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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Wes: I think for my first two years of my post stroke life I was stroke victim since I was still stuck in oldme. once I moved on with my life & made real good life for newme. I am no longer victim, I am the lucky survivor one. though day I sit on my pitypot wallowing my losses I can label myself as victim, but no more of those days baby Asha
  2. hey Susan: I used to feel lonely right after my stroke for first two years. now post 5 years my life is full again I make exercise as part of my job. doing 2 hours of exercises for me takes up half of my day & then I love reading & volunteering & ofcourse cooking, cleaning takes up my whole day. & if I still feel bore then I take courses in nearby community college it keeps me challeged & involved in my life. Asha
  3. hey Wes: even though you are not my brother, son or hubby I still love reading your blog. for me it's reading blog of my friend who is walking stroke recovery path I walked before, even though our successess are different. I still feel equally happy for your success. I know joy of those achievements otherwise we all take it granted. Asha
  4. hey Wes: you have great attitude. were you always this wise & funny. Asha
  5. Fred: I always enjoy your blogs they are really told from bottom of your heart. I for one enjoy & love spiritual talk. With first African American as our president I tell my son there are no excuse not to succeed in this land of opportunity. Saturday we watched gifted hands movie true story of black neurosurgeon who separated first siamese twins in world. It was such a inspiring tale. & you can see why this kid succeeded it was due to strong mom. you have been also raised very well by your parents. Asha
  6. hey Wes: I am glad you had a great birthday yesterday. your whole family has great sense of humor. more you do with your affected hand better it will get. keep on keeping on. Asha
  7. HostAsha


    Doug: I think your brother must have come to visit you when you had been out on your walk I think that's the simple reason for having his pen & atio chair moved. you do have wild imagination about your brother & do think worst of him. I really wish you go easy on your family relations. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Super Bowl 2009

    hey Donna: I hope & pray you feel better soon, try ginger mixed with lemon & honey. this season I had that & my cold was gone pretty fast than all previous season. all pictures are awesome including last picture looked like city is carrying 6 trophies in air, is that pittsburgh in night? I was rooting for pittsburgh because of you & was very happy that they won Asha
  9. hey Wes: Happy Birthday to you, & congratulations on your first week returning full time. I love your sense of humor actually sense of hurmor of your whole family. you will need therapy for your left hand too to give your boss middle finger. I hope your boss hasn't joined this site to see what are we writing about him Asha
  10. Allan: I seond what everybody said. but you don't realize you being here with us in chat, blogs have touched so many lives, have given hope, inspiration to so many people. I feel blessed to be able to know you as my friend. your advice is very sound one, take one day at a time & be grateful to what you still have. you are teaching valuable lessons to your grandkids. Asha
  11. hey Wes: I am so happy for you, going back to work fulltime is big milestone. do celebrate all these milestones. pretty soon you will discover old wes again with some quirks. Asha
  12. hi Jan: I enjoy your blogs and will disagree with Fred about not posting religious or political in your blog. I find most of your blogs very spiritual. I will keep you, Lindy,Allan, & everybody here on strokenet in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  13. Katrina: wow so many good things to look forward in your life. though I understand there is lot of hardwork & tears involved in it. but look how far you have come. keep up the positive attitude. fake it till you make it is my attitude. Asha
  14. Deb: I enjoy your writing style. you are writing what's in your heart. & from what I can see your heart is filled with ton of love for your wes & your family. your wes is pretty strong & loving man, you both are fortunate to have each other in your life. Asha
  15. HostAsha


    hey John: bring some of the florida weather back to us. I m happy that your shots are working better & you are moving great pain is no fun. Asha
  16. hey Wes: I knew it it wil get easier as you get your rhythm back. congratulations on your keft hand recovery. since you are able to clasp things I think you will be good candidate for constrained induced therapy. keep on picking up lot of things from left hand repetition is the key. I believe in horoscopes if it says soething I like and approve otherwise it has good entertainment value. Asha
  17. hey Wes: eventually you will get used to getting back to old rhythm. I am sure within a week you will get used to waking up early. I am so happy and wish you success in getting back to work full time. asha
  18. Jan: I watched last 5 minutes of superbowl & got lot out of it. I could not believe steelers were 20 to 23 & only 2 minutes to go. your analogy to us survivors is so true. faint hearted would have given up but not steelers & I was so excited for them & Donna. Maybe this year I will get terrible towel too. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    Screwing Up

    hey Wes: do talk with your doctor about your hellucination, I think it could be meds. becoming forgetful seems like stroke or age issue(hehehe) Asha
  20. wow Jan: you are quited gifted & compassionate writer. you made me feel good being at strokenetwork. you know sometimes I feel blessed to have stroke & encountered such a wonderful people. Asha
  21. HostAsha


    Jan: I enjoy reading your blog very much. always inspires me to soar Asha
  22. Jan: loved this story. I know some of the choices I made in past landed me where I m today, but I think without those choices my marriage would not have been this rock solid. so I don't regret it. Asha
  23. Jeannie: I am glad you joined us, great first blog. I too was in IT field. I was senior software engineer but my stroke retired me in 2004. since then I am lot of other things, i m stay at home mom, housewife,volunteer & community member. I found blogging very therupetic for me. I found reading & writing blogs huge help. though now I blog less often. asha
  24. HostAsha

    Toys and Such

    hey Wes: good luck with your going full time. I am sure within week you will be wide awake & waking deb up. I had to laugh on your fisher price gift card maybe nintendi wii will work out good for you. Asha
  25. Kathy: only advice I have for wise lady like you, is start being kind to yourself & start appreciating things you are able to do. things you are sweating that you did not finish r they that important?. pace yourself & do only thing which is utmost important to you. Asha