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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Jean: we miss you around here. I ususally check Levi's blog to see how is life for you both. I am so happy that Levi is there in life to give you joy in life. I pray that everything work out in your favor. I pray federal goverment rescues car manufactures too. please pop in from time to time. we miss & worry about you both. Asha
  2. Fred: you have led quite iunteresting life. by looking back at your life I can imagine we all go through bumps in our life, but if we keep positive attitude & God in our heart. life is wonderful blessing. Asha
  3. hey Katrina: you are too hard on yourself. just do your best & finish your education. trust me in any job you won't use knowledge of 1 or 2 courses and rest you will learn on the job. you just need t be in a field where rate of return is higher. I did my engineering not because I was good in it. I did it because I just wanted to be engineer like my brother. luckily it paid well too. don't plan out so much in future. just take a day at a time. when will you learn you survived for a reason & this is situation you are left in today. so make best out of your lemonade. no point in crying why me. look at positives in your life. look at every day what you can do. I pray tomorrow is better day for you. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    I hate school

    Katrina: first and foremost drop things which are nonessential like part of 5 clubs & doing too many things. again I agree with kathy you are going into college to LEARN it does not matter with you have 4.0GPA. as long as you are doing your best and learning. don't beat yourself with what others will think. trust me nobody thinks about others. everybody is so busy in themselves. nobody cares about others. I learnt this hard way. life will still go on whether you get 4.0 GPA or 3.8 GPA. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    The "P" Word

    hey Susan: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. don't listen to P word. recovery continues on as long as we are alive. as long asJackie is alive & you both are there for each other. recovery won't stop. you both will adapt to new situation. I know it's hard to take "one day at a time"BS while in midst of it. but just remember things will not be same as today they bound to improve. life is rollercoaser ride there are ups & downs in it. hang in there during your down ride for coming up ride. I know this cause I am living proof. life is wonderful post stroke too. Asha
  6. Janine: wow you finally came in to say hello. I like it when people do that. Its important for newbies to realize things do settle down and won't be that crazy for rest of their life. I am saddened to see Larry making that choice but it's his life & surviving stroke is not for sissies. I am gkad that cecila worked out for you so good. pop in whenever you have time to say hi. we al love you Asha
  7. Leah: I agree with others don't overload with too much stuff to do in one day space it out duringthe whole week & if something doesn't work the way it should be then oh well is world going to stop because of it. For me few things worked. I take baby steps and wonder how far I have come. to become thriving survivors you need to take few steps written beautifully in I won't be broken book by Jerry white 1. accept the facts- some things you can do & some you can't but does it mean you are less of Leah because of it 2. choose life - you can't shun yourself out due to your disabilty again you are still you. 3. reach out - get involve in support group, try volunteering for people in need 4. - learn something new for me taking all these steps have helped me get out of my funk mood. Asha
  8. hey bart: you need to do it for yourself. yes you can feel sorry for yourself today but then get up & start marching you can't let stroke win over you. trust me keep fighting. life is worth fighting for. I know it firsthand. trust me there is wonderful life post stroke. it's our choice and our attitude towards adversity defines the person. Asha
  9. hey Bart: welcome to my wonderful world of blogging. I found blogging for me hugely therupetic. so I encourage you to use it almost every day. you will realize by looking back on your blog that how far you have come. I know in the begining things are frustrating but as you keep at it. it becomes easier and easier. we would like to know more about you. lot of us in the begining did 100 things about me blog such that people know you more and also if possible tell us more about yourself I for one dont frequent message board that often. I meet lot of people in my blogworld. Asha(39 year old survivor)
  10. hey congratulations on your anniversary. pretty cool moved into new apartment & all good stuff happy for you both. working at NASA in itself proves you are way smarter than normal crowd. Asha
  11. Kathy: doing courses are great idea. I started my recovery journey by taking water color classes though I did not enjoy them. but then I discovered I enjoy learning new subjects like accounting,real estate, financial investments. you see where I am going once a nerd always a nerd. my hubby calls this courses my happy pill. he says he will pay for this courses then pay for antidepression pills who does not resolve the underneath problem.
  12. hey Sue: you are strong woman. I would have quit long time back. life is tough sometimes but you are in my thoughts and prayers to get through this difficult days quickly & get all your respite break to be able to take care love of your life. Asha
  13. cathy: I read your blog and all the comments again & one more thing comes to mind which I want to share with you. I know which has helped me during my recovery to stay course on my acceptance journey. we all need to learn to love ourselves one more time post stroke there is this book I loved it I won't be broken by Jerry white & try implementing those 5 steps in your life. & you will see life will b much better. Asha
  14. Katrina: I will pray for your strength but I know you have that strength with in you to excel in everything you put mind too. I sometime envy you that because of your young age you still have potential to shape up your life and become whatever you want. have you read miracles happens by quadraplegic girl who did bachelors in harvard university. she is paralysed neck down & bstill finished her phd I think her name is brooke ellison quite inspiring tale. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    my life lately

    hey grandmother congratulations. we all can't wait to see pictures. it's so great that tiffany was on top of the baby's movements. avoided major disaster. very happy for all of u. kids r so much joy specially the first 1s. love Asha
  16. Viv: you are amazing. reading your blog renewed my spirit to do better for myself and enjoy myself more appreciate little things I can still do. I am thankful that you blogged. Asha
  17. Elondie: congratulation for Tootie's 5th anniversary. you all are very fortunate to have each other in their life. what you said is so true unless you experience valley you will never appreciate mountaintop. thanks for sharing with us. this kind of blogs makes you think. Asha
  18. Sue: you wil be in trouble after maria finalysed group rates e all are coming to your beautiful wprld. I have another added incentive my niece studies in melburn. Asha
  19. hey JJ: thanks for updating us about your life & very happy for all your improvements. I feel all teenagers & kids never feel any temp, maybe those neurons are still developing in them? Asha
  20. Stu: you blog so infrequent that I have to wonder whether you are new blogger or what. I love my blogworld. I call it my happy pill cause it allows me to see there is life post stroke and yes sometimes it feels like struggle but it's still great. I realize reading all the blogs hey I still got so much to be thankful for. For me this site and blogs saved me in my initial years and will be forever grateful for that. Asha
  21. Ann: I am so sorry to hear loss of your wonderful S-IL. my condoleces to your whole family in this difficult time. Asha
  22. Marie: I am sorry I missed your first chat, but I was sure with that great caring and winning personality you will do great, and you did. I can't wait for next sunday to join your chat. I like Maria's idea about themes. though I think you will have to advertise on board for long time and make sure you have atleast one expert in chatroom answering those concerns. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    I hate it!!!!

    Bill: I am sorry that it didn't work out. but I agree with Donna & sue. & I am sure there is someone special out there for you and like Maria I am all interested in finding out romance scoop. Asha
  24. Sue: I missed your blogs around here but you made up for it by having great time on your cvacation albeit with some difficulties, but nonethless created great memories for all of you. I will looking forward to your trip report on meeting with babz. Asha
  25. HostAsha

    I Fell Again

    hey Katrina: you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you feel better with all your problems including knee,balance & grades. As far as grades are concerned do your best and don't sweat over small things. you know in larger scheme of life 4.0 or 3.5 does not matter. I am sure for colonoscopy prep will b the worst part of the actual test. Asha