. do your best in studies & let God take care of rest. enjoy each & every day cause this time is going to go away too. you are in my constant thougts and prayers Asha
  20. Wes: I think you are differently abled than most of those so called normal people are. heck we all different. I find this site amazing, because sometimes when light within me is quivering I find that stength, light or inspiration from bloggers & great survivors like you, who shows how life should be lived & enjoyed. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Wake up Call

    hey Wes: please tell your mom to adopt me 2. your parents have raised you all so well. no wonder you are such a great husband, father & son, you had great example of your parents. I am so happy that you are sharing your life with us, I am oroud to be member of such elite group. able to see bike racing wow that's exciting. Asha
  22. jeannie: I am glad you are able to look back at the situation & able to laugh it on. lot of times situations are not disasterthey are plain inconviences but our mind make them look disaster to us & ruins the beauty of the moment. Asha
  23. Jan: what a eventful week you had with everything in it. good,bad, ok. that's how life is you get to experience everything. congratulations about Ryan. we are so happy you joined our blogworld. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Dog Wars!!

    hey sktlwsk: your dog wars brought smile to my face, it's so cute, read it to my son & he loved it too. Asha
  25. hey Wes: glad you stayed on your feet today & not on your butt. falling is part of growing up in stroke recovery journey. lucky you did not break any bones & only your pride was hurt. I enjoy reading your blogs & enjoy sense of humor of your whole family. sorry to hear about your friendthough he is at better place right now. Asha