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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Wes: when I saw pessimist comments I was going to redirect you to our newest blogger on the block. as Kathy said in her blog our attitude is our paintbrush with that we color our lives, & we can decide which way we will coloe our life's canvas. I did enough of whyme crap that now I am happy doing why not me & making most out of my second chance. I hope & pray you choose right colors for your life's canvas. Asha
  2. cathy: your blog sounds so upbeat. my husband says same things about inactivity. so I keep myself busy learning new things in community college nearby. pretty soon spring & new baby wil b here & grandma will have less & less time. Asha
  3. Jan: you are so blessed to have such a great friend Lindy in your life for 43 years, and she is to have you in her life. your friend Lindy is in my thoughts and prayers. I feel so blessed and happy that you joined our blogworld to enrich our lives. love you Asha
  4. Sue: you are right to be angry about her comments but do give her benefit of doubt too. hope you feel better soon Asha
  5. HostAsha

    More to Come???

    hi Rick: welcome to wonderful therupetic world of blogging. I suffered stroke at age 34 & I spent my first 2 years feeling sorry for myself and being depressed. but luckily having young family at home helped me come to the acceptance part quicker. I am glad when I understood why mot me part & let go off my selfpity. life is wonderful once again with way I am. though I am still searching for other things in my life & blogging about those things help me a lot. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Sad news X 3

    vi: I am sorry to hear your 3 series of sad news in a row. as they say bad news comes 3 in a row so now you can relax. I am so sorry about deah of your nephew. no one has any control over birth & death. sooner or later we will reunite with our loved ones with creator. hugs Asha
  7. HostAsha

    A New Beginning

    Leah: I was so happy to read this post I know now 2009 onwards life will be full of fun & excitement for you. Just from your blogs I can see how far you have come in your recovery mentally & physically. I am so happy that you and Jerry talked & you are able to see his outing as positive thing in your relationship. I am sure you will thrive alone on your own. g;ad you were able to speak up & keep out & keep ms fix it all ar bay. looyking forward to your report on how u handled it all alone. cheers, Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Pseudo Seuss

    wes: wonderful poem. very true. deb knows your hands did not define you. you are still you that's the person she loved & married. nothing changed there. Asha
  9. Sue: my condolences for loosing of your best friend. though you were blessed to have her in your life for long time. I know when you are walking in dark tunnel you think it will never end. but I can tell you you will have better days ahead. we all have this urge to fight life's current & that resistance makes life difficult sometimes. my motto post stroke has been "whatever is happening in my life is for my own benefit, & this will change too". just flow with life. Asha
  10. hi Anne: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. as everyone said there is no quick fix to getting your old life back. my life changed at age 34, and after solid 2 years of grieving I have come to terms with new me. & to tell you the truth I like the newme better than oldme. agreed I had to reinvent my whole life. but 4 years post stroke today at age 38, I am happy with my life. everyday I am able to appreciate beauty of life surrounding me. Asha
  11. janine: wishing you & Larry happy, healthy & prosperous new year. I enjoy your blogs very much. you have come quite far from your deer in headlight blogs. It's so true things which don't kill us makes us stronger. Asha
  12. Wes: you have real wise mom. everybody has bad days once a while even size 2 models has one too. & these bad days make you appreciate your good days more. for me I felt age 34 suffering stroke my life sucked, nobody told us life wil be fair but its still good and worth fighting for. BTW when you are done using your pity pot please flush it. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    I hate school

    Katrina: I don't have any comforting words then to just tell you you have dream so go after it full force. nobody guranteed life will be easy or fair, just keep fighting good fight & you will come out as strong person. when I sit on my pity pot my hubby tells me " you are making your own sandwiches". focus on good things in life than wasting energy focusing on what is not working. every day waking up clothed in sane mind is big blessing Asha
  14. heyjetjaguar: happy belated New year to you too. I learnt important lesson in my stroke journey is forgivineness is gift you give to yourself & not others. I am happy that you are doing better every day. we are still young & have whole life infront of us. so make most of every day. Asha
  15. hey wes: feel like know lot more about you now. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    This Website

    Wes: I am so happy for you that you are enjoying these great site, which was started by steve Mallory who is brainstem stroke survivor & quadraplegic. for me this site saved me from doing something horrible to myself & hurting my family in return. I used blogging heavily in those times & call them my happy pills. I found huge support & underrstanding in my trial times on here. My hubby & son still question why do I spend so much time here. I find enough strength & courage on this site. my post stroke life is full & happy again, but it was hard & lonely road without this site in the begining. Asha Asha
  17. Bart: from the wondows open microsoft word document & start typing your blog entry in it, & periodically do ctrl-s for saving the file & save it, when you are done typing, copy that document by selecting words in the whole document & do ctrl-c(for copy) & then in this blog do ctrl-v(paste), you can do this operations from edit pull down menu too. anyhow you are not a burden. you are just different now. I believe that since you are still here your job here on earth is still not done & you still matter in this world. you matter to your family,friends. Asha
  18. wes: I was wondering the same thing why you want to go back to your old life anyways. life is still good so enjoy the ride soon it will change. Asha
  19. Bart: you are on right path. I might copy you and do same thing. I follow hindu principles do your duties best and rest will be taken care by God Asha
  20. Jan: I love your blog very much. you are so true. we have to love our body, ourselves. It has been a lot through with us over the years. your life has been really colorful. I am so happy you join our blogworld. blog by blog I am getting to know you are, and you are amazing & inspiration to lot of people on this site. Asha
  21. hey wes: I feel like I am crashing family party. though because of my stroke I am part of your family & friends. I hope Deb does not read your mom's mesage or she will find avenue to make big bucks out of your foot in mouth disease. I am sure yur bike ride will go on great, will love to hear all your truimphs cheers, Asha
  22. hi billy Jo: thanks for checking on us, your sense of humor is still intact. sorry to hear abt your heart attack. but you will do great since u r armored with great sense of humor. I hope you overcome your sadness coming to this site. I get joy & inspiration coming to my blogworld Asha
  23. wow Jan your recipes are wonderful Asha
  24. Sue: I enjoy your blogs. you know survivors thrive due to unbelievable angels caregivers. I hate to call my husband my caregiver but I know in the begining going through insurance driving me to dr. appts & making sure our son's care does not get jeopardized in the midst of my stroke saga, he must have felt overwhelmed but he never complained once, he never even came on this site to compare notes. his strong spirituality got us that hurdle of our life. he used to tell me when I will throw fit of crying & I didn't sign up for this. he used to tell me just keep faith & keep your head above water, together we will get through this. & I am happy to say that we survived that period & doing wonderful as a couple, as a parents as a family. he is my angel in disguise. that's why I had told you b4 also that when light within me was flickering, his inner strength held me up. & now my light is back so we are back to couple who fights get mad & enjoy life. I too pray that Sue stick with our site since I learn what I can do more to help my caregiver by reading her blogs Asha
  25. Bart: I read someplace when we live in past & future we miss our present & that will be such a waste of our present. past you can not change future you imagined may never happen, so just enjoy your present. you got this second chance at life, so make most out of it. Asha