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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Kelli :


    I am so glad & relieved you are ok. you need to relax & let go of feeling of resentment of your ex going on cruise with his girlfriend. he is your ex for a reason & allowed to have happiness in his life again like you do. I know it is sometimes hard to detach ourselves from people we loved once. but time to forgive & forget & move on remembering best is yet to come



  2. Fred :


    can't believe year is almost coming to end & Christmas is already here. stores have started playing beautiful Christmas songs which makes you feel happy & go shopping. I guess we both stroked around same time, soon it will be 13 years for me too. I find my life more meaningful & beautiful post stroke. I guess life is great when u r not in pain. being young survivor has its own pros and cons.



  3. Hi Fred :


    Happy Holidays & enjoy your football games & thankgiving holidays, will be keeping you & your wife in my thoughts & prayers. I never enjoy shopiing I go & buy things when I need something or see some good deals, but never like to rush for shopping cause its bargain, never enjoyed that thing even pre stroke. Sometime I feel like guy since idea of my fun is spendng time & playing with family.



  4. Tracy :


    I am so sorry for your loss, but happy that you all have surrounded your aunt & have given her support in her time of need. I am glad you made it to gravesite with help o friends & family, who cares if it wasn't pretty or easy, but great thing to see it got accomplished. usually people are so much helpful than we think in our head. I believe in accomplishing job & it does not matter  how it gets ccomplished



  5. jay :


    for me I never counted months though each year passing brought lot of joys though once I started my stroke anniversary as my valentine day I look forward to it & make it very special day which holds lot more meaning to both of us now. if my stroke date is my rebirth then hubby will b in lot of trouble now since I will be turning thirteen so will be teenager now lol. post stroke every day counts, u do whatever works for you.



  6. Sue :


    I am so happy reading this blog & happy for your retirement. you have found something which gives you contentment in life after going through all losses. what does not kill us does makes us stronger & I m so glad for my stroke that I was able to meet great set of people who otherwise would have never had chance to meet them. I am happy you are still sticking around as blog moderator your blogs & comments makes huge difference in blogreaders lives. I wish you all the fun & contentment in whatever you choose to do in your life & in your retirement.




  7. Tracy :


    don't worry about it. you have ordered it & its going to get delivered.don't get attached to things it brigs in disappointments. just go with flow in life. When we tightly try to hold  things or control it creates unnecessary anxiety in life. Thats the biggest lesson I learnt. after stroke. ifcourse from time to time I forget that golden teaching but now I can always recenter myself whenever I slip into old habits

