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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1.  kelli:


    feeling scared of unknowns is scary for every one, But you are fighter, survivor & you can get through this. I know its hard sometimes to love oneself the way we are, & believing we are enough. you are great person & anybody who chose to be friend or by your side, is one lucky person. believe that, because that's the truth. good luck with your surgery on tuesday will be thinking & praying for you.



  2. Sue :


    I am so happy you are acting on those choices available to you now. We should do  whatever we like to do till our health permits. who knows tomorrow enjoy your now, since as we all know only change is constant so enjoy every minute we have been given cause there are no guarantee in n life.



  3. Sue :


    I am so happy & excited you had great visit with Sarah in Hawaii one of the most beautiful & happy place on the earth. we had gone last year on cruise with my famly & had beautiful time up there. all island in hawaii has their own unique beauty & worth visiting. USA is so big & beautiful & every state has its own unique & charm. we in NJ have New York & philadelphia in one and half hour time.



  4. George :


    Thanks for updating us, I am glad MRI showed all is well in your world, thank god & all your travel plans are on again.Enjoy. I have noticed people in south are much nicer & less hurried, & ready to help out others in need., unlike here in north. every one is running late & trying to accomplish too many things in short time. So no time to think about others.



  5. Tracy :


    Thats great you guys had great chirstmas break. Its very sweet & thoughtful of your husband to get you all these gifts at our home we don't exchange any gifts always go & buy whenever we need something that way both of us are not attached to any material things, they all bring joy for short time. So I believe happines is a choice.



  6. George :


    I hope & pray it will be nothing, getting checked & get to the bottom of it is good idea.  please keep us updated. I get amazed by people who can travel in motor-home. I can never envision us doing those things. cabin camping is only thing we have done in past, & now with my disability I would like to have basic comforts in life lol.


    Enjoy each day given to us to fullest

