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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Sue: your blog made ne cry & wish for loving daugter like you in my own family. you are indeed your mom's daugter. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Im Sorry

    Katrina: there is study out today that happiness is contageious. that's why it is important to surround yourself by happy people. I also feel writing happy & sad thoughts both helps immensely on your own mood. I know in my blogging days I always concentrated on positives in my life. I think happiness is a choice. you survived for a reason. & no outside circumstances can ever make you happy because all of those are out of your control. try to find happiness with in you. also try blogging only happy events in your blog for sometimes. see if that helps. sorry for being preachy. but I believe by writing those problems you are allowing it to rule your life. Asha
  3. Bart: I am glad you are realizing you got second chance at your life. I read it somewhere "my stroke gave me 2 incarnation in one life". & I feel we all have our old self within us. now got opportunity to hone good qualities in new you. for matter of fact I am proud of my newself. Asha
  4. Bart: one of the good thing is that you are aware that you are hurting the people who love you the most that means you can work on correcting that behaviour. Sometimes I also take out my frustrations on people I love the most but then accepting that & telling them how sorry you are will defintely lessen the load. Asha
  5. Kristen: your list quite extensive & I haven't seen all of your favorites. but one of my favorite is It's wonderful life & I like to watch it all year long. This movie comes with such a great message of hope & love. I tear up even thinking about it. Asha
  6. Bart: I know you are in pain right now, and when you are in pain, it's hard to imagine this is not going to be forever. things going to change soon for better have faith in that. I too wished I did not survive the stroke. but I am here today to tell you I am happy that I survived & here to make a difference in lot of people's lives. & my making difference is begining with my own family, my community & my world. just hang in there. remember things will not be same as today. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    theme chats

    Marie: I was thinking about your question & I felt the way it could benefit theme chat is by people posting their views & then there is comment time based on host for that view point & then v move from there. that's my 2 cents worth I guess you need to try & see what will work Asha
  8. Jan : I am presuming you are in all these pitures they are cute. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    It was Easy

    Pete: yu are funny. I am sure you will be fine since you are able to find humor in the situation which could get some ppl down Asha
  10. Jan: I am so excited you join our blog world I am sure your blogs will be big chunk of my happy pill. I am so glad Donna helped you out in setting up blog. welcome aboard, looking forward to your chat too & get to know you better. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    It Is Okay

    hey Pete: I never thought that way about my fears. Only thing I tell to myself whatever will happen in my life, after stroke I think I have strength within me to get through it. Asha
  12. Sue: isn't it amazing when life throws us curveball we all get courage to get that inner strength to face all the fears. someone once told me you have that inner strength within you to get through all the hurdles in life. I guess what does not kill us makes us stronger. since my stroke I realized we all human have that light or inner strength within us. though in hour of need we need gentle reminder not to ever give up. life is worth fighting for, & does not come with any gurantee. Asha g
  13. hey wilson: sorry I missed your first entry. so here welcome to my wonderful world of blogging. I am officially blog junkie I read, writ eat & sleep on blogs. I call them my happy pills. behind each blog I find amazing story story of perservence. looking forward to read your humorous stories Asha
  14. hey Pete: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. you have weird & great sense of humor. fortuntely I went & read your first post so now I understand you better though if I don't understand something it is easy to blame it on my stroke though my son & hubby won't allow me to use that as my excuse. I personally think sense of humor is a must requirement to be able to handle stroke. Asha
  15. Kathy: cross my heart. I love reading your blogs.your movie souds awesome already put hold in library & will get book to read too. I can't bake at all & scared of it too. wish you wonderful holidays ahead. Asha
  16. Bart: You got right attitude to get out of this stroke journey unharmed. you are indeed lucky to have great wife and still lot to be thankful for. I hope they found cause for your strokes. Asha
  17. HostAsha


    Sue: great list. we are all thankful that you joined our site and I got to know you & know jackie through you. Asha
  18. Leah: Happy thanksgiving. I am glad you found your positive attitude back. whenever you feel bad remember you need to choose here whether to be happy or down. so choice is all yours. hope you have great thanksgiving & don't worry about eating you ar not eating that kind every day. Asha
  19. Sue: amazing blog, you made me stop & look around for my blessings & not get stuck by looking down at mud on my feet. can't wait to meet you in chat soon. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Second Guessing

    Sue: I am glad my comment helped you. one more thing as a caregiver or partner even your life has changed due to stroke but remember this, nothing is permanant & try to take one day at a time. someone once told me caregiving is not for sissies & it's so true cause as a caregiver you have to go out of your comfortzone most of the times & get things acconplished. In my mind all the life partners who stayed with us survivors are angels in disguise. I like one more saying "life is not fair" so we all have to deal with what we got with best of our ability. Asha
  21. Katrina: I was so happy to see this blog listen to your cyber aunties they all have great advice & ton of wisdom not only by going to colllege but by living the life. trust me your grades or your school does not define you succesful or failure. It's all you. you have choice here. make a right choice. love Asha
  22. Susan: don't punish yourself by second guessing your decision. she survived stroke for a reason. there are so many people who don't survive the stroke. but she did & what you did was right. you showed her strength & light in you, when light within her was wavering. you both have to fight hard for quality of life. as time goes on Jackie will be doing more for herself & you will all get used to new normal. I view my stroke as excellent blessing in my life at the right time. ok my life is different now but still very pleasurable. Asha
  23. hey stu: finally you listened to me blogging is therupetic indeed. I think having structure in life does give meaning to life. for me right now not starting computer without my exercises is my structure. & can you believe I look forward to finishing them such that I can go online Asha
  24. HostAsha

    back soon

    Sue: if you are planning to write long blog maybe it's good idea to write in word document and then cut & paste from there such that you don't loose them. I will keep my eyes & fingers cross for your computer troubles to sort it out. we miss you around here. your outing with Tori sounds so lovely & peaceful. I like Kathy's idea of learning to enjoy the process in our life's journey. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    The great flood

    hey Doug: I am glad you both are back from your exile & settling into your old routine. perfect gift for thanksgiving. Asha