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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. cathy: for me what has worked is try to find happiness in all things I can do which were undoable b4 stroke. & big thing having routine helped big time. by making routine for myself I look forward to even mundane work days too. I found out walking out in sun makes me very happy. I stroked on feb 8 & last year we declared that as our valentine day. so now I look forward to my stroke anniversary too. with your new grandson I am sure march month will become joyful again. Asha
  2. hey Wes: what you say about some people not able to handle disability is so true but I think in the bigger scheme of life it's their loss you are still you. in difficult times you realize who are your friends. I enjoy your blogs very much too. I had to laugh thinking your wife does not want her little bird fly . my hubby did not allow me for first 2 years & I made huge racket that I want to volunteer in my son's school & he made sure he will drive me to every event all around town. though it worked well. now that I drive around everywhere I miss those times with whole family for our son's activities. now I feel he is missing on our son growing up because of his work. Asha
  3. Kathy: can't picture you as Jack nicolson . I am thinking about Y but I have 2 many excuses first I don't like cold water, & all that hassle associate with it. so I will stick to my treadmill & b happy.(I am not going to compare my life to what others can do & I can't thingy any more ). If it's 40 & sunny then I still enjoy walk outdoors. but can't wait for spring. BTW thanks for great book list. I am right now still questioning what's my purpose & what am I. Asha
  4. Gary: such a wonderful news. I knew it, he can do it. tell Kyle now in this roller coaster ride, ride is going up though it will come with occasional whyme hicups but by staying involve in life it will become smooth ride. way to go Kyle. can't wait to read your finished piece. Asha
  5. Elondie: I think keeping her involved in all activities you are doing best for all of you. Again Tootie & you all are blessed to have each other in their life. can't wait to see her pictures. you better post it by sunday or latest by monday. Asha
  6. hi debbie: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. with spouses like you & my hubby, no wonder we survivors thrive in our recovery. Stroke affects whole family. It can either break the weak family or make it stronger & loving a strong marriage. For me my stroke showed me what I mean to my husband, till then I was unhappy thinking he is not expressive of his feelings & blah blahs. I know in my heart you guys together sre going to have lot more wonderful married years together. love Asha(38 yo survivor)
  7. HostAsha

    A Little Off

    Wes: someone told me once even size 2 models have off days. & how would you apppreciate good day if we don't get off day once a while. but you are recognizing this, so it will be easier as time goes on you will get better in dressing yourself & will get far few off days. I am 4 years post stroke & don't take any antidepression medicines. on my off days I count my blessings & get busy in life. Asha
  8. Bart: after stroke our cofidence in ourselves becomes very shaky & we feel worthles. when I feel that way. I just remember I survived my stroke for a reason & my purpose on earth is not done yet. I matter in this big universe. one famous line of It's wonderful life comes to mind. you never know how many lives you have touched in positive way during your life time. trust me my spouse never tells me he needs me or he loves me. but I know his way of showing love is different. he shows his love through actions. you are needed by lot of people including your young children. just try to do your best & god wil take care of rest. Asha
  9. HostAsha


    hey carey: wow you baked cake & icing to. I should try baking, never did prestroke so afraid to try post stroke too. I hope you had great birthday party with your family Asha
  10. hey Wes: your blog drew such a wonderful picture of content life. I love sandeigo. each day we can wake up healthy is huge blessing Asha
  11. Sherry: I am so happy to have you back. & what a comeback journey is this. I think all of us that inner strength within us to go through that journey. & I am happy that you came out of it as a strong woman. As Maria says come back often we are here for you, to listen to cheer, to awake our inner light too Asha
  12. Allan: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I am all excited about your computer repair business plan & since you have done it before you know what to expect. I wish we had repairshops like those here in US. here everything is disposable. Asha
  13. hi Wes: I was so happy to read your blog. you have right attitude. stroke recovery is basically reclaiming your life back piece by piece. I am glad you are able to work. I can't & I am rebuilding my life around my other job Asha
  14. hey Bart: hope you feel better soon & get a good sleep Asha
  15. Katrina: Happy New year to you too. you both look very good & happy together. Here wishing you all the best for your next term Asha
  16. Donna: sending you lots of virtual hugs dear lady. My crystal ball says you have given her solid foundation in her younger years. so trust on them & let all her teenage immaturity roll off you. & remember good or bad this will change too. you are in my prayers for your biopsy results. tell Kristi she is my ideal child so better not ruin her image in my mind by disobeying her parent. I know for sure even with all teenage melodrama you have wonderful daughter & she will do great for both of you. Asha
  17. Sue: I have one strong arm & with that I an giving you ton of hugs. I have seen my mother dealing with my father's dementia without any outside help. when my father died my mom for 2 years was behaving as if she was jetlegged the whole time, we had wondered whether she had gone senile that time. I agree with others by placing Ray in some kind of facility does not mean you are not his caregiver. you will still need to manage his care in the facillity. except instead of just one sue there will be more people helping out. Sue realize this you have taken care of him for 9+ years. There should not be any embarassment in admiting you need help from skilled nursing facility now. you need to take care of yourself or else both of you together will be in skilled nursing home. Asha
  18. Wes: your day sounds lovely & ofcourse you are in sandeigo with weather like that who won't be happy. Asha
  19. HostAsha


    hey Bart: I would love to walk with you. I love your positive attitude towards life Asha
  20. MC: I am glad their visit went well. for older generation it's hard to say love yous. my mom never says it but she shows us by her actions. I am sure your mom loves you very much just like you love your kids. I hope & pray relationship with your family now moves on positive direction only.
  21. HostAsha

    Who I Am

    Wesley: thanks for intro, now I can visualize who the person I am talking with. with great family support like that you will be able to reclaim most of your life back. I know I did except going back to work, but I have 11 year old son at home, & I get more pleasure in stay at home mom job. I am sure you will be riding bike soon. I am sure gathering my pompoms to cheerlead you. Asha
  22. Sue: I stil don't know what am I. on my down days I am half empty, & on better days I am half full. I like your sense of humor. I have to remind myself on my down days life is not fair but no one said it would be, have to play my hand with best of the ability. Asha
  23. HostAsha


    Ann: this list is wonderful. I am going to print it & keep it where I can read every day. thanks for great new year gift Asha
  24. Wesley: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I can see you had tough 2008 year. but I like to view it as it could have been worst. wishing you happy, healthy & Prosperous New year. I realized there is nothing extraordinary in any day. I will take it even if they are ordinary & if everybody in our family is healthy & not in hospital. I viewed my 2004 stroke year was the worst year. now things are improving for me every day. Asha g
  25. Leah: feel proud on yourself that you have come quite far in your recovery that Jerry is able to take that vacation alone without worrying about you. I pushed my hubby to go to his conference without us & it helped all of us. I realize I can handle our family alone, & I am sure it helped him to relax at the conference without us tagging along. I wish you happy, healthy & prosperous New year Asha