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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    Amen to that thought Fred Asha
  2. Elondie: thanks, and we also all wish you very very Merry Christmas & Happy, Healthy & prosperous new year Asha
  3. Kathy: you amaze me with your do yourself beauty things. I laughed out loud with your eyebrow booboo. I am glad eyebrow pencils will do the trick. my half of the face it covered by my eyebrows so those I leave it to professionals. looks like we are going to have white christmas here too. have lot of fun in all the parties. your rum cake sounds delicious. I wish you can fedex me some. wishing you merry Christmas & Happy New year. Asha
  4. hey Bart: everything in life has a purpose. & lesson in it. I am glad you are finding profound lesson in your stroke. In my mind it is small price to realize how lucky you are in marrying your soulmate & surrounded by such a wonderful people in your life. I will be praying for you and your friend evelyn Asha
  5. Bart: somewhere I read this wonderful story and all of my experiences good & bad takes on great meaning. there is farmer living on a farm with his son. one day his horse runs away. neighbhour says oh such a bad luck your horse ran away. farmer said good luck bad luck who knows. after few days horse come back bringing 4-5 wild horses with him. all neigbhours says oh such a good luck. farmer replies good luck bad luck who knows. few days later farmer's son broke his leg while trying to tame the horse, again everybody says oh such a bad luck farmer replies good luck bad luck who knows. few days later there was war in town & military came to recruit all youngs, but could not recruit farmer's son because of his leg. again everybody says oh good luck, & farmer replies good luck bad luck who knows. point of the story is that everything has purpose. it's for us to make best use of it. Everything in a life is a lesson. & how we will view that incident in our life will make it good or bad experience. Asha
  6. Bart: you will be in my thoughts and prayers for your tomorow's heart surgery. may God guide surgeon's hands in successful surgery.having great family support is huge plus in your recovery. please come back & update us as quickly as possible Asha
  7. Ken: congratulations to both of you. I bet your son has gone after you in sportsmanship. wishing you very Merry christmas and Happy New year from chandra family Asha
  8. Bart: you are still here & not under the earth. so yes old Bart has died in stroke but new & improved Bart is ready to shine & reclaim his life back. even though we all have lost some of her physical abilities, there is still old you with in there who has courage to come out of this whole episode as a winner. Asha
  9. HostAsha


    Jan: as donna says hang in there. in our life we constantly like to make plans & God laughs on our plans. in times like these remember they shall pass too. I know advice is easy to give but hard to follow. I have been trying to follow my own advice this week. we are all here & hope to catch you in your future chats but even I am also not able to login to chatrooms. Asha Asha
  10. Fred: very eloquently written blog. as you know I follow different faith which is Hindu religion. & in my mind all religions in nutshell are teaching great things. I believe in all religions. though I am not very religious person but rather spiritual person. I actually enjoy all holidays. our son gets to celebrate all holidays including christmas. so Fred Merry Christmas & Happy New year to you too. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Time moves on....

    Donna: you have been busy in your family parties. I am praying for your left girl & I am confident you will start 2009 with great cheers and big bang. could you please keep us updared about your biopsy results. it's good that you will have great family support going for a test. I am sure we wil have our prayer chain going on for you here that day. Asha
  12. Bart: first year is hardest. both of you are getting used to this new curveball life has thrown at you. right now is the time to remember few things I told myself every day survived for a reason & not as punishment, 2. count your blessings every day 3. remember you have that inner strength within you to get through this period in your life 4. this is worst phase of your life & it can't go worse than this, so things has to improve 5. nothing stays same forever. change is law, better times are ahead 6. read biography of FDR, also another good book is I won't be broken by jerry white 7. make lemonade out of your lemons Asha
  13. Jan: your blog always inspires me to do more for myself. joining weightwatchers sounds like great idea. I am sure you will have great time socializing with every one & loosing weight with all of them. Asha
  14. hey Bart: your blog started to make me hungry. from your blog. looks like blogging is both mental & physical therapy for you. BTW it's better to type your blog in word document & save in it & then copy & paste from there to here. such that you don't loose it in cyber space if your power goes down or something wacky happens Asha
  15. Leah: I hate cold too. It can make you feel far worse off than things actually are. I am glad you are enjoying I will not be broken book by Jerry white. it's wonderful book. life is full of series of good days and bad days. trick is to remember all these days will pass too. Asha
  16. HostAsha


    Susan & Jackie: I can't believe I am telling you this. I know Jackie will hate me for this. but this is the time to get as much as therapy you could get from insurance company. trust me it's in insurance company's benefit to send you home as fast as they could whether you are safe there or not. but important thing now and next 6 months is to get as much therapy you could to get back most of it such thar you can still have decent quality of life at home. I know I hated my family & my therapist sister-in-law to make me stay more time in hospital. but lot of small goals were achieved in the rehab hospital & later achiieved as outpatient therapy. but thrapy you get as in-patient is hugely different than what you get as an outpatient. so again don't think of this move as negative but view it as positive move to get back good quality in your rest of the happy years to come. Since you read this to Jackie I want to tell her Jackie life will be wonderful once again I promise you, but you will need to fight for it. maybe this song might inspire you to fight for your & sue's life. I use it this song for my fight against my stroke Asha
  17. Marie: I am so happy for you I will be praying for you. hope all your family realize now Andre is here to stay & they need to support you in your decision. you are not teenager who parents don't want to get hurt. I will b waiting eagarly for all happy news. Asha
  18. Jan: first and foremost congrats on couple of things you showed that persistence is key to success. I know I give up to easy on things, but yu did not & God helps out people who are persistent. there is quote comes to mind by Ransy Pausch "there will be always brick wall in the life, brickwall is not there to stop you brickwall is there to show you how badly you want that thing, if you want bad enough, you will work hard to get there" second is fonts & colors worked for you, how did it work, did brice helped you. Asha
  19. Susan: these are all wonderful improvements. each stroke is different and everybody recovers differently. first year recovery come back in leaps and bounds after that it slows down though it never stops. able to move toe is great thing toes help big time for balance and walking. I am sure Jackie will be back home soon. she has reason in you to fight for her life. Asha
  20. HostAsha


    hey Vix: It is about time you updated us. I was thinking you forgot your old friends. I am happy for all your recovery. I hope you settle in well in new place. I am kinda done with moving. thoggh we have atleast stayed in same state just changed houses. hubby teases me you came to this country with 2 international suitcases & now need 2 16 feet truck to get me moved. hope to hear more about you soon. I am still doing great enjoying life, Asha
  21. Sue: I enjoy your blogs. your kindness always shines through your blogs. I think for me you are the level of selfless kindness I should strive for. I too love & enjoy people on this site. they all are bunch of great warriors. BTW use this respite time for purly"you time" trust me your todo list will be never empty so just take these days & refuel yourself for your caregiving days. I thank God that I am survivor & not a caregiver. I don't have that compassionate heart yet. Asha
  22. hello Mrs claus: Barry is making so many kids happy during christmas time. I am happy that you are going to be pampered by your parents when they visit you. I know my mom still treats me like her baby. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    a party

    Bart: please don't think of ourself as burden. everybody needs some change of scenary once in a while. your wife was able to leave alne that means she is confident that you can be left alone. take pride in that fact. Asha
  24. Jan: great blog. I have learned so much post stroke about myself & life in general that I really don't view my stroke as bad thing. I actually view it as blessing. I was sleepwalking through my life without being happy. & I know ppl view then that I must be happy inside. but post stroke I am not sleepwalking my life & I am really happy versus people think how could be she happy in that state. but swear to God I am happiest now & thankful for stroke. Asha
  25. Gary: you made my day. I started calling my hubby my socrates & now you will be my internet soc. my home soc told me today there is no higher purpose for anything. just do whatever you do in best of the way & don't worry about what & who will benefit. just do things for right reasons & don't worry about end results. that's exactly your blog showed me. bravo thanks for being on this network & showing beacon of hope to all newbies. BTW tell Kyle to start blog & what is his username Asha