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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    What's next?

    Janice: quite philosophical, things I wonder too. I love what Donna says you survived for a reason and not as punishment. noone knows tomorrow & its better that way, otherwise in the fear of tomorrow we will ruin our great present, which is our gift for today. when I am struggling with what's the grand purpose about my life then I just think. I have duties to fill as mother, wife,daughter,sister, friend. as long as I did them to best of my abilities. I won't worry about other things and just enjoy my life. Asha
  2. Kristen: way to go Patrick. so happy for you both. I know for me once hubby allowed me to drive local only, even going to library was happy event. I was like teenager again always begging him to allow me to drive. just able to drive local opened up ton of possobilities for me. I even started taking courses in nearby community college & volunteering at red cross. you both passed this huge hurdle now I am sure it's going to be smooth ride from here on. I can't wait for you 101th blog about your show & great birthday event. Asha
  3. hey Elondie: yor daughter is keeping Tootie's calender quite full. your daugter is great mom, It's good idea to introduce kids to lot of activities, and something somewhere will click and Tootie will find out what she enjoys the most. Asha
  4. Hey Kristen: sounds like great book, thanks for suggesting, I am going to put hold on it in library Asha
  5. hey Janice: great start. when I started I could only write 25 things I learnt post stroke about me, and I have PM you my list. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    I have a need

    hey Janice don't be hard on yourself. I feel blogging is hugely therupetic. if you don't think you have anything to blog, maybe you can write things you learnt post stroke about you blog, we did that series, but I guess by that time you were becoming inactive in here. Asha
  7. hey Ann: Happy Anniversary, & wow cooking in the middle of night. I am sure you will have to be careful around Bill for little while, till you are sure that he does turn off gas & is safe doing things in kitchen. Asha
  8. hey Sue: I am planning to use "keepa dancing Maria phrase now to hide my blunders of parenting. Asha
  9. hey Kyle: those AFO were better than UFO. they do help you walk but I believe along with that help your determination to reclaim your life back will come in very handy. trust me there is great life POST stroke albeit different. but as long as you have will you can still have very wonderful life. I am at 38 going & taking college classes not for degree but to learn & prove it to myself. I can be what my mind sets me to be. you go Kyle. Asha
  10. Gary: Congratulations. I am speechless with all your achievements Asha
  11. Kristen: wow what a beautiful and special present for equally beautiful & special lady like you, ofcourse you need new shoes, new dress, and new pants everything. I am sure you both are going to have great date & time that day. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    100 things about me

    maybe you should republish your old blog entry Janice I was also thinking about it again Asha
  13. HostAsha

    How old do I feel inside?

    Hey Janice: I believe age is just a number & by keeping active lifestyle you can still be young. for your memory problem, have you tried using calender or organizer. Asha
  14. HostAsha

    New AFO

    hey Ken: I am sure you will get used to new AFO in time and will do great in walking. BTW keep at trademill therapy. I found it made huge difference in my walking. I am able to walk faster now. Asha
  15. hey Janine: Glad to hear you are being busy & taking care of things. So now you are joining our membership of been there, done that, nothing to be afraid of league. Hope you offered this strokenet site as a reference toyour friend. Post stroke I never thought I will be helping anybody else out, my own pain was so much bigger to look at anybody else's pain. Asha
  16. Sue: I am so happy that your trip went so well & you are planning to give a shot of one day at a time motto. I hope this doesn't offend you, it's just viewpoint of lowly survivor. I always felt reading your blogs for past 3 years that you are worrier by nature about future and everything, and by doing that you are not apreciating your present. My hubby says by thinking about all that we plan better & prepared for everything. I always had that character flow I never used to plan anything & then we will be rushing or hubby will take care. now post stroke I changed a little bit & I plan but then I fret over things & don't enjoy the process, I am still trying to find happy medium for me. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    overdue update

    Rich: thanks for the update. I was wondering about you too. Moving NJ near ocean sounds like my dream which came true for you. Though eventually I am going to convince hubby to buy house or condo from where you can feel the ocean breeze & see the ocean. where in NJ you bought this house? Asha
  18. HostAsha


    hey Kristen: welcome to this wonderful world of blogging. I find blogging hugely therupetic for readers as well as for writers. while reading other's blogs I realize I am not alone in this journey & I don't feel I have been singled out for this horrific post stroke journey. & as a writer I feel immense pleasure in reliving best moments of my life & not discard them or take them for granted. I hope you stick around on these site & stick with blogging, it will help you as well as others. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    thank you

    hey Mari e: thanks for reconsidering. not every blog will touch people but you will be surprised to see power of your writing that touched someone on this site. I think best part of this strokenet support site is that it has help so many lonely survivors whose world changed for them in an instant. Asha
  20. Gary: great news with Kyle. I get amazed by your determination to gather support for stroke unit in province. have you talked with Steve he might have good ideas about how to go about with politicians. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    my last entry

    Marie: I really hope & pray you change your mind. as you see from other's comments, you never know whose life you are touching with your blogs. your blogs always gave me confirmation that yes I am on right track in living my day to day life. As you can see from my blogs I write nothing but about my family and it has helped me immensely accepting & embracing newme. I feel by these blogs you are giving hope to so many newbies who are still in the begining of their journey. you are providing them hope and tools to embrace reality. I really hope you don't quit blogging. Asha
  22. Sue: I have seen your blogs for past 3 years on this site, and think I know you by now. I am sure after this venting and whyme stage you will still find ways to workaround the problem and still have meaningful life with Ray involved in it. As we all understand life is not easy on day to day basis, but we still manage to have breeze of happiness in them, and that makes life all worthwhile. but till that breeze comes back in your life again, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  23. HostAsha

    good news

    hey Nancy: Glad you got answers & relief for your pain. I think personally you are on the road of acceptance which is very serene place to be in. spreading knowledge about this site will be one of the very good deeds you will be doing. I know I felt much better after meeting people on this site. Asha
  24. congratulations Sherri I know you will do great since you worked very hard to get there. Asha
  25. hey Elondie: I was wondering about you & Tootie then thought maybe you are taking sumer break. now that school started all activities for Tootie also starting. I am sure all these activities will help Tootie gain her physical independence. Asha