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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Bart: you have great attitude to go into new year, & I am staying in the sidelines such that I don't get hit by your cane, since you have it & you are not afraid to use it . I know you will do great with that attitude. wishing you Happy, Healthy & Prosperous new year. your attitude is contageious Asha
  2. Katrina: I agree with Donna. I know when you are young your life revolves around your friends but get it from me. friends come and go from your life, that does not mean your life ended. they all come in our life give us a pleasure & when they leave we learn valuable lessons in life and move on. I am glad you have another new friend in your life. take it easy & enjoy every moments in life with Jesse there are no oirdinary moments in life. congratulations on your GPA, your driving. life is worth living for. wishing you Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year Asha
  3. hi cathy: I never thought of depression like Kathy said but it does makes sense. & as each stroke differs, each deficits are different. with that said I think by taking medicines for depression does not make you less strong person infact it makes you wise person that you realized it & taking actions to overcome it. congrats on your first grand child. I hear grandchildren are more joy. wishing you Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year Asha
  4. Steve: you are being modest about everything being OK. from your blog I could see you had so many nonordinary moments in life & building longlasting memories of Sam by your side. I wish you Happy New year to you & your family. Asha
  5. Ken : wishing you also happy, Healthy & Prosperous New year Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Time flies

    Susan: I always look forward to your blogs. I am sorry that Jackie broke her leg but good thing is it's her affected leg so hopefully she will get PT for it & it will turn out to be good thing. again I remember my story good luck bad luck who knows. There are no accidents in life & have faith that everything is working out for best. I like your systematic planning of what it will require to bring Jackie home. Though remember this more Jackie will do it for herself. lesser things will be required at home. I used to dread changes in my complacent life but I found out if I am open to these changes then they are not that scary they are just different. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    2008 is ending

    Kathy: reading your blog made me realize I also worrying about what if hubby scenario in my mind all the time. But I think I have figured if we can weather stroke we are strong enough to weather whatever life throws at us. so just enjoy your today without any worry for future or expectation from today. Asha
  8. hey Bart: everybody gave you great advice. I feel lot of marriages break down causespouses can't handle stroke versus you are lucky your spouse is still there with you, though right now she is in nursing mode. but that can change show your appreciation of your love & need by telling her, instead of feeling rejected. I wish 100 times that my hubby would tell me he loves me or cuddles with me, everybody has different way of showing love & his way is through his actions. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    my parents' visit

    Marie: you can't control how others going to behave only how we are going to respond to situation. If they call & come then they will be welcomed back in your life or it's their loss. though I like Sue's answer Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Post Christmas

    hey Vi: fights are part of relationship. making up after a fight has it's own advantages. I am happy Greg is feeling better already. our whole family is recovering from cold right now. Asha
  11. hey Jan: your oilivia is so cute & u r such a wise loving mom mom Asha
  12. Hi : I will tell you what helped me immensely. My husband telling me it will get better & keep your head above water, this shall pass too. My husband constant mentioning he will be with me no matter what. though Initially I was on antidepression pills & that helped too. but for me personally finding this site & blogging on it was huge relief. On this site I found out I am not alone on this journey & there are so many far worse off than me. I used to count my blessings daily in the begining. slowly I realized I had never planned for this thing in my 30s but we adjusted our live on this road now. & we are happy once again. Asha
  13. Bart: try to do things in the house by being safe & not hurting yourself. kids will be kids I have seen very few compassionate kids & if they are teenagers then just forget it. maybe because I am woman sex is last thing in my mind. I always feel love could be expressed by just holding hands or kissing too. but that's just me. Asha
  14. tascha: I am glad you are able to join us back. have you looked at the volunteering around your neigbhourhood to keep you occupied & entertained. going to curves 3 times week sound like great idea. don't associate yur happiness with loosing weight. how about able to go to curves & being able to work out is big deal. lot of able bodis people don't have that kind of discipline. Also try going off AD pills slowly instead of just cutting off completly. I weaned myself off them. & I am doing great. when you feel blue write blog & start counting your blessings. I know that has helped me immensely. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Christmas is here!

    Fred: Merry Christmas to you & your family. you know world is full of good people and bad people. There are so many act of kindness people do during these season which gets overshadowed by bad news since that's what local news channel talks more. I like to focus on good things in life Asha
  16. Bart: such a great news. I bet you don't want ny other gifts this christmas day. Merry Christmas to you. Asha
  17. Stu: Merry Christmas to you too Stu from Chandra family. I wish you happy, healthy & prosperous New year. Asha
  18. Bart: sometimes it's sad that life altering event like stroke makes us realize how blessed & lucky we still are. Merry Christmas to you too and wonderful new year. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    My thoughts

    Jan: plain wow. I love your outlook on life. your faith is amazing. faith makes things possible not easy. your blog is perfect gift to us blogreaders when we look forward to new year. hugs, Asha
  20. hey Doug: wissh you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Asha
  21. Ann: luckily I saw Sue's post & chastised reply to the post to understand where you are coming from & what you are talking about. As we all know no two strokes are alike neither is caregiving alike. yes agreed in the begining months fighting the insurance company, advocating patients needs all these things are common for all caregivers. but as survivor doing more for himself or herself caregiving differs, & at that time I will take offense to someone calling my hubby my caregiver. please don't get me wrong. I aprreciate all the caregivers who chose to stay by their spouses in their hour of need. but I still think you can not call all the spouses caregivers. you, Sue, Sarah & Jean I can understand being caregivers. yes today my hubby does have to drive me on highways, but just for that fact he is not my caregiver. I make my own decisions. we are team together. I think stroknet is best place to give & receive support. I get so much out of Sue's blogs, I realize what more I can do to improve life of my hubby. I want to wish you Merry christmas & happy New year Asha
  22. Gary: thanks for the update. I get so excited to see Kyle's update. I am glad Kyle will be home for chistmas. such a wonderful present for whole family. having great family support is huge key in having great post stroke life. I wish you & all of your family & friends Merry Christmas & wonderful new year. Asha
  23. Sue: I learn so much from your blogs. I learn what I can do to reduce burden for my hubby by doing what I can do safely. I agree with all the ladies above you are amazing woman tower of strength not only for Ray but also for lot of us. I wish you Merry Christmas to your whole family & healthy. happy & peaceful new year. Asha
  24. hey kimmie: thanks for update. tell Jake's mom to hang in there during his colicky times. it will last only for 3 months. my son used to start crying from 7 in the evening to 3 in the morning. boy I was glad to go back to work after my maternity leave. but once that phase is over they are so adorable. I am glad you will be seeing them soon. wish you Merry Christmas & Happy New year Asha
  25. marie: I am so sorry to hear your disappointments. but I will try to take approach of what Kathy is suggesting to avoid future disappointmets due to our expectations & wishes. Have a wonderful time with your Andre. If family comes along to share it well & good otherwise have blessed hristmas with ur honey. Asha