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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Sue: I know you must be feeling really bad,sorry for yourself & Jackie & angry at world that nothing changed in their life easy for them to say you will be okay. but I think I deserved right to tell you this after all said & done this is situation you are in right now, you don't have to like it, but still have to work towards making best out of the situation. I guess making lemonade out of your lemons & enjoying it. Everybody in the world are fighting some kind of battles. this is your battle. just do best out of your situation. try to find 5 blessings every day. that helped me a lot in my initial years. Asha
  2. hey Sue: you nailed it. I guess we all are born with unique personality. I am fortunate that I am able to get out of my first few years of what ifs, and flow with life. what I found out after lot of nudging &loving support from hubby, that this is my life right now whether I like it or not like it, I have to make best out of my time here on earth, otherwise my timetime will be gone & I will miss my present moment by feeling sorry for yesterday & worrying about future. so I will just enjoy my present with my best of abilities. yes there are lot of frustrations along the way, but when I see result my well adjusted child, my amazing lovely marriage, it's all worth it, I am having blast. I am proud to be great mom & wife right now. I don't know whether I am making sense, but that is my philosophy(I think it works well with serenity prayer) Asha
  3. this is such a wonderful news. tell Sam to follow Lin's advice slowly build endurance & add it up. your boat & dog sounds wonderful & adorable Asha
  4. HostAsha

    What to Do??

    hey Wes: I loved your Hall mark card idea. I would buy your funny ones for my anniversary. you know how I view my stroke anniversary. I celebrate as my valentine's day. that day I realized power of my soulmate's love & I am thankful for getting this chance to show & appreciate my family that day. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    my engagement part 2

    hey MC: don't let their immaturity to understand your happiness ruin your parade. enjoy your engagement & bacholr party souns lot of fun Asha
  6. Kristen: as all strokes are different so are each of us, for me combining my stroke anniversary to valentine was the best thing I did for myself & my family. No longer I dread those three days where I lost child & suffered stroke. I just remember all the love I felt for my hubby & he felt same love for me. I realized that even in this so called bad experience I found something amazingly positive & I want to celebrate that love, commitment. & hey it's one more anniversary to get wonderful gift . I can recite lot of positive experiences came out of stroke, so I celebrate my second chance with best of my ability. Happy 4th Anniversary, you both have come quite far from those initial scary days. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    I did it!

    congratulations Donna, I m so proud of you. I know lot of 2 handed people like me do get stump in the installation projects like those. Asha
  8. Jan: well said my husband tells me there is no prize in reaching destination. jusy enjoy the journey,ride, process of life. In end all of us die & go back to God, so now just enjoy day as it comes along good or bad, sunny or cloudy. Asha
  9. hey Wes: I am sorry about your not able to get up from floor, those kind of disappointments are part of life but remember so much you can still do & keep trying till it becomes easier & another accomplishment under your belt Asha
  10. HostAsha

    I am engaged

    Awww Marie: even though I knew the story, reading it again brought tear of joy in my eyes. I know you must be so happy. you deserved all the happiness in the world. you have been waiting far too long for these things. I m so happy for you. I am sending you & Andre lot of hugs. Asha
  11. ey Jan: that was so lovely. I am so glad you had wonderful valentine day. while reading your blog I realized even with all your disability you have so much to offer to the world. I think your phone volunteering is great idea. you should pursue it. Asha
  12. HostAsha


    hey Wes: hiphip hooray for you. within6 months you rode bike updown street, within year you will go back to your next goal, keep on conquering all your goals. as long as we are above ground keep making plan & goals for your life & start achieving them Asha
  13. Jan: this is lovely, but I agree with what Donna says if we just follow those things. life will be beautiful. Asha
  14. Jan: I am so glad you wrote this blog with all heartaches & blessings blend in. I Personally didn't like your friend Debbie the way she was behaving one would think she is doing this job 24X7, but anyhow she is atleast willing to take you out. & your bay ride with Harley sounded beautiful. believe in miracles & soar Jan. Asha
  15. hey Elondie: your tootie looks so adorable in her cheerleading outfit. give her ton of hugs from her stroke aunties Asha
  16. hey Wes: your list is wonderful, I think I will use last one for my hubby & son for valentine's day. I had made sae list b4 & 22. everything is possible with one hand & positive attitude Asha
  17. Gary: that was quite moving video. My heart breaks for Kyle & his family. looking at this video I remember how I felt in my first year, I just want to tell Kyle after seeing my own recovery. "things will be different, & it will change" within few years. & being young Kyle has so much to look forward to. I just want to let them know life will be good again. Asha
  18. HostAsha


    hey Fred: you are great friend, lovely poem, thanks for sharing it with us. Asha
  19. hi silly bunny: your post reminded me of my initial posts when I constantly felt sad & questions why did I survive stroke to b in this position. now fastforward 5 years & I am very happy & content in my life. My life is filled with lot of things including stay at home mom,wife & student ( I keep on signing myself up for new subjects which prestroke did not have time to learn & ofcourse volunteering at redcross, my son's school & on this site. the best thing I did for myself is stick around this site check out blogs, live chat. this site is filled up with wonderful people, you will be proud to be friends with. Asha(39 yo survivor)
  20. HostAsha

    I've given in

    hey Kathy: being able to do what you can do without pushing too much is best strategy. It does not mean u r giving up, it's just adjusting to what you can handle. who you are trying to prove here. I think most of the times ego in our head is talking to us about all that. I am right now trying to watch my ego how I want to come across to other person as success or failure. I think it is going to control that ego part of my brain & it's going to b life;ong journey Asha
  21. hey Stu: that's amazing weightloss in 4 days, did u get magic weightloss pill or what, share your secret. I have been maintaining my weight. though I am never into loosing weight. if I m eating right, doing exercise then I don't care how much I weigh. Asha
  22. Sue: after my stroke I strongly believe bad thing can happen in anybody's life it does not matter whether you are poor,rich, have bad habits or have none. bad things can happen to everybody. you can only control your reaction to it, othr than that there is no control in life. Asha
  23. Jan: after going through so much It's amazing to see that you have not become bitter about life. Asha
  24. Sue: I for one loved this blog. I am glad you are not resisting your life the way it is right now & just flowing with life flow. My life is right now as a stay at home housewife and mom who has healthy spouse so as a team we are raising our son. I am enjoying what I have today. nobody knows what tomorrow will bring, I don't know what challenges lies around the corner but I acknowledge today is good & life goes on beautifully. Asha